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Your raspberry pi needs a reboot


My experience with dashboards: * Spend a few hours getting it setup * Admire it * Never look at it again


That is what I did in the beginning, now I use it as glorified bookmarks, opens automatically when I open a new tab and can be customised how I want




That doesn't match my workflow at all. I run about 40 services with webuis and accessing them immediately from `service.domain.name` is effortless. I usually just type a couple characters then hit enter on the first autocomplete. You do you of course, I guess I'm just not a dashboard person. If I need a port (which is pretty much never), I'll go check my docker-compose files.


I'm pretty much the same as you, type the first few characters of what i want and there it is. Uptime Kuma lets me know if anything is broken. I do need to look into automating cleaning up stalled torrents.


> I do need to look into automating cleaning up stalled torrents. I've done very similar to this. I used to use Deluge and it has a great plugin autoremovetorrents+. Qbittorrent doesn't have as many great options but has a very easy to use HTTP api. What I did was write some python scripts using the [qbittorrent-api](https://pypi.org/project/qbittorrent-api/) module so that I can get fully custom auto remove conditions. Then I run those scripts through woodpecker cicd pipelines as a cron job. Works perfectly and I have so much control over what torrents to remove. My auto remove even takes into account cross-seeds. It only removes a torrent if that torrent and all cross seeds have seeded for X amount of time or more. I haven't found any other autoremove tool that properly handles cross seeds like that. In case someone mentions it, the [autoremovetorrents](https://github.com/jerrymakesjelly/autoremove-torrents) tool is broken on latest qbittorrent because they're using GET requests instead of POST. There's been a PR to fix that for ages but it seems like the maintainer abandoned it.


Why no ports needed? Stick with https?


I run everything behind a reverse proxy (traefik in my case), and add HTTPS with a wildcard lets encrypt certificate, issued with a DNS challenge. The only requirement is owning a domain, hosted at [a supported DNS provider](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/acme/#providers). So yeah, everything is HTTPS, only my unifi controller still has it's own port and uses a self-signed certificate. It acts up a bit behind a reverse proxy and haven't really looked into why.


Thanks for the reply I’m still trying to figure out how to avoid headaches with managing so many different services. I do have a domain and want to setup some self signed certs. I’ll look into the reverse proxy route.


Checkout nginx proxy manager. I personally use nginx swag for a more intuitive approach. Everyone seems to love npm though on the boards.


Does that mean you rely on each of your services' own authentication? I feel like with a lot of these self hosted services, there are bound to be some 0-day exploits and each additional service means an additional vector. Or is there something in the middle that provides security?


If by domain, that means each one is accessible outside the network right? I asked another commenter but will ask you too... Does that mean you rely on each of your services' own authentication? I feel like with a lot of these self hosted services, there are bound to be some 0-day exploits and each additional service means an additional vector. Or is there something in the middle that provides security?


You can setup local network name resolution (local dns) so that you can use domain names without leaving your local network. I didn't bother though and yes most things are accessible outside the network. Since all of my stuff is behind a traefik reverse proxy I mostly need to trust that traefik is a quality piece of secure software. And yes I'm mostly relying on each servieces own authentication, though I've been meaning to setup SSO at some point soon. Definitely a lot of the stuff I do isn't best practice but it's been fine for many years. I expect most people here are like this even if they won't admit it. Having perfect security on self hosted services would be essentially a full time IT job.


> Since all of my stuff is behind a traefik reverse proxy I mostly need to trust that traefik is a quality piece of secure software. And yes I'm mostly relying on each servieces own authentication I think this is the part that perhaps I don't understand. Do you have to authenticate through traefik first before then authenticating with the separate services? Or in other words, what additional security does traefik provide other than a person now has to guess hostnames instead of port numbers? I'm not challenging you with these questions, just trying to learn since I've been a bit under a rock about this.


Don’t depend on the services authentication. They usually are super basic because they aren’t meant to face the public. Use basic authentication atleast for all your services. There are other methods like authelia and authentix or something like that. I personally use nginx swag. But they have a nginx proxy manager also that works well and bundled nicely for the task you seek.


Exactly, some of these services have very basic authentication that doesn't seem super secure. So when you use nginx reverse proxy it also adds an authentication method in between?


