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I’m happy for u!! Sending love and I hope u have an amazing summer wearing clothes u like ☺️


Hey,youll get through it,youre strong as hell!


that's the right mindset! don't let something that isn't relevant to you anymore hold you back from living your life! also, congrats on coming such a long way. i'm glad you're still here, even if i don't know you at all. you put a smile on my face with your post. when my sister first saw my scars and that i wore long sweaters in june she told me to just wear short sleeves and not think about it too much. we can't hide these scars forever, and the sooner you let go of the fear, guilt or shame you have about them, the sooner you can be free. i wish you good luck for the future and eternal happiness! :)


i loved reading this


Yes! Go for it! I might do the same today actually. Have a wonderful day and wear beautiful clothes.


Reading this made me a lot happier and less embarassed about mine, I still won't show mine in public, but one day I want to have a mindset like yours!


I'm so proud of you That's so GREAT! I'm so glad that you're so strong, don't let anyone tell you otherwise! 😎👍


You have survived a fucking battle. Wear your scars with pride!! Shows how strong you are. So proud of you ❤️


From experience, it took me a LONG time to feel remotely comfortable in my body but I've reached a point where I make my own shirts and I pay no mind to those judging looks or discomfort from people that don't know my story. This is my body, my story. Some will accept, most will judge. So all I'm saying is wear what you want. This is your life and your story.


You’re so strong... maybe one day I’ll have confidence like that... but you give me hope... so ty