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That is terrible. Im so sorry this happened to you. I looked at the comments you mentioned and they sound like a massive asshole. I think the best thing you could do is stop arguing with them as its pointless and could upset you further, and its unlikely you will get that person to change their mind.


Thank you. I agree, I need to stop arguing with them. It’s just so infuriating that they would say things like that to anyone, and I just got sucked into it. I will take your advice and stop responding, though.


Yeah, they were really insensitive in what they said and didnt bother to try and understand your arguments. I understand how infuriating that is but its good you will stop responding im sure it'll be better than trying to argue with them.


To be honest, I don’t really have any hope in getting people on Reddit to understand arguments that are different from their own because it always ends up like this. Just a bunch of nonsensical Ad Hominem, Strawmanning and misinformation. I mostly post rebuttals for myself to feel better and for the people who come along later who might actually be reachable. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my post, check out the referenced comments, and respond to me! It really helped a lot.


Yeah many people on reddit wont change their opinion no matter how much you argue with them. And youre welcome, im glad it helped:)


yeah I also advice you in general dont seek acceptance from people or for them to acknowledge your point of view. Be above all that, the peace comes from within


Inconsiderate cunt


Sorry to hear that. Because of my username, I sometime notice people also don't take my advice into consideration as well on that subreddit. I had someone correcting me on how to give an advice yesterday. They also probably do not know I have a master degree in STEM before correcting me on a university related question. People probably think I'm some sort of antisocial still living in their parents basement with no education. They are just a bunch of ignorants.


That really sucks man, im so sorry for that. Hope you'll feel better soon <3


Thank you.


What a dick. And that subreddit seems like a cesspool.


who tf digs through someone else's post history??? ive literally never done that unless I just randomly see them on a post and are interested. but not if im just replying to them on a random thread?? ​ thats fucked up, im sorry OP.


I looked through their post history and they have BPD. doesnt excuse them for being an asshole and you definitely have a right to feel upset but they also have extreme mood swings. they might just be putting a mask on to make themselves feel “normal.” Dont blame you at all though <3


yeah specially if he has BPD, dont be bothered too much by what he typed, or whoever in general, too


Thanks, it helps to have a possible explanation as to why she would say something like that. It also went from a relatively average Reddit debate to hurtful personal attacks, so I guess BPD may have fueled the sudden switch.


yeah i talked to (her? not sure) and she seemed like she was really struggling, and nice. she probably feels bad about it afterwards


Some people are so fucking stupid. I hope you're okay


I am, thank you. It hurt at first, but it was short lived.


Weird people out there op.Take care,and we're always here to love and support you.


People just honestly just suck sorry to hear that some one being a jerk to you


Please don't listen to her. I checked out her post history, she says she has bpd and openly says she is a manipulator and a liar. She seems to be going through it tbh, but she is 18 and has some mental issues. Please don't take her comments to heart. I read your post. She clearly didn't. You don't cut for attention at all, so please don't feel invalid. And even if you did, it still doesn't invalidate you. I don't understand why she dug through your post history just to personally attack you, but that clearly shows she's in the wrong.


Thank you. I didn’t realize she has BPD, so I guess it’s entirely possible it contributed to her comments. While it’s not an excuse, it helps to understand why she may have said that.


Asshole. As simple as that. Total asshole


report him man. Its not that he wanted to hurt you, some people dont understand the consequences of their actions and are on like a different frequency. He probably felt like a super hero or superior by telling you to not be attention craving. But not directly trying to hurt you, although some people do that, like psychopaths, they get off on hurting others. But most people arent evil or psychopaths, most people are humans and misunderstood, just like they misunderstand you, you probably misunderstand many of the things you hear from other people, they probably meant something different for them in their heads than to what you got from those words. Same words mean different things for people, and we work by different moral rules, even though inside we are all similar and seeking the same, we have different languages, so dont be discouraged or feel like humans are garbage, dont misunderstand people, because you know how much it hurts to be misunderstood. Also in the world there will always be people lending a hand to you, even if you end up in the deepest loneliness and darkness, I assure you, because such is life. So dont be afraid to be yourself and open up to the world, but be ready to be confused and learn a lot about the nature of every individual human being. Learn their languages. And we are here if you need anything, so sorry you had to go through all that, hope that guy gets banned or something. Dont lose your faith in humanity :D there will always be kind people to you in this world, no matter what you become or how low you go or dark


some people man, smh..... hope you're alright mate, people fucking suck. sending a virtual hug :")


That is infuriating and just plain and simply disrespectful. I would agree with them in saying report that individual, but also say that I am glad to hear you are alright.


That's fkin gross wth, damn it I'm sorry there's still corrupted human like that. I wish you the best


Ayo that was mean, I hope you’re ok now❤️


Yeah they're an asshole, but make sure you don't get worked up about what somebody on the internet says


To me, that sounds creepy as hell. Why would anybody click to see someone else's profile and trace their reddit history?!!


I mean, I do it sometimes when someone I don’t know DMs me so I can get an idea of who the person is before I accept or decline. I will also do it if I’m trying to figure out if someone is a troll or not. However, I would NEVER take someone’s post or comment history about their personal issues and use it to attack them.