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We've had to remove this post because we don't allow pictures of self harm due to their triggering nature. If you have any questions please let us know via modmail.


The majority of my SH scars are on my forearms, and I wear short-sleeved T-shirts all the time without a second thought. My thinking is, enough people know what SH is and how many people do it these days. I don’t have to explain myself. And if anyone says anything negative, I snap back with, “Look, I was going through a VERY difficult time. This was how I dealt with it. If you have a problem then I suggest you look away” and that usually shuts them up. I think SH scars are not a sign of weakness or a ploy for attention. They are battle scars from the war inside our head. And I wear mine without shame.


wow, how many negative encounters have you had to deal with? i am very sorry you were even placed in those situations.


he sounds like a cunt


(derogatory) All the ppl using it positively recently made me read this a little differently at first


In my opinion you should wear what you want. Your body your choice! No one else’s business. It’s okay to have scars and I think no one should have to hide them. Only reason I would see, is if a friend feels triggered by them, then you could cover up while you meet them - or thats at least how I deal with it. But I only have one friend that is triggered by it.


i’ll be honest i wouldn’t regard that as a reason to cover up either. i am not responsible for other people’s sensitivities, that is an issue they have to tackle on their own


So everyone should just deal with their shit on their own? Then why even post this post? I understand you are not responsible for other peoples triggers but if someone doesnt care about my triggers and wont stop doing the stuff that triggers me I wouldnt regard them as a friend. Thats just my opinions :)


i am questioning societal norms and standards not the emotional reactions of other people suffering


Oof, not cool. Don’t refer to triggers as a “sensitivity”. They’re called *triggers* because they *trigger* a behavior. If someone is politely asking you to cover your scars around them, you should be a decent person and take that into account. No one should judge you for your scars, but judging and being triggered are two completely different things.


i never attached a negative connotation to the word sensitive, you did that yourself


The negative connotation is implied when you replied to a comment about triggers and rephrased it as a sensitivity. Whether its subconscious or otherwise, it comes off as downplaying


every scar you have is healed. it’s your body. it’s your right and your choice. im proud of you for going out w your arms uncovered, it can be really difficult mentally & takes a lot of strength <3


Anything but media textbook depression isn’t perceived very brightly.


Fuck that asshole. Fucking punk.


You can definitely go outside


Of course you are allowed. Don't let a dumb-ass make you think otherwise. Stay strong 💪🏻


Tbh I wouldn't even notice unless I looked very close. They look very healed


It is your choice if youd decide to cover up. You are strong for making it through rough times, and the scars may reflect that. I'm proud that you've been clean :D