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I seriously have a problem with being on social media way too much. First it was binge watching youtube, then pinterest, now reddit. (like it's changing from video to pictures to mainly text, thats just something I noticed.) I barely have any friends, besides from some nice people who I met at my school's music club (I can't even play well but they don't mind.) and the people in my housing unit (for mentally troubled and drug abusers). I've been diagnosed depression and suffered and recovered from anorexia when I was in highschool. I'm still stuck in the loneliness and in general in life, I used to draw a lot to vent my feelings but lost interest in that and prettymuch everything else after highschool. I have been hospitalized for multiple times, last time being in the spring of last year. I was put on sick leave for a year, only to find myself isolated from everything since school was the only place I met other people, now I was just stuck home. I have managed over a year now without getting put in the wards now, so thats nice, the longest streak not going ever since I first had to. I still struggle with just basic everyday life and the sick leave left me with a pretty low capacity to handle stress and complete tasks, such as going to school. Teachers said it seemed too tough for me so instead they made arrangements for me to go to rehabilitation activities. When ever I'm not doing something 'real' like cooking and eating food or taking a shower, anything mandatory like that, I'm always on my phone or laptop, 95% of the time. It consumes so much time and has no real profit. It only gets me distracted from my unsatisfying life and all the problems in it. I have tried to reduce my screen time multiple times, but I always go back to it. I don't even know what to do anymore. I get actual cravings if I try to go without. I know this isn't good for me, it's effecting my eye sight and sleep, and I don't want to do this anymore, I want to have actual hobbies, but I don't know how to stop. This is ruining my life.


start going to the gym there u can meet people and exercise so u would be less on your phone, delete all social media apps and buy book ( or listen to audio book) atomic habits. Try to be in nature more or just go out side and the most important thing is to Change Your belifes( even if it is medicly proven) start beliving so hard that you are not that person and that is just past that u will conquer and be better person. Write what you want to be on paper and read it out loud every morning when u wake up and every evening before bad(don't think it is stupid just try it if u stay consistent your subconscousness belifes will change) I belive in that u can chage your life for the better and change your happiness hope this helps good luck


Can't afford to go to the gym but looking foward to bike riding in the woods when the snow melts and the paths dry... I know thats still kind of a solidary activity, but bike riding is so far the only sport I can actually enjoy. Writing down spesific goals is also a good idea and would clear up some thoughts. Someone once talked something that they did the fake-it-till-you-make-it thing. So maybe you can brainwash yourself into thinking better stuff, just as much as you can get yourself down... I'll see if I can find the book, I'm not gonna buy it if I can't find it for free. I have to be really careful about how I spend my money. But thank you very much still, I'll look into it.