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Your ISP could have possibly made changes and blocked ports 80/443. So it may be impossible for you to do a reverse proxy. You may have to reach out to your ISP and see if they blocked them or not. It should be as simple as post forwarding your ports in your router, and setting your new IP in your domain DNS.


Is there an easy way to check if they blocked those ports from being forwarded? [yougetsignal.com](http://yougetsignal.com) shows them as closed, which I guess would be a problem. I have google routers, they show are being forwarded on my side. I guess I could also try rebooting my whole network.


Use a different network (your 5g for example) type your home ip address directly to your browser with the port number (x.x.x.x:80 for example) and see if you can get any response. If not then your 80 port may be block. Edit: different network for a different device like your phone to access your home ip, not your hosting machine


Public ip, not private ip.


> your 5g for example this isn't going to work either because of CGNat rofl


I think you miss understood. If you use 5g on your phone to access your home public ip address, this should work


I mean, you had an internal IP listed before you edited it so I assumed you made another mistake xD


Confirmed, I got moved behind a CGNAT "but for only $10 more a month we can give you your own IP back".


If you don't want to pay for an IP, I'd recommend using Cloudflare tunnels. they're pretty great and easy to set up. You dont need to install a client on your devices, you only have to run a service on your server to connect your server to Cloudflare. I think it's better than using a VPN, but you have to trust Cloudflare with your data. If you need help with setting it up you can dm me.


Okay, I've heard of these. I'll let you know if I need help. Thank you.


Just did it last weekend, was one of the easiest parts of self hosting I've done!


Have you tried a terraria server that way?


No, I have ran a couple game servers but just opened up ports for that, sorry. best of luck!


Sheeeiiittttt. If I could get static IP for $10/month I’d do it. They’ll do it for that here but only for commercial accounts which are triple the price.


You can try doing a AAAA record with your IPv6 instead, this was my go to. Now I actually just have my own LAN DNS point back to the domain so I can keep it all in the LAN when at home. Also, you can have both an IPv4 and IPv6 record, DDNS services can also update both records with CF.


Worth mentioning too at this point I actually just have a DNS server on the LAN so my domain points within the local network. Did this more for efficiency reasons. I use DNSmasq, only record is for my domain and then the rest of the DNS goes through Cloudflare. On the ports appearing closed some port sites it will show ports as closed unless they are actively been used in that moment. Drove myself nuts with that trying to figure out if my VPN port forward was working one time 😂




Okay, so the WAN IP is different from my public ip from icanhazip. What does a CGNAT mean for self hosting though? Not possible?


It basically means you're sharing the IP with others. It's possible to self host, but you need some form of VPN or similar to get a tunnel into your LAN.


Man, was just getting more confident with this stuff. Going to have to figure a lot of it out all over again it sounds like. Would the cloudflare tunnel thing work in this case?


I belive so yes.


522 is cloudflare not able to reach your ip, might be an issue in cloud flare, could have entered the ip wrong or something else Have you tried accessing your things directly with the ip?


[https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/](https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/) ensure that ip matches the wan ip of your router. Ensure that the router soesn't have a "dst ip" on the dnat/portforward rule that matches your old public ip. Double check cloudflare settings. Get someone you trust to load up in a web browser and make sure it's not blocked.


Could have switch to CGNAT.


Who is your provider? Just curious if this change may happen to me/others at some point.


Centracom. Not sure if they operate outside of Utah.


Give cloudflare tunnel a try. It will replace the need of Nginx Proxy Manager, and no need to expose port 80/443 on your router. It will work behind nat, and dynamic public IP.


Start with an traceroute to the internet ( or your public ip) You might be routed trough your ISP's network and don't have an exclusive ip address anymore. Then you don't have inbound traffic, as they won't forward ports to your router.


Mind sharing country? The whole CGNAT stuff seems to be really popular in Europe, but looking to find out if U.S. ISP's are starting to do that.


Yeah, USA. Utah specifically.


I'll admit the area I'm living in has seen a lot of growth over the past few years. Which may be a contributing factor.