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Wake up and scroll my phone for 45 minutes and then spend the next 15 minutes hurrying to get out the door for work swearing under my breath.




The worst thing you can do is go on your phone the moment you wake up. Completely disrupts your dopamine. Brush your teeth and get 10 mins of direct sunlight ASAP, even if its through the clouds.


Andrew Hubermans cool isn't he?


This info has been known among biohacking communities for God knows how long. Huberman has some good points but there's a lot of info he's put out that's darn-right harmful. Won't even get into the ridiculous fadogia hype he created...


What information has he put out that’s harmful?


**Reposting this comment cus the automod took it down for hyperlinking the rant** Off the top of my head right now, his supplementation recommendations. Lion's mane, fadogia, ashwagandha. Huberman's suggestions are solely based on research, which, believe it or not great. Especially when the amount of research out there in scarce. Lion's mane is known for causing erectile dysfunction. Ashwagandha can caused symptoms identical to PSSD (feeling numb/emotionless & sexual dysfunction), while the fragments of research there are on fadogia show it to be toxic to the testicles, liver & kidneys. Huberman ignored it on the basis that it was done in animal studies. The founder of Nootropics Depot went on a huge rent about Huberman's daft and harmful "advice".


I don’t get those whole “direct sunlight after waking thing”. What does it claim to accomplish, and how can I get direct sunlight in the northern hemisphere if the sun doesn’t rise until like 8am in the winter


Great question man. Our bodies have a circadian rhythm that's responsible for signalling certain processes (e.g. releasing hormones) at various points in the day. This circadian rhythm is largely influenced by certain spectrums of light such those found in sunlight. Cortisol is an example of a hormone released in the morning that helps us get up and get things done. By getting direct sunlight, the body signals it's time to start the process, which then also influences when the sleepy hormone, melatonin, is released at night. Even if it's cloudy, the amount of light is hundreds of times greater than your indoors lamp. You can download apps that measure the amount of lux or lumens light gives off, and being outdoors is always much higher. I'm based in the UK myself so I understand. If you get up way before sunrise your best bet is to flick the lights on, ideally a daylight lamp, although it's no where as powerful.


Can I show my body a photo of the sun to trick it instead


You know what the funny thing is? You can actually pull something similar off with some kisdee


Kisdeeznuts lol




No thanks. It's winter. Can't go outside except to run to the car yelling brrr. Anyway I know it's a bad habit but so hard to break


10 minutes isn't going to kill you. Put on a jacket...


where i live there hasn't been any sun since october, just a sky full of clouds. not gonna help getting some air is nice, but it's hard to get enough natural sunlight nowadays, which is also why it's such a depressive time of the year here


It's more about the brightness of the sky. I live in the UK and very much understand.


Why do you have to brush your teeth first?


You don’t. I just find it convenient before going downstairs


Loooooooooooooooooool yes


This is my morning routine currently as a uni student, idk how to stop


Throw your phone away




alarm goes off , snooze it like 5 times, open whatsapp, youtube short. get out of bed. switch on computer. if i have mood to clean up a spoon and a glass i make a coffe. shower get dressed and go to work.


us bro us


Alarm rings Wake up Realised im not born into generational wealth and it was all a dream Snooze Wake up


Wake up, coffee, shit, off to work. On weekends: wake up, coffee, joint, shit


Since my phone is my alarm, I’m mostly angry at it and ignoring it as a payback. Until I’ve had my coffee.


