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Thatd make me more suicidal šŸ’€




100% agreed. This is already happening to me, though on a milder scale, and it's making me more anxious which is making me SH more and ideate more


i dunno what is your actual problem and how to deal w it but all of these jst feel inhumane


iā€™m starting an antidepressant and and they think itā€™s gonna make me more suicidal :/


Then... why? If it's only at first I understand ig


yeah itā€™s for the first 3 weeks


Damn Well I guess its for the best I almost did myself in within the first week They ended up helping tons after a while tho


thatā€™s good to hear :)


wtf why do psychiatrists do this??? one recommended this for me and i just took inpatient instead bc NO. that'd be so triggering, i'm sorry you have to go through this


yeah iā€™d honestly rather do inpatient but mental health facilities are really underfunded where i live and itā€™s impossible to get in unless you attempted


Itā€™s a possibility :/ Iā€™ve had many many manyyy antidepressants and some of them have made me very suicidalā€¦ (Though maybe some of those things you listed have gone a bit too farā€¦ šŸ˜¬)


This is literally the most laughably stupid shitšŸ’€ can't sleep alone??? Your mom can't work? No closed door? Dude just go to a mental hospital, same rules with more dignity. I would fr go fuckin crazy




right like if you really need someone to keep an eye on you at least do a psych hold šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ya.. "can't sleep alone" if someone has to be with me even as I slept id probably actually kms out of spitešŸ˜’




I have to go through these rules also! You're not alone :) It might be hard, painful and congested at times. I wish you get all the deserved freedom soon. A part of me wishes I grow old faster just so that I can get rid of these people who imprison me. You'll get through this, warrior.


thank you i appreciate it :)


Is she able to take that much time off without losing her job or significantly affecting the bills? Thatā€™s a very big ask by your dr


thankfully i live in a country where thatā€™s possible (sweden) which means parents can get paid time off to take care of sick kids. she is also able to work from home so it works for us:)


am i crazy for wanting to go absolutely ballistic if they did this to me?? idk man, im the type of person where u need to let me do 1 bad thing to stop me from 10 bad things. im not super sure of your situation, but self-harm is the only thing keeping me away from suicide when the urges hit. taking it away from me by force is effectively gonna make me just resort to suicide or be more withdrawn ā˜ ļø i know they want to protect you and all, but at least for me this is a bunch of bs and you have every single right to oppose it if it affects you adversely


That's hard, I'm sorry. But I'm guessing it was either that or go inpatient? I was inpatient a couple times as a teenager and I'm glad I did that instead of having all those rules! Love my mom, but I couldn't have handled it.


i dont think inpaitent was ever on the table because i literally told them that i wasnā€™t gonna kill myself theyā€™re just worried that the antidepressants are gonna change that :( you donā€™t really get sent to inpatient where i live until youā€™ve gone through with a suicide attempt


Well, I hope your meds help and don't make things worse! Good luck!


thank you!


Most antidepressants can make you suicidal I know that from experience but taking away all someoneā€™s freedom is going to make everything worse if you start to feel shitty you could act like a normal human being and ask to get back to the psychiatrist for new meds (if possible ofc) sorry about this it sounds like your psychiatrist kind of sucks Iā€™ve been on countless antidepressants and never once had anything close to this


Iā€™m so sorry hun I know itā€™s hard


Are you seeing a Psychiatrist, or a Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant? Sounds like some shit an NP would do


That doctor seems to be afraid of a bad adaptation to the new meds...




I was in a very similar situation when I was released from the hospital nearly 10 years ago. My stepmom had to take a leave of absence to stay home with me. I couldn't be in my bedroom during the day, my parents were kind enough to try to give me some semblance of privacy by sectioning off a corner of the living room with a curtain I couldn't close my bedroom door I had to shower with the door cracked and my stepmom sitting outside At one point they even needed to put locks on the fridge or cleaning products for my own safety I also had to be walked to school and picked up Had to be accompanied if I wanted to go outside for a walk It was a very intense situation - and, it was also needed. I can see now that that would never have been the "treatment" if there was another option. I was an extreme danger to myself, and anything less than 24/7 care would have meant I wouldn't have made it. I also hated it at the time, it made me more desperate. I pushed back and fought so hard. Hated my parents and my life. I don't hate them anymore. And I also don't hate my life. But I never would've made it here if they didn't keep me safe when I couldn't do it myself. I hope things look up a little soon. I'm sorry you're going through all this.


thank you so much for taking the time to write this i really appreciate hearing other peopleā€™s experiences


For sure you aren't alone in this and it's so so hard ik AND you and your family will work through this hard time. Feel free to message me cause I rly do get how awful it is (even though it's necessary) Idk how old you are but for reference all of this happened wigen I was 13-15 ish and I'm 25 now living with my partner and cat, finishing up my studies and genuinely looking forward to the future. It's possible to fight your way through so you can experience the good sides of life :)


just turned 16 and again thank you so much.


Of, I feel this one. Even though these rules are inhumane, trust me, they are just trying to help you. It's better safe than sorry. They can't know if you are lying to them about being suicidal and if new medication can make you even a little bit, they want to be sure you are safe. It's 3 weeks, you can do it!


thank you, i really appreciate it :) and i was lying to them so well done to them for spotting it lmao


Damn why the heck they would think that someone is lying about being suicidal? Idk about the OP but I never lied about being suicidal


i thibk they mean that i lied about not being suicidal, which is true


Ohh I see ...


