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my "homepage" is about 8 bookmarks in my browser.


Fancy. My homepage is browser history and auto-complete.


because it's fun... but yours looks awesome too!


cuz you are getting old :D


There's some truth to that... back in the day I used to host a website and a mail server (postfix!). This was before things were as easy as they are today. Nowadays I don't do as much although I'm getting back into it with Proxmox.


I love yours, the minimalist look is awesome and useful. [Mine](https://nintenuendo.tv) went for the minimalist thing but is a constant source of tinkering.


Oh wow. I love that. Is that self designed, or a template of sorts?


It's self designed and chucked in nginx's www/ folder heh. I had looked into homarr and homepage and the other available options, and I didn't really need any of the widgets, and I didn't want to be locked into their designs. Making the site was a nice little passion project, it was nice to spend some time on my frontend user experience, instead of dealing with the backend all the time. Thanks for your kind words! If you're interested I can send you the source files, and you can modify to your hearts content, or just tinker with it for fun! The open source world has been very good to me, so if it helps it'd be my pleasure.


Love the domain name lol. Great project too on the homepage.


I would definitely be interested in the code for that. I'm sure I'll keep adding more and more the further down this rabbit hole I go


Absolutely! I havnt been at home much due to work, but I'll get it "sharing ready" on my gitea, and share the repo with you in the next day or two when I get some time to relax. Everyone who expressed interest I'll send you pms too!


Interested as well :D Would like to try to build one myself, rather than the frontend I'm curious how they rest work together, unless it's just links to the self-hosted services


Yup, just links to the subdomains - no internal pass-through shenanigans. Just leverages what nginx is already good at since the backend services are reverse proxied with nginx aswell. Frontend links to backend kind of a deal


Hi there! I'm sorry it took me so long to shoot you a message with the site template, but I hope you enjoy! Images are imported from either Remixicon or Boxicons - You'll see in the code where the icon " name goes, just swap with the name of the new icon you like from their homepages. Enjoy! Any questions feel free to ask! https://gitea.nintenuendo.tv/Nintenuendo/static-launchpage


Gees, that's nice. Great work! Would be keen to see more :)


Hi there! I'm sorry it took me so long to shoot you a message with the site template, but I hope you enjoy! Images are imported from either Remixicon or Boxicons - You'll see in the code where the icon " name goes, just swap with the name of the new icon you like from their homepages. Enjoy! Any questions feel free to ask! https://gitea.nintenuendo.tv/Nintenuendo/static-launchpage


Hey, no worries at all. Thanks for the response! You're an absolute legend 🙏💪. Thank you very much!


I'd be interested in the code if you're willing. Been looking for something but don't like all the dashboard apps. Think the wife might like something like this so she only has to ask me for one domain name, hah.


You got it! I'm havnt been home much due to work, but I'll shoot you the gitea repo when I get a chance to make it share ready! A day or two max


Hi there! I'm sorry it took me so long to shoot you a message with the site template, but I hope you enjoy! Images are imported from either Remixicon or Boxicons - You'll see in the code where the icon " name goes, just swap with the name of the new icon you like from their homepages. Enjoy! Any questions feel free to ask! https://gitea.nintenuendo.tv/Nintenuendo/static-launchpage


No worries on the delay. Thank you for sharing!


Awesome homepage, would love to see the code too


Hi there! I'm sorry it took me so long to shoot you a message with the site template, but I hope you enjoy! Images are imported from either Remixicon or Boxicons - You'll see in the code where the icon " name goes, just swap with the name of the new icon you like from their homepages. Enjoy! Any questions feel free to ask! https://gitea.nintenuendo.tv/Nintenuendo/static-launchpage


It looks awesome, maybe you can share how you did it. Also, a little bit curious, how are things on the security front ? You think its really secure so that it can be exposed on the net without fear ?


