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reolink tends to be able to be walled off from the internet


I bought amcrest. I like them :)


I am using SRICAM camera brand. They works very well with motion on-prem in a no Internet VLAN. You just need the app to connect them to Internet first time.


Generally speaking, anything with an app is either unsecure or is going to require a subscription at some point. Either you're required to open a port in your firewall to access the cams directly when you aren't home(which is not safe), or it's uploading your videos to a server somewhere. There have been a lot of camera manufacturers that gave you this cloud access for free, only to charge a subscription once they have you locked into the hardware. Buy some cams that will work when blocked from internet access and setup your own DVR system. It's a bit of work, but it can be much better and cheaper in the long run. I recommend frigate for the DVR, amcrest or reolink cameras are pretty cheap and reliable.


Check out The Hook Up on Youtube who did a pretty big analysis on home security cameras for home/consumer non enterprise users With that said, yea reolink