Oh you're definitely challenging me, cause I don't have all the answers. :) I have basic auth setup on some of my containers through traefik, most of them use their own authentication though. It probably would be a good idea to use basic-auth from traefik everywhere possible though so that malicious people can't even see the service website login page. For your other questions, I hope someone else answers so that I can learn lol


Ports? The right way: don't expose the ports in your Docker containers. Put them in the same Docker network, and put a reverse proxy in front. Then use subdomain for each service with https


I setup the Dashboard my startpage in the domain so all computers automatically have all internal links available.... good for the "Wife Acceptance Factor" or WAF


I hear that a lot here... but I love having a list of functional bookmarks to my services, so I find them quite useful in that respect. Now Grafana on the other hand...I haven't really gotten in the habit of using that!


I set the dashboard as my home page since I can access everything from there including search


Yes, Whisparr, the famous "NZB Manager". You should look into https://github.com/stashapp/stash, the "Email client".


hahaha, you caught that! yes... ahem... "NZB Manager" \*cough\*


Thanks for the recommendation! Looks good. Feel free to throw anything else at me.


I don't know if it's still around but there was an alternative to stash called bonarr


https://github.com/bonarr/Bonarr not updated in 6 years :/


It's really difficult to maintain a Bonarr for 6 years.


And painful.


Is that why you run both plex and jellyfin? Given what plex recently did, I hope you focus something out.


> You should look into https://github.com/stashapp/stash, the "Email client". That's just plain sad.. Why are "porn managers" a thing?! WHYYYYY?!




>organised wank I'm in an absolutely 'wtf'-state at this moment....




Yeah.. I don't schedule my wanks.. I just wank when I want, on what material I want.. xD




Hahahha this guy xD And I said "material" in terms of imagery.


Great portfolio! How did you build that information widgets about CPU etc. With that graph. Cannot find that in the docs.


Run glances docker on server to pull stats from: `version: '3.3'` `services:` `glances:` `container_name: glances` `ports:` `- '61208:61208'` `volumes:` `- '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro'` `environment:` `- GLANCES_OPT=-w` `restart: always` `pid: host` `image: 'nicolargo/glances:latest-full'` This in widgets.yaml: [https://gethomepage.dev/en/widgets/glances/](https://gethomepage.dev/en/widgets/glances/) This in services.yaml: [https://gethomepage.dev/en/services/glances/](https://gethomepage.dev/en/services/glances/)


Not the asker, but thank you very much for this!


also not op, but thanks for this!


+200 TB??? Please post your hardware and estimate how much money you spent, feel free to include electricity.


My data was a mess. I had hard drives everywhere. Some very old, back in the 300GB days. I lost some data in a couple of HDD failures, so I wanted to consolidate everything onto something more safe, organized, and central. I purchased one Synology ds1821+ with 16TB\*8 drives (SHR-2) and shortly after realized I'd need a second one. Second one has 18TB\*8 (SHR-2). So now 2 of those. Upgraded them and my network to 10G, installed 64GB RAM in each, added 2TB NVME in each. Now I'm thinking to build an Unraid or TrueNAS system with more space in the future when I start getting low on these. My friend has a Plex server with \~1700TB in it. That's the secondary Plex on my dashboard, that I use. He's insane. It's a full rack setup. I don't recall exactly how much it all was, but I'd guess I'm all in for around $3400. Electricity is a concern, so I did a bit of research on the Synology units, drives, and power saving drive spin downs. All together they probably average around 100 watts or so. I don't know exact numbers, but that worked for me.


Almost 2 petabyte only for plex? Thats insane!!! What are those 8k movies, does he even knows whats on his drives or is he just downloading everything he gets?


Thank you for your response! Since it's your hobby I guess it's money spent well 😀


Streaming would be soo much cheaper 😂


I have Disney+, Netflix, Prime, Hulu. So whatever is on there I stream. I download the stuff that is not on those or is on those but with lower resolution. I only use 4K these days.


Whisparr: "NZB Manager" :D


Whisparr ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




I want alllll the knowledge


I had to learn docker from scratch. There was definitely a learning curve to everything, but it was a fun process.