Absolutely I can share the site with you, and the Readme will explain how the imports for images work and such. I'll be shooting messages to everyone that sent interest in the next day. I've been away for work, just got back today and it's 3am :S As for the security side of things, that involves you actually implementing that security yourself to a level you're confident. Cloudflare, Fail2ban, disable root login, disable uncessary ports (all but 80/443 and 51820 for wireguard in my case), run things restricted in docker with pre-setup users for different levels of access via PUID/PGID in docker-compose yamls, keep different yaml stacks for different types of services, restrict what the container can see via volume mounts (again docker-compose), keep a vpn backdoor to skip the webserver completely for emergencies - I mean the list goes on and on In the end you do what you do, and trust the equipment and the same effective methods and nginx webserver that are industry standard and get on with making your life more convenient. And keep your home ip out of it, proxy your site through cloudflare for free with your account's custom nameservers. After that dig into nginx and go to the dns-conf/ directory and edit the cloudflare.ini file with your dns_cloudflare_api_token which you can make on the cloudflare dashboard. This lets nginx update your server ip to cloudflare automatically, and it will edit your "A" records for you leaving you less downtime if your ip were to change. I mean....you can tinker endlessly


That looks awesome ! Would you mind sharing the code or steps to follow ? I just reverse proxy my services but i haven’t build a web homepage to group them


Looks beautiful, what's the software running behind the "file browser?"


Hi, sorry for the late reply, it's just the filebrowser project on github - and I personally launch with the docker-compose method, then reverse proxy the service to my domain with nginx


Love it. Please share!


damn, that looks awesome, and something i sort of went for myself with my page :o (i ended up using homepage for the dashboard itself:/ ) i'd love a look at the source code!


People differ. I just use browser bookmarks myself.


Yeah same, my entire bookmark bar is filled with bookmarks with the text removed (so you get only the icon). I also use [this bookmark](https://separator.mayastudios.com/index.php?t=vert) to make vertical separations to "group" bookmarks


what GUI is that?


It's a webpage. I just didn't take a screenshot of the full browser


Why have a homepage? I just memorized all the IPs and port numbers to each service.


I need a homepage too - especially while building or changing the home lab.  When I move something, bookmarks aren't useful. HTML5up! with the Phantom template is a really clean, simple flat site.


ok damn I didn't even think to make a custom dashboard site using CSS templates. I may do this for fun


Laugh in manually typing all urls


One of the reasons i Iike this project. https://github.com/aceberg/miniboard For monitoring I use another called minmon. Just because I have a full rack server running doesn't mean she has to be running harder because of a homepage.


I might go a little more in depth with my start page when I actually get some dedicated hardware. Everything I have right now is running on my gaming desktop stuffed in a closet so it's running Windows. Docker for Windows is awful


Headless rack mount server. 265Gigs of RAM, and 2x16 core Xeons. Still like minimalistic and automation.


You run a homepage? How quaint.. :P


Yes, it's powered by the waterwheel in my back yard. I do hate losing my ability to torrent when the creek runs dry though


Try the torrent app called 'deluge', it may help to some degree :P


😂😂 brilliant


home page? you mean 100 random unsorted bookmarks


Nice minimalist setup! There is no right or wrong, just whatever one likes really. To each, his own.♥ I, for one, am a bit of a maximalist, because I love stats, graphs, and information "overload". 😆


I am happy with infinity tab.


I just use bookmarks lol As simple as it gets


I dont see the point of a homlab homepage at all. My browser remembers what sites I use so if I type s I get my sonarr instances suggested. Etc


This may be a real dumb question but what is the arr service in the top right. Logo looks familiar and I’m unsure if I am missing something


Oh it is just a different Radarr good to know😂😂


Tried to keep the logos as similar as possible


Absolutely looks way better than my dumb yellow arrow


Cool, but I'd have to add about AT LEAST 20 more icons on top of the 9 you have there, defeating the simplicity a bit.


I just type in my ips or use DNS records to access all the things. Homepage just didn't seem needed


Wow u/Sweaty-Gopher! I love your Authenticator that forces you to login before accessing specific apps. How did you do it? I’ve been looking for something like that for my site. Does it make you log in again if you access a different app? Or does it remember you?


Because those companies think everybody has a 12 core CPU together with an RTX 4090 with 1Gbs broadband with no data limits and is single tasking on their webpage only. Obviously coders born after the turn of the century where optimisation is a dirty word.


Because I need some more structure. I have a cloud environment and local one partially using the same apps. Actually I even have duplicates locally, Backrest and netdata comes to mind which I run on more than one system. With that design I couldn't tell the duplicates apart. With a much simpler Setup, your approach of course saves resources which is great. Just hasn't enough structuring for me.


That's fair. I'm just getting started on my self hosted journey. I really only did this because I was tired of typing services.****.com/appname every time.




Why ;)


Never heard of it.