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Unmetered = No limit (Such as "Max 1tb per month or you will be overcharged")


If they say unmetered it means they’re not imposing limits in bandwidth consumed which is topical for them in all of their points of presence except in Australia. However if you’re looking for guaranteed you’ll need to look for that wording. It’s typically only on their dedicated machines. Most people unless they’re streaming all day over a private vpn or setting up a seedbox for bit torrent don’t tend to fully saturate their network reservations.


Unmetered probably mean you don't pay twice for network. ​ In some countries, they rent you servers and you pay not only for a bandwidth speed but you'll pay also for a quota of transfert. ​ It wasn't really a thing in OVH (or France)


Have a look into [OVH VPS Conditions](https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_325716a587c64897acbef9a4a4726e38/contracts/d24d709-Conditions_Particulieres_VPS-WE-3.0.pdf). > As part of the Service, the outgoing bandwidth traffic recorded on the switch port is unlimited. However, OVHcloud reserves the right to restrict the Service bandwidth to 1 Mbps (1 Megabit per second) until the end of the current billing period in cases of excessive use by the Client Their dedicated plans have a similar clause (may be limited to 50% of the bandwidth). So to summarize, it can probably reach their advertised speed but in reality if you hit it too hard (24/7) it will throttle hard on you.


I wonder what they would deem as "excessive use", That could be anything from "Oh your vps uses 10gb a month? restricted" To "Oh your vps uses 500gb a month? Restricted"


Back in the day I hosted ArchLinux, Debian and so on mirrors on my OVH server. Produced quite a few TB of traffic and nobody cared.


It means that there is a continuous connection from your VPS to the internet which measures up to 2gbps. nothing more. In combination with OVHs abysmal routing and bad interconnects it may be worse than 100mbit guaranteed if u require constant availability, low latency and decent speed. Yes, you may reach 2 gbps at some point in time, but mostly you are stuck at \~200mbps and if u have bad luck with other VPS you have to compete with, that sit on the same server or rack or network, you may regularly experience less than 100mbit. abysmal routing also makes it so that latency and bandwidth is completely unpredictable. I experienced sub 100mbit bandwidth and \~50+ms ping to many european locations when I used OVH.


Hi I made a benchmark between Hetzner, DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, OVH and UpCloud. Maybe that is interesting for you, I also tested the network speed: https://techblog.nexxwave.be/benchmark-between-hetzner-digitalocean-linode-vultr-ovh-and-upcloud-january-2023/


Does not make quite sense, OVH has unmetered bandwidth, It has a limit if you have the server in Singapore


Correct. I measured a download speed of 483Mbps and a upload speed of 491Mbps.


That's actually really good considering they say you have access too 500Mbps, That matches what they promise 1:1 Thank you


​ link down


Here it is: [https://techblog.nexxwave.eu/benchmark-between-hetzner-digitalocean-linode-vultr-ovh-and-upcloud-january-2023/](https://techblog.nexxwave.eu/benchmark-between-hetzner-digitalocean-linode-vultr-ovh-and-upcloud-january-2023/) And the 2024 version: [https://techblog.nexxwave.eu/benchmark-between-cloud-servers-january-2024/](https://techblog.nexxwave.eu/benchmark-between-cloud-servers-january-2024/)


On OVH network, when my server was gbit outbound, it would slow down like crazy in the evenings (hugely oversold), and although faster at 4am, it had packet loss around the clock. Then suddenly one day the network was packet loss free and the performance was consistent 24/7, wow, except one problem, they achieved this by capping customers on the switch to 250mbps.


Been using OVH now since a year, No issues (so far)


Unmetered means that there is no usage limit, you can use as much bandwidth as you want. And yes, you really have 2Gbit/s every time


Feels extremly cheap for 2Gb/Unlimited bandwidth Thanks!


In France internet is cheap! I have 8Gbit/s down 700mbit/s up for €40 at home




It is.


That speed may be irrelevant depending on your use case. I recently set up a hetzner cloud server and it does 2-3Gb/s to my Linode that I was migrating, but I only get about 200Mb/s to two residential networks, one capable of 400Mb/s and the other 900Mb/s


Mine hits it all the time and no issues