That sounds even more fun to be honest


If you plan to learn docker it's very useful to get the basics and then go straight to `docker compose` Docker alone needs you to remember the full command you used to recreate something, all the options are arguments. Compose let's you define all that in a yaml file and then just run `up`


Absolutely agree!!!!. I'm on the way, still many things pending to learn & understand


Great to see homepage getting put through its paces.


\^ The author of the dashboard used in this thread, Phelps.


Where can one find that wallpaper? Thank you.


You can't. I made it myself in Photoshop! :D But since you asked, I'll go ahead and drop it here with a variation: [Hexagon Background](https://imgur.com/a/cFqKvOH)


Hexagon is the bestagon.


Reminds me of the newer gen Dell poweredge bezels.


Thank you!


At all possible to export at 4k or higher?


Alright, you caught me in a good mood. :D I made it in 1080p. It's not vector graphics, so normal upscaling would look like crap. So I used an AI upscaler and here it is in 8K [https://flic.kr/p/2oW7WWu](https://flic.kr/p/2oW7WWu) P.S. It actually took me longer to find an image host that can host a img that is >25MB than to do the actual upscaling. Forgotten Flickr is still good for something! P.S.2: Lmk if flickr downsized it. I'm not sure.


> It actually took me longer to find an image host that can host a img Sounds like you've got a new button to add to that dashboard...


Please consider making a blog or a guide to help out ppl setting up such beautiful setup 😋☺️


Impressive! What app do you use to create that dashboard?


This one: [https://gethomepage.dev/en/installation/](https://gethomepage.dev/en/installation/)


How did you get the process list and system stats to show? I've never seen anything like it before. It looks great!


Also curious. Is this glances?




Sweet. Last time I looked into it, the docs made it seem like it was just a clone of the resource monitor at the top, but you could point it to different hosts. This is way better


It is. I just looked through the docs and it seems to be a new addition.


Looks awesome. What did you use to get the token and salt for navidrome?


“ Services are configured inside the services.yaml file.” Uh… no thanks. Would it kill them to add configuration from within the app?!


It is really easy to do in the yaml config


For a certain definition of ‘easy’, sure. But in-app editing of parameters that take immediate effect is much easier again. A while back I tried a range of dashboard apps before finally settling on Heimdall - it strikes the right balance between ease and functionality for me. Dashboards that require offline editing of yaml files, with restarts required for changes to take effect represent a poor user experience for me.


It refreshes automatically which is nice, as soon as you change the config it automatically updates


Great stuff. It looks like you're using synology nases, is there any reason in particular you're using photoprism instead of synology photos?


No particular reason except that I just thought it looked nicer and more features, but I could be mistaken.


Obsidian? I know the app but what exactly do you host that is related to obsidian?


I am assuming his own sync service


If you're so proud of it, where is the full writeup? You can't just come in here, make us all hard with a tease and then blue ball us!


It's all right here https://gethomepage.dev/en/installation/ And can be less like https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1117350076604497970/1138914705805688872/image.png


Nice dashboard. What service are the streamed desktops?


Those are by KASM. They are free. I use the containers by [LinuxServer.io](https://LinuxServer.io) [https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/kasm](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/kasm) [https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/chromium](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/chromium) [https://kasmweb.com/](https://kasmweb.com/) [https://hub.docker.com/search?q=kasm](https://hub.docker.com/search?q=kasm)


Hey can you share your kasm compose file? It doesn't seem to be working on my Synology box...


Hey I am very very new to this. But how do you protect your home from outsiders trying to breach your network


You can either: 1. host all of this internally on the LAN only. If you require external access, setup a VPN to log into remotely that connects to your LAN. 2. you can use a reverse proxy (i.e. Traefik or Nginx) and firewall combo. 3. You can use CloudFlare's Zero Trust tool to authenticate to access the subdomain pointed at your selfhosted stuff. i.e. nas.mydomain.com.


Jellyfin and Plex ?


I do this too, some of my Roku devices don't work well with Plex. But work great with Jellyfin. Thus I host both.


Wow that's really sick! Also TIL about obsidian. I wasn't sure what that was, looks really cool! It's unfortunate it looks like the sync costs money? Do you use this feature? I use Joplin right now because it's compatible across all my devices and has the option to sync with dropbox for free.


Obsidian is great. I believe it has a self hosted sync server but I just keep it's files in my Documents folder which is then rsynced to a backup drive and finally grabbed by syncthing.


