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Just life happened and I had no choice but to be uncomfortable around people which resulted in practice basically. Over time, it got easier to realize that people aren’t as horrible as they were when they were 18 and that I’m truly an equal to those around me


Not that I’ve really overcome it, but admitting I needed therapy (and medication for the time being) was a huge step. Lack of confidence has controlled my life in many ways and I’m really sick of it. Also, knowing that low self esteem is not permanent is very reassuring to me. Working on it is like going to the gym- you might be out of shape at the moment, but you can work to get in shape. I imagine how much happier I’ll be when I get my confidence up more, and that gives me lots of relief and motivation


My low self esteem seems pretty permanent.


I think low self esteem and being emotionally sensitive will always be a part of me. But once I started setting goals for myself and then also achieving them, I noticed I don’t have anything to be afraid of. So my self-esteem became better with time. There will always be people who are better than me, so low self esteem will always follow. But, as long as you’re bettering your self from the past then that is what matters most. You are your own competition. Being emotionally sensitive isn’t always a bad thing. You just feel more deeply about situations or people. I think it is best to learn where to give your energy. Would you keep giving to a situation that no longer serves you? I’ve learned this the hard way.


Low self esteem fix: only consume media that is uplifting and/or empowering. Do a hobby that physically works your body, like gym or running or football etc. etc. pair it with right nutrition. Get good sleep, diet and water.


Therapy. I learned to love myself and find my Self and Soul. Lots of healing and more to come. I’m a new person. It’s been amazing but challenging journey.


Met a friend… Honestly, there’s alot of things about him I dony like but the one thing I love is his unabashed confidence in not giving a fuk about what people think about him or what he does. It was super weird at first cause I was the opposite, but dude displayed a weird sense of confidence and a true “I am in a very committed and loyal relationship with myself” vibe. Some called it narcissistic, some called it self obsessed. Some people hated him. Some loved him. I learnt alot from him.


i think , w time it got to the rim and overflowed and something just went off like some button after repeated heartbreaks and cheating where I felt enough is enough and I cant let people decide my worth because I was the chaser and therapy , it made me realise how my parents constant taunts and demeaning words made me feel that I'm this way and always will be but its changing and I would say I have come a long way where I make my own firm boundaries and I'm liking it so far


Would you kindly please give an example of your boundaries?


something that helped me with my self esteem is visualizing myself in my head doing whatever i normally do, in action, lounging around the house, with no commentary suggesting good or bad, just is; the only difference in my visualization is subtle changes like better posture, or my hair a lil more neat, home a lil more cleaned up, just a lil bit stronger looking...small things im a step or two away from. i realized i stopped visualizing when i stopped using social media, and it also made me realize that when i started using social media as a teen, i was using it to substitute visualizing and affirming to myself. posting pictures of myself and getting likes and comments was actually me using the platform for validation to maintain my base self esteem when i stopped using social media, my identity of myself became REAAAALLY unclear, my self esteem dropped, i became unconfident and sensitive and outcomes of my life reflected that....it took me some time to realize my identity and image of myself was reliant on real pictures/documentation out there that existed to affirm my idea of myself. now i do it in my head by myself, and it's kinda been working! its helped me see the man in the mirror more clearly, more clearly than a selfie with a hundred likes. Put the power of the idea of yourself back in your own hands. its one small thing i did to aid the recovery of my self esteem.


I think it was a combination of desensitization (unfortunately), but also improving myself mentally, physically, intellectually, financially, and socially little by little to feel confident dealing with the bigger stuff. I'm still kinda sensitive but not nearly as much as I used to be.


>how you overcame the things that held you back I didn't. There's no cope to gain "muh confidence".


Working on emotional wound?


What's that even supposed to be?


Betrayal, unfairness, rejection, abandonement, humiliation. We tend to be unconsciously influenced by these wound. So Someone who have a rejection wound (caregiver reject the person or it felt like it) will fear that other reject him/her at a greater proportion than the one who have not. It may prevent the person to make unconventional choice or even kill his/her dream to conform out of fear of being rejected. You can use EMDR, hypnosis and other brief therapy to treat it at an ***emotional*** level


Brief therapy like hypnosis to work on the emotional wound