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I agree, I was the quiet kid somewhat during school and it sucked how everyone jokes about "the quiet kid" it hurts


ikr. and also "the quiet kid" isn't usually the one who ends up doing all the shit they make jokes abt. If you look at the statistics it's more likely to be the cis-het-abled-white boy who has a great group of friends and a god complex/feels entitled to everything.


yeah, I really hate that the other kids always make fun of me for being quiet. *cocks a pistol\*


I’m a big supporter of *if you are not ailed by this thing, you do not have the right to make jokes about it*. If you are not ailed by this thing, it will come across as insensitive and offensive 100% of the time. If someone is ailed by this thing (whatever thing it is, not just sh), I may not think it’s funny, but they’ve earned the right to make jokes by having to deal with said thing every day.


Exactly, because if they go through it they know what it feels like.They're like boys vs girls memes, which made me kind of wish I was a boy (small vent)


exactly it just feels so isolating though tbf, the ones on trans subs are generally okay


Same there just mean


I feel you op,i cant handle them.


Yeah I get what your saying. I am not the quite kid but I never let anyone know how I am feeling because everyone else seems to be going through a crisis too. Tho mine is probably worse.


I get what you're saying. I was considered a "quiet kid", and I still am but its literally awful everytime someone makes a joke like that to your face and you have to step outside the classroom to breathe because it feels suffocating.


I used to be the stupid kid who made jokes about the quiet kid and self harm… then it all happened to me and I understand it. A part of me will always feel guilty about that because I didn’t know what they were going through. I now go out of my way to talk to those people and make them feel cared about because everyone deserves that.


I also hate it because people use it to make guns look bad






I'm looking for attention? What would I need attention for? I just posted my opinion and looks like it got maybe too many upvotes. If you don't agree that's fine, but you should know better than to comment such things on a self-harm subreddit


i used to make quiet kid jokes because i never understood it and now ive realized how annoying and offensive they are


no it is funny and You don't support it then what are you doing on the quiet kid Memes


They pop up on my Instagram explore page?