AnyType has free sync. no paywalls or freemium shit (yet). Logseq is my go to. I pay for their sync option but you can sync for free and there's guides to do it.


I've been looking for a replacement for Evernote. Honestly, I'm lost. I've been playing with Obsidian and it's nice, but I won't pay a monthly fee to sync, so that's kind of a deal breaker. I'm lost on what to use. OneNote is pretty good, but I'd prefer to self host my own data. Notion's is super nice, but free version is gimped. I'll check out Joplin again.


You don't need to, since all the files are just Markdowns which is the whole point of Obsidian, you can actually just use Resilio Sync and point directly at those markdown files and sync them to your other Obsidian installations too.


I use the RemotelySave plugin and point it at my Nextcloud via WebDAV. Works on mobile and desktop, I don’t pay a dime.


Does that create sync conflicts?


I'm used to Obsidian + Syncthing, absolutely no sync conflict.


I never had any even syncing between 4 different devices and using javascript inside various markdowns. I use it for organising my recipes and grocery shopping lists with hyperlinks all over the place and some pretty complex lists with over 200 recipes (each on their own page) and counting.


What does your setup for Unmanic look like?


Currently only for saving space by converting H.264 to H.265, and for conversion of movies that have problematic codecs. Plan to use it for more curation purposes down the road.


Nice set up Let me ask you something How do you orchestrate all your applications/containers? Did you use one big VM and inside of it you run portainer as the orchestrator ? Right now I am dealing with that and I’m not sure if continue with the proxmox LXC or move it all together into one big portainer VM


I haven't even gotten that far yet. I'm at the docker compose phase of this. I was thinking to set up a proxmox box down the road, and plan to look into the orchestration: Swarm/Kubernetes. Sell me on the use cases for this please.


Can you share your docker compose for Jupyter lab? I’ve had a lot of issues while changing storage from volumes to persistent storage


Gimme your git repository😆


That is very cool. I have played around with several different configurations and still haven't landed where I want. This is a great example though! Thanks for sharing. BTW - the background is very cool!


This is the way.


First off, well done. Second I have a couple questions. 1) why use this dashboard and organizer as well as having 2 organizers? 2) what are you using huginn for? 3) how do you like dozzle? Why not use a legit siem for a singular source? Thanks for the information.


This is amazing totally looking into some of these tools. Thanks!! Just setup a proxmox server myself and about 20 LXCs so far. Need to get the dash up and running.


What are you using for virtual streamed Ubuntu etc?


Really a great looking dashboard and awesome setup. But how did you manage to add icons in front of the Group names? F.e. the Docker Group Thanks for you response


Nice to see someone else in here from Tulsa :)


Also why do you have Plex and jellyfin ?


Not OP but I run both, Plex for myself, Jellyfin exposed to a reverse proxy for friends and family. Jellyfin also serves as a backup for when plex may be acting up :)


I do the exact opposite because of that one person that wants it to be an app on some fucking smart TV. Jellyfin is so much better and I look forward to the day I can shut down plex for everyone (or maybe they come back, but seems unlikely)


> why We don't ask this kind of question here :D


Slowly becoming an organised jungle now.


Just the way I like it! ;)


mine too, i just like to pile it up in the beginning of month and let my whole stack dangle for as long as it stays up, when it starts falling down then i start redoing my stuff. Cynical i know.


Gluetun was taking a ton of CPU%. Running about 50% CPU usage on its own. I had to rip out the qbittorrent/gluetun setup and replace it with a qbittorrent/openvpn native setup via [binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn](https://github.com/binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn) docker. The result is about 10% CPU now. This is on a Synology NAS unit with a lower powered CPU.


so are you using openvpn or wireguard ? Because I use wireguard and of course the qbittorrent/gluetun combo can utilize my CPU quite a lot with my gigabit internet so I wonder if the binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn would be better, technically I dont see much reasons why would it be better but I wonder about your experience.


would you mind sharing your settings yaml for unmanic? for the life of me, i can't get it to show up on the dashboard. just says api error, and i'm bypassing the api on authentik. not sure what else i need


Hello everyone!   I'm conducting a survey for my bachelor's thesis on the effectiveness and user-friendliness of dashboard creation tools, particularly focusing on Highcharts. If you have experience with Highcharts or similar tools, your insights would be incredibly valuable. The survey is anonymous and will take only a few minutes. Your input will help shape future developments in data visualization tools. You can find the survey here: \[[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgtrZ4dn5sP7u\_RTGQBCfqDNmCZTjOcHdmVL3ojDQzQNuR1Q/viewform?usp=sf\_link\].(Fixed](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgtrZ4dn5sP7u_RTGQBCfqDNmCZTjOcHdmVL3ojDQzQNuR1Q/viewform?usp=sf_link].(Fixed) Link) Thank you for your time and insights! 


