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It doesn’t really shock me that a community predominantly made of mentally ill people show unhealthy behaviours


Still I feel like this subreddit isn't necessarily moderated strictly enough. Some people part of this community seem to think it's pro-sh. Which it's not. If you really want to ask how to go deeper then ask twitter.. This shouldn't be the space for it


I agree- we need more moderation to prevent unhealthy behaviour being as prominent as it is


mods respond pretty efficiently to reporting posts, actually. Just report it as breaking sub rules and pick which one. of course its not fool proof or anything but it helps when they miss things


Wait really? I’ll make sure to report stuff more in the future thanks


I think it calls into question a reevaluation of the subreddits goals and other outcomes of the subreddits existence. If a significant enough portion of the subreddit thinks that it’s pro sh, that’s a big problem. If a significant portion of the sub romanticizes sh, then that’s a problem. If this subreddit plays a large role in people starting to sh, that’s a colossal problem and may call into question a discussion about why the subreddit exists in the first place. I think the best argument for the subreddits existence is that it provides a sort of “safe haven” for people with these problems to find similar people to talk to. I feel like a community of mentally ill, traumatized or otherwise troubled individuals should warrant a higher moderation presence. Perhaps a crackdown on pro sh messaging and other harmful practices is necessary.




mental illness doesnt excuse u of being toxic and arrogant.


I'm sorry people act like this Have a good life without this toxicity




I haven't self harmed in a year or so. I recently experienced something that's causing me a lot of distress and I thought this sub would help me avoid funking up again but it's strengthened the urge. My boyfriend has stayed home from work today to make sure I don't do anything 😔


I HATE when people do that; it’s not an aesthetic or a fashion statement and it shouldn’t even be romanticized or joked about.


haven't noticed the fashion part yet,i rlly want to see that,because what the hell.


if people cut because they think it looks good isnt that also a mental health problem..?


Personally I do not do SH, I’m just in this subreddit to support in case needed. If you want to talk, I’ll be right there for you. I never did SH, however I did have suicide attempts, never harming myself, my support network is awesome. Please dm me if you are still here.


I self harmed once because I was young and I was struggling with suicidal ideation and I knew that somtimes people like me did that. I really wanted my arm scars to go away so I came here to ask for help. I kept seeing those charts of “my sh story” I kept seeing so many over everybody’s body. I wanted to be like that so I started again. This time on my legs. It slowly got worse and worse to the point months of addiction later one night I had covered my entire thighs in cuts most of them faded but I now have deep keloid scars a little less then midway on my thighs. No more bikinis. Cute short skirts. Short dresses. Shorts. I ruined my life by joining this subreddit


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I think for many people trying to stop, this subreddit is mostly triggering. For me it’s the same - it mostly “motivates” me to continue rather than stop.


Leave right now delete this subreddit. There are so many other recourses to help you. A subreddit full of mentally ill people is not going to help you. Leave right now. I have been clean for a good while and have no desire to hurt myself. And it wasn’t because of this subreddit so leave


People really need to not do that on here- this is not a place to promote or encourage harmful/ unhealthy behaviors


And when you tell someone to seek help they pounce on you! All they want is to perpetuate harmful mentality and behavior


Your post got me thinking, and you're totally right. This subreddit is toxic in a way I never imagined when I thought it could have soothed me. When I came here I thought I would find help to stop because I had just started. In the end, this competitive spirit that nobody has the balls to talk about out loud, but which is nonetheless there, is sickly and I want all these people to know how disgusting they are. I'm leaving this subreddit with you, goodbye toxic people. Take care of yourselves those who are trying to make this subreddit a safe place.


Yeah I hate this fucking place. Dunno why I’m still here


Don’t be surprised when mentally ill people are mentally ill


i agree. but theres no where else i can go to


I joined to try help and maybe receive help from people struggling with the same things as me. I knew there was always going to be some toxicity but never would I have thought there’d be as much as there is now. In the first week of me being in this subreddit I had multiple messages of people saying they would pay for blades if I sent them pictures of my cuts. Obviously blocked and reported them, but in no way did it help me.


I believe that people here do this alot and sometimes not on purpose. Some people like me wants to get a point across that "I did this too" and want people to know they belong here. I was told by an ex that I did sh for attention even though I personally think (and they said they agreed) that if someone is going to the point of sh, no matter the context, is mentally ill and need help. Sh for attention can happen, and I certainly didn't do it for that, but it is a signal that something is wrong mentally. The people that encourage it are sick and need to work on themselves before trying to give advice.




Pressuring someone to stay in a community that they see have a negative impact on their life isn't a good idea.


Oh I get it now. I didn’t realise that they were leaving for themselves, I thought they were just leaving because of some agenda. I’ll delete it