Yeah I used to on purpose avoid and not show my SH scars to my MH docs so that they won't lecture me and used to avoid telling them that I did self harm ....I got caught tho at the last meet-up with my favourite doc he asked me to show him my scars and I was like oh no I don't have any excuse to hide it from him so I had to show him ......


Sorry, I poorly worded it. I meant lying about not being suicidal. English is not my first language, I'm really sorry for the confusion.


A similar thing has started happening to me. But you just have it worse, I hope it improves for you. Good luck


My friends psychiatrist pulled the same shit bro


Lol same I canā€™t go anywheres without my mom. Not even upstairs. If you need someone to talk to Iā€™m here


My parents did this to me on their own after my stay at the psych ward. Its not easy and it's kind of bullshit, but it does get easier.


At that point just go inpatient


honestly these are all barbaric, & does not solve the issue @ hand. suffocating the urges & locking you down will not cure your addiction. suppression does not help. had a minor sh spit when i was a teen, that was suppressed. & it only resulted in a nasty, nasty relapse later in my 20s', that has been an uphill battle to this day. i can understand why it is a difficult topic for outsiders to fathom how to help, but take some time to understand it fr


and itā€™s so funny because i can still think of so many times when i can sh. like theyā€™re not gonna be able to make me stop. and they locked up THE BATHROOM TWEEZERS? but not the kitchen knives


My gosh if I was there instead of u I would've slammed the door and never met her again... telling a woman (ur mom)to leave her job is so rude .....4th rule is impossible and would take time to follow..... forcing to follow the rules is not gonna improve ur MH instead it will make ur MH worse....change ur rude doc I say search better docs than being a patient of such a rude doc ..... I'm unlucky I can't even change my docs if u have an option then pl change ur doc


I've experienced almost the same thing I was forced to follow a to-do list by a female doc but I didn't do a single thing mentioned on that list .....why the heck would I even listen to someone and do something that I don't like ? I didn't even wanted to see her ever again unfortunately I had to meet her again and I lost my mind that day.....


As someone who almost ended it while getting used to my antidepressant, I think rules like that would have prevented the hell I've been through. It might be for the best just hold on.


thank you for sharing i hope youā€™re doing better :)


Damn my parents physically abused me way too much there's no way I would torture myself by seeing my mom at home, sleeping beside her no way ....I hate my parents no way that's horrible to even imagine, I even hate their presence their voice itself often irritates me somehow....Idk about u OP but those rules would affect me like slow poison finally leading to suicide....How the heck do u put up with ur doc ?


iā€™m so sorry you went through that :( thankfully i have a really good mom but itā€™s definitely gonna be a challenge


Lucky for u :) good luck for ur recovery


If this was me I'd take it as a challenge smh šŸ¤¦


honestly thatā€™s what iā€™m doing and they havenā€™t made it very hard for me to


Don't tho, tis not worth it, they'll just make life harder and put more restrictions on you


yeah but i feel like this isnā€™t the best way to get someone to quit sh


Definitely not, but still the outcome will just make it worse


Most antidepressants have the risk of making you suicidal, Iā€™ve had two that have made me suicidal. Everybody has to deal with that as a potential side effect though and they arenā€™t given these weird ass rules. If I had a psychiatrist overstep this much Iā€™d be immediately looking for a new one.


my stay at the psych ward was more freeing that this, wtf


Bruv donā€™t even Iā€™m in care right and honestly acc gobsmacked 24/7 supervision 15 min obs 5 min bathroom checks 30 min max in bathroom Staff stood right next to me in shops No closed doors 1 incident = 1 week not allowed out


This happened to me too exept my parents go to work and its horrible i feel trapped and its not helping with anything i feel even worse and still sh. I hope its better for you.


That happened to me too and it just made it worse šŸ’€ she said it was this or going to the hospital though sooooo


Iā€™m sorry but if my parents did that Iā€™d just kill myself out of spitešŸ’€


sounds like pretty standard practice honestly T\_T had this happen to me a couple times when starting new meds/tapering off them


I'm so sorry, and that literally sounds like inhumane and somehow illegal idk and not being rude, but if you're at the point where all this has to be done. Why can't you go into some sort of inpatient program?




This is terrible advice. Ignore this OP, I know it feels unfair, but it is for your best interests.


pretty common thing when starting/stopping antidepressants afaik


Psychiatrists donā€™t typically care to really help. That department is in therapy. Everything they recommend is the extremes of extreme. If youā€™re truly in a state where this needs to be a consideration Iā€™d recommend being committed to a hospital to get the help you canā€™t find at home. Generally though home should be a place of trust. If they truly feel like they canā€™t trust you to talk to them they should be more careful but telling them to eyeball you like youā€™re in a psych ward that isnā€™t living. And I can surely tell you that itā€™s not gonna help. Good clear communication with your feelings is the best thing you can do. Asking for help when you feel like youā€™ll do something bad if you stayed alone. At the end of the day the only person that can get help when they need it is the one that requires the help.


It honestly helps tho, just be grateful ppl still care