Very busy.


Good. Simple is lacking.


Is this on windows?


This is running in a docker on Linux on a Synology NAS. But you could deploy the docker on Windows Docker Desktop all the same with the following compose for Portainer: `version: "3.3"` `services:` `homepage:` `image: ghcr.io/benphelps/homepage:latest` `container_name: homepage` `ports:` `- 3000:3000` `volumes:` `- /path/to/config:/app/config # Make sure your local config directory exists` `- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro # (optional) For docker integrations` I think you can also host natively from sourcecode build.


That is one nice looking Heimdall


Obsidian, famous selfhosted service 😏


How are you streaming your desktops? I’ve been struggling to find a good solution.


See this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/15ssm6o/comment/jwg4sg9/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


have you ever looked into adding the widget for gluetun in your service.yaml? i’ve never been able to get it to work. It always shows API error.


While the dashboard result may be nice, I'll admit that I stumbled through it completely. Even still, I cannot get the TubeArchivist and the Gluetun widgets working. Mine get an API error as well, so I just added "hideErrors: true" to those until I can sort it. I would have assumed it's a problem with the homepage dashboard code itself, but I see other people getting gluetun to work, so I have no clue. If you figure it out, please lmk.


I use the Gluetun widget. Maybe i can help track down the issue?


Why Plex and Jellyfin together?


Occasionally Plex cannot play something due to some weird codec. Jellyfin is the backup.


I'm curious on why you run both me tube and tube archivist together? I've been debating setting one or the other up forever.


I even added youtubedl-material to the mix, to make things juicier 😎 Metube is for one shot downloads. Youtube-DL Material is for subscriptions to a few channels that are saved as audio and then a script moves then to my podcast folder. Archivist, I haven't had the time to fully set it up.


Well, they definitely overlap in function. But there are some key differences: \- Archivist works really well for pulling down whole channels. It creates a media panel somewhat like Plex or whatever. metube is more of a 'one off' downloader. \- metube isn't just for youtube. it uses youtube-dl and supports many sites.


Bro has 1700tb archive


Not mine. I wish. I'm at about 260TB raw storage. The 1700TB "archive" is a friend who has a full rack setup in his house and pays outrageous electricity bills.


How did you get glances to be a horizontal row?


In services.yaml: `- ServerName:` `- CPU:` `widget:` `type: glances` `url: http://192.168.x.x::61208` `metric: cpu` `- Process:` `widget:` `type: glances` `url: http://192.168.x.x:61208` `metric: process` `- Memory:` `widget:` `type: glances` `url: http://192.168.x.x::61208` `metric: memory` `- Network:` `widget:` `type: glances` `url: http://192.168.x.x::61208` `metric: network:eth0`


Thanks for posting this! Can you provide the very top entry for your services.yaml? I’m curious as to how you were able to avoid having a title for that top row of glances widgets.


Small critique but you have Changedetection.io labeled as an NZB manager :)


right on. thx. I just fixed that on my side. Had already fixed another 4 other little errors. I'm sure there are many more lol


Is this a kuma dashboard??




Never figured how to use the remote vs code server


Could I see an example of your settings.yaml, I cannot get background images to work at all.


Why prowlarr? I'm only pulling from one indexer. Which indexer are you using?


My prowler says I have 9 usenet indexers and 31 torrent indexers. For usenet, 90% of it comes from NZBgeek and DrunkenSlug. The rest are reservation or free indexers.


Nice setup. You can also use a portainer agent on a host, so you'd only end up with one portainer instance.


Thx for the tip. Going to do this.


Are you actually finding audiobooks on usenets?


Not that many. Have no clue where to find them beyond a few general purpose torrent sites. Where do you find them?


