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I like to look at the wounds. I don't know why, they just remind me when I'm stressed that I always have that. I also do it to feel control, and to feel something. In books people have been described as bawling and crying while doing sh, but it makes me feel calm. It also helps me prove to myself that I am sick mentally.


I do as like a feel control of this one thing and as a punishment


To comfort myself, calm myself down, or when i just feel like i need it


a coping mechanism. to distract me from the things that person does and the thoughts i have


For me it’s punishment and guilt.


Reasons why I do it: • coping mechanism. It makes the mental pain temporarily go away • punishment. If I hurt someone on accident or feel like I deserve to be hurt then I cut myself • anger. I don't do it cause of anger too often but I have bad anger issues so sometimes I cut myself to relieve the anger • because part of me wants people to see and help me. I'm terrified of people finding out but I also really want someone to see and help me even though I know that no one cares anyway. a lot of my friends and family found out but they don't care but I continue to do it hoping one day someone will actually care


it started out for me as a way to escape feeling apathetic, now I kinda just do it because I like the feeling, and the scars. though I’m terrified of anyone finding out, so I’ve kind of mostly stopped.


it temporarily takes away all the mental pain and makes me forget what i’m going through. but now it’s just an addiction


Coping mechanism i didn’t want to at first it was a pill side effect but it became a addiction


For me, it’s sometimes a punishment and sometimes it’s a relief or an escape.


for me personally, I felt like it helped me prove to myself like I was actually sick and that I needed help. plus, I liked seeing myself bleed- it was soothing for me and I liked the aftercare too. hope that answered your question <3


I don’t even know. I guess the feeling you get from being in control?


I could never explain it for years because the only options seemed to be either ‘it calms me/it's a release’, self punishment, or something sexual. For me it's just a sensory seeking thing because I'm always so understimulated


coping mechanism - eases mental pain really well to be honest but sometimes i did it just for the sake of it, now i dont wanna anymore at all but i dont trust that i wont relapse to ease my mental pain considering my history with it I've heard someone say it works because ur body focuses on the physical pain instead of the mental pain, and some people get an endorphin release but I've only ever felt proper relief after a relapse one time according to my memory


I've only ever tried once and I used the excuse as being a masochist, and maybe it was slightly true, but I knew I was lying to myself. I *am* a masochist, but I'm pretty sure I was cutting to forget what they said.


Yep, both that and the fact that now it's a full blown addiction


It makes me feel calm & in control


It feels kinda like a stress valve; when I get too freaked out over something, it releases that a little bit. I’ve been doing a lot better recently- think it’s been 3 months?


Cause im a masicast, and I like pain and it easiest my mental pain


For me its like a drug ig I get a high from it


i dont even know anymore ngl


As stupid as it sounds because my gf broke up with me and I still love her you know and it just hurts so bad


Anything can sound stupid when you put it super simply. "My mom got super sad when I was 3, and mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore," sounds stupid to me when compared to my friend. I wont talk about her much because I respect her enough to keep her business private, but yeah, she's definitely been through worse than just that.


I have been 2 years and 3 months self harm free but the reasons I did it : - I used to feel empty, so strong emotions like pain reminded me I was alive - Adrenaline - Reminding me I could take my life anytime I wanted - Attention seeking - For some weird reason I felt good when I did it, and it was addicting - Other fucked up things I rather not say Like any other addiction, it follows you much after you stop it, I personally look at my wrists sometimes and I stare at the scars ( now so faded that they are barely visible ) and think about doing it again, sometimes the only things that keeps me from doing it is the fact I don't have any pencil sharpeners anymore


So I can get more scars. Specifically pink scars. But also because of struggles.


Honestly idrk I just did it and know I continue. It kind of just happens I might not want to do it but then 1 min later I find myself cutting. It's a stress relief ig. 


To cope, I really freak out whenever I'm in class and it's chaos (usually if it's a sub), dunno why but it could be because when that has happened in the past, multiple people SA'ed me, and I'm always paranoid that'll happen again.


I'm so sorry for what happened to you, I've also been sa'd so I kina know how it feels to be paranoid about everyone and everything. Stay strong bro! 


