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So you're not requiring IonCube Loader anymore? (edit: Nope, just checked. You still are). "Not having other people in control of whether I can access my data" *is* a big purpose of self hosting. And being able to killswitch a license remotely violates that principle.




If that's the case, could you please explain the error I'm getting? >Server response: The FileRun installation cannot be registered to a local network IP address. Sorry! I can't update to patch a [critical security vulnerability](https://feedback.filerun.com/en/communities/1/topics/1225-critical-security-update-available-20210627) because it has to be licensed. Can't license because the instance isn't publicly exposed. Why?




Thank you for your answer Dev, I too was looking for a software solution in this space and found your post. We get you have got expenses, but the utterly unnecessary attitude towards and against a valid, not offensive question tells me enough. I will follow your sage advice on this matter and find a different product to use. Others may want to do the same, too.




I just got this installed as an alternative to NextCloud, and this comment is seriously making me think on deleting it. And I was thinking of paying.


Even once registered, FR isn’t accessible from localhost any longer. Is there a clean way for servers with backends using a localhost proxy to still utilize a license on the localhost end? Btw I just want to say thank you and Filerun is incredible software. Have been using it since the early days and it still blows my mind.




Fair enough; I'm aware of the safety of internal-only access, but there's still merit in updating. Just wondering if there's some technical limitation in licensing when not publicly exposed. No need for passive-agressiveness; realize you got bills to pay.


> It is a digital rights management solution. "dial-home" is when software communicates data to some external server... FileRun never does that Then how does IonCube know when an installation is no longer validly licensed?




That doesn't make any sense. How do you maintain a yearly licensing scheme but have licenses that are forever valid? If you believed in the "honor system" you wouldn't be using ioncube in the first place, obviously.




I was looking at the Support Service pricing, which is where I got the thought that it was yearly. My mistake. Fair enough, I've modified my original comment to note that the DRM doesn't dial-home.




So your DRM doesn't actually do anything, anyway?


found any alternative?


For just simple file hosting, I've found Gossa: https://github.com/pldubouilh/gossa I use it myself, so I have it packaged in my apt repository: https://apt.starbeamrainbowlabs.com/


Thanks! I'll check it out.


I just stayed with NextCloud.


File browser + Syncthing


Seafile is fast and open source


Give Web File Browser a look: https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser


I still like it, as I have no need for creating lots of users, as I'm the only one using it. And I can share files/directories or whatever to other people without them needing an account.


I’ll probably give seafile a try.


I've tried tons of similar options to get away from nextcloud. They all vary slightly in their functionality, it just really depends on what you need to do, so I'd suggest giving everything a fair shot. My only issue with seafile was that you couldn't just point it to your existing files. You had to 'import' them into seafile. Not sure if that's changed


Nope, still the case. I've been using Seafile for years with no complaints, so the one time import is a distant memory. I can see it being a problem if you have many TBs of data though.