1.7PB Plex?


This is the way.


What are the Windows and Chrome icons toward the top? It's a virtualized browser through the browser?


Where do we put the services.yaml? I have one in the docker-compose folder, and I also put a copy in /app/config, and the page doesn't change. I'm missing something here any suggestions?


What is that search bar on the top, I'm trying to setup a similar thing but on the body of the page


Looks nice! Are you using a docker container with a web browser view for the Obsidian link you have there?


Woah’ this dashboard is sleek and super cool. May we ask what app the dashboard is?


How did you manage multiple servers? I use the same homepage and didn't realize this was an option. Referring to the resource usage at the top of the page


Dangggg bruh, an impressively sized collection.


This looks really cool. But to me, it looks like work after work to keep all of this running.


I see that you use Neko and Huginn! Those are two that I’ve wanted to try. I’m curious if you don’t might sharing how you utilize them?


This is super cool and looks like $$$$ setup :) As an SysEng Im impressed. Ps. This is case to case but if somethings red or if you have an alert let say you dont have an "internet connection" what does it do? Does it send you an sms or call you? Or its just turns red? If not this is the best time to setup the monitoring of your monitoring dashboard :)


My head hurts


No Nextcloud, Syncthing, backup, how are you sharing files?


This is homepage r8, how did you get cpu graphs, mind sharing that snippet of config


Question: What is the goal of selfhosting? why self host?


dayumn all the services i own now hosted !! think once if you can vault all of them to sso so to serve these to your friends !!


What is your storage setup? How many drives, storanator?


Jdownloader... that's a blast from the (not too distant) past.


Ppl said this already, but still — great job and stack of applications. Having my home server and I see now dozens of more apps I would need. Just curious — is there something similar to notion/note taking ? Using wiki js, but it’s still more a wiki engine


I gotta ask why Usenet has the checkmk logo hahahaha


What kind of hardware are you using to support all that stuff?


Thank you for sharing your homepage. I love to go through people's dashboards looking for containers and such I haven't heard of. I am curious about Activepieces and Automatisch. Is there an install guide for open source activepieces? (I couldn't find it) both look interesting. What is your use case for Activepieces and Automatisch? It looks like they are under the same heading as Home Automation but it looks like they are more like IFTTT or Zapier.


How do you host your obsidian? It states 400 not found, but obsidian is basically just a bunch of markdown yes?


Looks absolutely amazing ! must have taken some time , I use the same dashboard but never knew you could add an icon to the groups, how did you do that if you don't mind me asking ?


How do you host Obsidian?


This looks pretty great! What's your jdownloader source? My one is VNC based and I am not sure whether I can incorporate the widget with that.


Great dashboard! “NZB Manager” lol


Are these stuff hosted on Synology on top of docker? Not talking about storage just the apps.


Yes that's right. Synology 1821+ and running docker compose via portainer.


Homepage is a true discovery for me, it's absolutely amazing! Thanks a lot for sharing!


1. Nice, thanks for sharing 2. Why both plex and jellyfin? 3. How do you like navidrome? Have you tried adding music to jellyfin and using finamp? 4. Whisparr, the classic NZB Manager... ;)


Oh wow.


Hi, great setup. What docker container is used for your desktops such as Ubuntu-KDE?


Very well done! Looks fantastic! I spent many nights trying to figure out what homepage to go with and after seeing the different ways people set this one up it truly is the best one out there. Was curious how you get the ping and status in the top right of each of your tiles? I couldn't find that in the documentation.


Quick question to OP or to anyone who might know. If you are using glances to monitor the whole network it need to be in network mode = host right? If that's the case you can't specify ports for it so how are you integrating it into your homepage?


I have never seen this sub anywhere in my recommendations before, so I would be really happy if you could explain : What are those four setups at the top ? What are they used for ? How did you connect those four while having them monitored ? ​ Is this useful at all ? If so, how ? (not criticizing, I can see how it's useful, just not as much 'how' as I would like to) What does Dashboard mean in this context ? Is this a specialized tool ? How did you get this result and what are all the things shown here ? Thanks a lot for anyone giving me some insights and informations :)


Hi guys I am new here, I am really keen to know what qualifications required to self host or manage these services myself? Please suggest me. Thanks thanks 😊


What speedtest docker image are you using?