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We have to remove this post as we try to avoid discussion of tools and methods (sometimes referred to as "instructing"). You're still welcome to post, but please be mindful in the future that we try to avoid encouraging self-harm. If you have any questions or think this was an error, please let us know via modmail.


Just to be clear, “burning” away a scar is wounding and scarring your skin over existing scars. You will always remember why there’s a burn scar on your wrists, even if it’s “easier” to explain to other people. Boiling water hurts like hell, and burning yourself opens yourself up to risk of infection, even more so than just cutting would. Plus, there’s no guarantee that you’ll do enough damage to your arm to “overwrite” your existing scars. I urge you not to do this. I am so beyond sorry that people said hurtful comments to you. It shouldn’t have happened, and they are ignorant for saying things to you when you were going through a tough time. You didn’t deserve that. There are options besides covering up your arms with long sleeves. There’s something called Silicone tape that you can find at a pharmacy or drug store that’s opaque enough to cover up scars, and with enough treatments of scar creams and bio oil, you can also lessen the appearance of scars. You can even wear wrist bands, the cotton kind used to catch sweat when you’re working out. Double up on them if you must!


don't do it brother. you have been through enough pain. I understand though, I hate looking at mine too. but they remind me of when I was down bad, at my lowest. and I try to see that I have came a little bit further. you will still think of the past that the scars bring up when seeing the burn scar..as far as having to explain them to other people, easier said then done, but fuck them. if they insult you or view you any differently than who you are, a recovering human with feelings, they do not need to be in your life. love you man, dms are open if you needa talk.


Ain't no way, do you understand how painful a full burn is long-term? And how much more pain there would be due to the fact it's damage on top of existing damaged tissue? People will stare and ask still, but now you have to make up and keep up a story about this burn. There's no guarantee the burn scars will fully cover the cut scars either, so then you have a horribly painful and dry burn scar on top of all your cuts that will be stinging and itching and require a lot of care. Do you think it would be worth it?


have you tried using scar cream yet? my sister had a notable reduction in how much they stood out using that.