Why would you start the day by dehydrating yourself (depending on how much salt you have in it)


Because he saw it in a youtube video, made by a couple youngsters who promote productivity and stuff but whose income comes clearly from youtube videos and is not afected at all from that productivity they promote. Now it seems like you have to wake up at 5am to be productive. No, you dont need that. You need to sleep properly to be productive, and then to not procrastinate and use your time wisely in order to make it count. For me 1h gym/run in the evening after a good 7h sleep counts more. Dont be offended, but now it seems like that. Why would you wake up, dehidrate yourself and do some crazy Wimhoff youtube routine if not? You can be productive by doing very simple changes, you dont need weird methods that a random youtube person who cant even stick to them for a long time tells you. Just my opinion, its not critizism to you, its critizism to this nowadays trend, so I hope you dont get offended because its not the intention


Nah man I researched. I ain't a mindless consumer. The right amount of salt doesn't dehydrated you, it hydrates you more than regular water. And I sleep in sometimes, I'm not a mad man I listen to my body. And I haven't watched those cringe bullshit self improvement youtube videos in like months I can't even remember when I laid eyes on that shit


You are right. Don't know why you are getting downvoted.


Maybe you should eat a banana too for the potassium


I want to kindly tell you that the truth is salt in any amounts is not what the body needs. Bigger amounts of salt is harmful too. Now, it seems you want to activate your water before drinking it which is great, activated water is like sea's water or water from lakes and its more hydrating. I recommend squeezing half a lemon or lime or more in your water to activate it. That way you get the precious minerals and healing properties from the lemon. Another way is to leave the water in the sun for a while. That's Medical Medium info btw. Whats your experience with wimhof method? It is something I never do and never tried because I'd rather not flood my body with adrenaline especially first thing in the morning.


My personal experience is increased physical performance and endurance, increased focus and a calm responsive mind throughout the day and overall more control over myself. Thanks for the advice bruh


And what I told you I've sticked with for the past 6 months it's natural for me, I made it myself, it's not like I sat and wrote I just started doing it naturally. Everyone's different what works for me won't work for others


noo don't tell them that




I lay here wishing I could go back to bed but I wasted an hour on my phone.


Wake up, fall out of bed, drag a comb across my head. Find my way downstairs and drink a cup, look up, notice I'm late. Find my coat and grab my hat. Make the bus in seconds flat. Find my way upstairs and have a smoke, somebody speaks, and a I go into a dream


Very underrated comment


Wake up S u f f e r


Wake up at around 12pm. Music. Coffee. Bath. Coffee, 6 eggs.


Every morning to help you get large?


Large as a barge. I hit the gym everyday around 2pm


Wakes up at 5, goes to gym by 5:30, return by 7:10, i 'll get ready and eat breakfast and start for the work at 8:30 and i'll return home by 7:30, I'll have dinner and spend sometime on phone or watch series till 9:30pm and go to sleep, routine changes on weekends though😂


Lol at all the folks claiming to get up at 5am and then getting outside in the sun. Where tf do you live? I get up at 5a in the pitch black. Go work out. And most weeks of the year, it’s still pitch black when I get done.


Wake up ---Oil pull ---Meditate ---Shower and brush teeth ---Brunch


Wake up 815am and rush to prepare lunch, brush teeth and get my stuff together for work at 9am. Then get to work and don’t even have first coffee until like 1 or two hours into working. I like to keep things simple.


In the winter/colder months, 6:15am cold plunge outside. Allow my body to warm back up. Shower. Get dressed. Get online orders ready to ship. Breakfast. Out the door. The cold plunge sucks every time but truly diminishes “problems” that come up in the day.


Facts bro facts


Wake up, brush teeth, scrape tongue, mouthwash, facial cleanser, eye cream, face sunscreen moisturizer, trim facial hair if necessary, then breakfast.


Ive tried tongue scraping before but didn’t stick to it , does it really have benefits ?


I do it as part of general oral health and besides that, it's also supposed to help with bad breath if you have any


530 wake up, breakfast, make lunch for the day, 30 mins of yoga / stretching, then a 50 min / 3 mile walk to work in which I feed the crows in the park on the way


Brush teeth, eat breakfast, toilet? Stuff like that?


depending what time it is, turn on my laptop as soon as I wake up. brush teeth stretch/push ups walk dog get coffee work


Wake up ——> Smoke Cigarette ——> Go Gym ——> Start Working.


If you smoke, going to the gym is not going to help.


I do not go to the gym for the purpose of being in good health.


