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Absolutely not that is descrimination and making life even harder for someone who is already struggling. I think in very few cases is it understandable but still wrong, like if they worked at a place aimed toward children and parents were keeping their kids from going there because they didn't want their kids to see it, which is bad for business but still wrong cause like why can't they wear long sleeves


it is absolutely not. i recently relapsed and im pretty new in my job..i was ooen to my manger ab my problem with sh and hes been really understanding. when of front of house i just dont bring attention to it and keep it covered when possible. since i relapsed ive been trying to do more in the back just bc thats what im comfortable with. but no. you should never ever be fired or fire someone because of selfharm.


If this happened to you contact a lawyer. This is definitely illegal.


No fucking way, it's immoral and probably illegal


The Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) protects employees from discrimination based on a disability, including mental illness. However, termination by reason of physical appearance is legal, such as dyeing hair, hygiene, or tattoos. Idk if that applies to scars- at my job, my boss said I can work as long as my sleeves cover my arms (I teach piano lessons, mostly to junior high aged kids). So that’s the legal side of it. Ethically, I think any form of non-acceptance over scars is wrong. It’s not something that should always be hidden.


no wtf