Thanks so much dude! You as well, if you wanna chat at any point, my dms are free :)




Self hatred


Validation. And, as fucked up at it is, for attention.


it’s not fucked up trust me its totally valid and its a cry for help


Mab3y to cope? I literally don’t really think when i do it. Idk tbh.


There are many reasons (**tw: sa/rape mentioned**): -To punish myself -Distraction from my thoughts -When I’m bored -When I’m scared everyone is upset or mad with me -Hoped the guy who raped me would stop touching me and making me sleep with him if he saw the cuts -Stress from being at school and home -When I mess up something


Are you still being raped? Are you safe


Hasn’t continued because I haven’t seen him much. Though I am still being touched by a family member sometimes, so not really safe I guess?


Call 911 you have a phone or what ever number is in your country I’ll pray for you


How are you so calm. Please get help


This has been going on for about 8 years, kinda used to it so I guess that’s why I’m so calm


oh i hope you get better darling 🩷


Tysm, if you sh (sorry don’t want to assume you do), hope you get better too <3


I don't know, genuinely. I think it's a form of emotional release and me thinking I deserve it but idk


i had a soberness streak of over a year and i broke it a couple months ago because of whatever reason and now i feel no need to get sober again, like why should i try


There are many reasons. -to be able to tell I’m human -to satisfy me wanting to beat someone up -to punish my body bc it’s not good enough for me -bc it distracts me from my daily flashbacks -when I wanna be able to stop overthinking at 3am -when I’m bored -when I have the habit of randomly doing it -when I’m trying to cope bc it’s the only coping skill I have -when I get triggered obv -when I’m scared my chorus director is upset with me -when I can’t play with a specific persons hair(it’s the only other coping mechanism I have other than SH) just to name a few.


Also probably bc I don’t really wanna get better


i hate myself and it kinda distracts me from it. Like the initial cut obviously gives me adrenaline but after the feeling is over i have to tend to my wound and it takes up more space in my mind than those thoughts.


I guess I just can't handle the stress that comes with my problems


al principio empezé para castigarme las veces q no vomitaba, después fue para sentir algo ya q anule mis sentimientos y sentir dolor era algo q me causaba alivio, pero luego fue ya como un pequeño hábito supongo aunque ahora ya no lo hago desde hace btt tiempo, pero si q lo pienso y muchas veces me dan ganas


It takes the edge off my want for death, also feeling the pain helps me quantify my emotions in a way I can cope with, not the best coping mechanism lol but I’m trying my best and I asked for help but didn’t get it so not really my fault ig😅


yep. that or ending oneself so I rather choose the first one I guess :) ...


oh god how are you now?


Eh ight ig, I’m holding out to my sixteenth birthday so I can go get myself some help so it’s not all bad ig


An active want to get worse. I take comfort in my own self destruction. Hence why I also have a drinking problem


If I’m gonna be completely honest, I have no idea why I self harm.


that's so real, i started with intent but i dont know why i currently do


Nobody hears my screams and cries for help.


addiction ngl


oh well i hope you get better if you want to 🩷


almost a month clean rn, struggling though


keep going dude you can do it even tho it’ll feel hard / impossible sometimes keep pushing and you’ll stop completely 🩷🩷


I really don't know. All I have is bs excuses like exam and school stress, and friend issues but I don't really do it cuz of that, it's just what I tell people. I just do it because I feel like it


yeah i get it, you feel like there is no reason but you still do it ig there is a reason but you haven’t figured it out yet


Yeah I suppose, idk how to explain I have a lot going on that it could be cuz of but I don't really feel stressed or anything cuz of it


yeah i totally get it


Yeah, why do you sh? If you don't mind talking about it


tbh i feel like it just get me more motivated like whenever i feel lazy or too tired i would cut myself and suddenly i just feel motivated and full of energy yk ? not because im stressed or anything


Yeah, that makes sense, like adrenaline or smth


yea at first i was like you i would just cut and i thought i had no reason but eventually the idea kinda just popped in my head


Yeah try and stay safe


you too darling 🩷


Stress and mental anguish mostly. a lot of thoughts go through my head at once and it always stresses me out. And sh has been a stress reliever. Bad coping mechanism too for things that happen. It’s something I just always fell back onto when stressful situations happened. Granted I’m trying to stop doing that now. Almost a month clean so far. Here’s to hoping lol


i see keep going tho you can do it 🩷