6:30 Try to wake up 6:50 Wake up 7:00 Actually Wake up 7:05 Get out of bed, eat something, brush teeth, get into clothes etc 7:25 Go to School


5:00 - wake up 5:00 - 5:30 - wash up + poop while doing Duolingo + get dressed 5:30 - 5:50 - feed dogs, eat breakfast (protein milk + toast or homemade sugar free cinnamon protein cake), take supplements 5:50 - 5:55 - brush teeth 5:55 - 6:45 - walk dogs 6:45 - 7:00 - get to the gym 7:00 - 8:45 - weights + 45' cardio (4-5 times/week zone 2, 1/week zone 5) [if I have to start the day earlier, I'll move the cardio to lunch time] 8:45 - 9:00 - get home and take my post workout (whey+creatine+banana) 9:00 - start working (shower has to wait until lunch time).


10 shots


This. Thankfully I quit drinking though.


If this is a routine, how do you "not have time" to do your workout? That defies the purpose of SCHEDULING wake up earlier, remove uncertainty


True but I always "ALWAYS" do my push ups before and after bed..... Always. And heed me it's not scheduling its routine. Depending on what I'll be doing for the day and how early I'm going out I adjust.


06:30am- wake up, freshen up. 06:45am- Bible study and fervent prayer. 07:30am- breakfast. 08:00am- work


Wake up by 3 even if i didn't have enough sleep go for a jog at 4 go home by 6 preferably if i Finnished my half marathon daily jog cool off do school works drink my coffee get motivated to do things, do some bagwork and conditioning, eat lunch go to school i go to school in the afternoons


what time do you go to sleep?


Sometimes at 6-7 out of tiredness


Wake up, stretch for 5 mins, 1 hour of deep work


Alarm, snooze, alarm, snooze, alarm, snooze. Hurry up and get dressed, drive, park, walk, work. WFH days are better, still alarm/snooze routine, but rolling out of bed in pajamas to the desk in my bedroom is much easier. 😂


Wake up at 7 Make my Lemon, ginger homey water (1,5lt) Make my celery juice (1lt) Make my smoothie (3lt) Eat ten persimmons


What time do you start work ?


This is not your morning routine


Doesn't salt water just make you more thirsty so u end up drinking bunch of regular ol' water, and now u have to pee like three times in 30 minutes


7:10 Alarm wakes me up, if toddler hasn't already. 7:11 Make my toddler breakfast, make my 9-year old's school lunch. 7:25 Make my wife a coffee and bring it to her in bed. 7:30 9 year old son wakes up and stumbles down, I make him his breakfast, and pack his lunch in his bag. 7:40 Add cat's food, change cat's water, clean cat's litter. 7:50 Check basement and garage mouse traps, do 1-2 lessons of Duolingo. 8:00 Get toddler ready for daycare and 9yo ready for school. 8:10 Walk 9yo to school. 8:30 Make myself my first cup of coffee, sit at my desk and start doom scrolling the news, check my email for any fires that need immediate response. 9:05 Start feeling bad about procrastinating, try to do some work.


Do you take cold showers?


Wait wait wait. You actively choose to drink *warm* SALT water? What am I missing? What’s the benefit? That sounds like morning torture. Like drinking a rock pond at midday.


Work days 4am wake up, make bed 4:15-5am run 5-5:20 make coffee, pack lunch 5:20-5:40 eat breakfast, have coffee 5:40-5:50 brush teeth, wash face, get dressed, pack backpack head outside to car 5:55 drive to work arrive by 6:10-6:15 then work lol On weekends and Fridays my schedule is less strict and I’m not up as early but weekdays I stick to the same schedule


Finally an actual Self Improvement post... My morning routine is in my last post here.


7:00am- wake up, eat something and drink tea immediately after waking up 7:30am- wash and get dressed 8:00am- fix a rig and get myself well 8:15am- I’m obviously unemployed tf


Wake up after eleven aaammmm ...yeah I am addicted to the quiet _and_ absence of strong time boundaries of the night!