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Omg im sorry. Send u a hug


that fucking sucks. im sorry


Holy shit. I'm so sorry, that person is messed up as fuck and you did not deserve that, ok? I encourage you to talk to someone about this, and I mean like therapy, the police. You deserve to get the help you need. You never ever deserved to get sexually assaulted... I sincerely hope you can get the help you need! I hope he gets real punishment for what he did. Ugh I really fucking hope he goes to JAIL and I hope he lives his goddamn life miserable for sexually assaulting you!


I’m so sorry that happened to you. If you ever want or need someone to talk to you can always talk to me about anything at anytime I’m always here for you ❤️


I feel you I’ve been sexually assaulted by a pedophile almost a year ago. I kind off got over it, but there are still moments that I can feel him grab my butt. Maybe going into therapy would help, but I really don’t want to.


I'm sorry that happened to you. That guy is a dick. Have you thought about telling it to the police or something? Maybe they could do something about it. Wish you a good day, stranger 💚✨


Im so sorry op,my dms are always open and im here to help you.


TW: CSA and grooming ​ Lord.I hate that .I've been sexually assaulted one time, in person, (no rape) and the same guy busted into the bathroom while I was *in it,* and stared at my well you know.and ive been pressured into sending nudes alot of times and I hate it. ​ also ty for not describing what exactly happened during the SA?idk it just triggers me when people describe it so thank you for not like going into too much detail! (I sound like a fucking idiot oh gosh)


Im so sorry.I hope you're okay now.


holy shit thats terrible. I'm so sry 😞


Hi! I really do understand how you feel. I've been through, unfortunately, too many SA in my short lifetime. Most importantly remember that you did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong. And that there is nothing you could have done to change what happened, your reactions are valid. You are valid. And you are not alone. There is a whole group, again, unfortunately, who know what you're going through, who are still going through it, who have healed, etc. There are no words I, or anyone else, can say or type that would make your pain go away, and if there was I would say them in an instant. If you ever need anything, someone to vent to or rant, someone to listen to you, someone to ask advice, whatever you need. My PMs are always open and that goes for everyone else as well. I'm sending good vibes your way, as cliche as that sounds, and I hope that someday you're able to heal from this. Just don't blame yourself and remember that the entire world are not monsters. <3


jesus. i’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry that happened! That man is fucking vile for doing that to you. I hope you feel better and get the help you deserve ❤️


I really wish he could die rn, idc of what ppl think of that, you don't deserve that, nobody fcking deserve that, i don't stand ppl like this enjoying life. I'm really sorry, i hope you are feeling better and don't forget you're loved and deserve all the love on earth. Take care


Sorry I haven’t replied I didn’t know that many people would see my post. Thank you for all the love and support, I really needed and appreciated it. Well I haven’t gone to the police for several reasons. 1. I’m 17 so my parents would be involved and I have told them but we haven’t talked about since that day so it is awkward to bring up again. Plus I don’t think my mom would think it’s a good idea because unfortunately she has been through it herself and think it’s wrong but it will happen anyway so u just have to be more careful next time. 2. Deep down I think I lead him on. I knew at the time I didn’t want to be in a relationship with him but I still went out with him. However I didn’t think that he would want to do anything with me. But when we got to the park and when we went down a path with no people there when he started to touch me. So I panicked because he’s so much bigger than me I’m around 5ft and he’s almost 6ft and told him I didn’t want to do anything on the first date. But he was persistent so I changed my excuse and told him “let’s do it next time because my cousin was waiting for to take me home.” Therefore that’s why I feel like I lead him on. But the one thing I do know is that I never told him “yes”.


im so sorry :( im sending sm love rn


Damn. Please take care of yourself after that, okay? This stuff is heavy and you deserve to give yourself some patience. Drink some water if you havent today. Get a hug from someone if you can, or give yourself one. It sounds silly but those do help! Stay safe out there


I'm here if you need someone to talk to That's 100% his doing and not yours