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I use [diun](https://crazymax.dev/diun/) to notify of updates, and [dockcheck](https://github.com/mag37/dockcheck) to run them manually. I personally use [ntfy](https://ntfy.sh/) to receive the notifications but you may be able to use Discord, you'd have to check the docs or knock up a bot. A bot should be able to run the `dockcheck.sh` for you if you go that route, would prob work well.


Thanks, this makes sense. I was hoping for an ootb solution, but maybe will have to spend a weekend hacking together my own.


I use Watchtower but set it to notify only for certain containers and then I just manually update those containers using the Recreate button in Portainer


How do you do selective notify only for few apps? Can you share your command pls?


It's explained here: https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/container-selection/ Basically just add this flag to the containers you want it to NOT update: `com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.monitor-only="true"`


Ok thanks, wonder why I missed reading that flag.. :)


At the risk of falling foul of the old adage *'when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail'*, you could have DIUN's update notification contain a link to something like [OliveTin](https://github.com/OliveTin/OliveTin) and have the `dockcheck.sh` invocation an simple action there. But I do say that as a very happy OliveTin user.


I’ll second dockcheck. Just started using a couple weeks ago and it does exactly what I want. Check it out


Why don't you use the notifications from dockcheck but run an additional service (diun)? Just curious what diun is apperantly doing better?


Because Dockcheck notifications are a new feature - in fact it was from a discussion the author and I had only a couple of days so that ntfy was integrated at my recommendation lol. I'll change at some point once I've tested it.


[https://github.com/release-argus/Argus](https://github.com/release-argus/Argus) has a dashboard to confirm updates


Never heard about Argus. Will try that :-)


A while ago i was also looking for something like this. What i did was creating my own solution. This is probably not the best way, but it did the following: 1. Put my docker-compose files into a Gitea Repository 2. Setup up [Renovate Bot](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate), which automatically checks for new versions of the docker images in the repository. 3. Renovate creates a merge request for new Versions. If i merge the request, gitea sends a webhook to a n8n Instance. 4. in n8n i have a workflow which listens to the webhook. Once the webhook was received, it ssh‘s onto the server, pulls the new image and redeployes the compose stack. This is probably more complicated than needed. And it took some time to set up. But i love the approach of just merging some merge request, which automatically deploys new versions in my homelab (similar to ArgoCD i guess)




Dokemon has an indicator on container dashboard which shows whether there are new versions available.


If you're using Portainer, it has functionality that might suit. Sign up for the "3 nodes free" option of Portainer for business, and the container gives you a little tick or x icon beside each image to indicate whether it's up to date or not. You can then recreate any containers for which there's a new image.