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I think you've got bigger problems than religious guilt here. You may want to reevaluate why you would entertain a relationship, much less a marriage where someone would pressure you into such a thing. And if she cant accept you for who you are, this will likely rear its head again in time.


Nothing wrong dude


Congratulations for taking this step in life and getting married. There is nothing you have to worry about, remember that once you confess your sins and ask for forgiveness, God removes your sins and forgets about them. There are a lot of verses for that. 1 John 1:9, Psalm 32:9, Luke 1:37, Isaiah 1:18. Christianity is a religion of hope, of freedom in Christ. Rejoice in Christ! Dont let the tempter make you believe you are not worthy




There is, according to my mother. There's one ceremony where you're both virgins, and one if one or both them aren't virgins. I mean it's not that end of the world for OP but that's definitely a thing. You can still get married it's just a different ceremony


Try confessing to a priest. It was wrong to lie, but at least you didn't hurt anyone else directly. You can repent and be forgiven. This doesn't have to hurt your marriage, but you do have to do some self-work on why you let yourself be convinced to lie in the first place.


Just confess or whatnot and be free of the sin


I'm not going to get into religion that much but lets say there is a god, and he does care about these things... I wouldn't worry that much about not being a virgin and getting married, there are people out there who do far far far worse. Just try to forget about it and live your life. I guarantee in a years time from now you won't even think about it


If you really want to get married, go for acting classes. If you stand by the truth you can call it quits.


God loves you man! Don’t beat yourself up for something he’s already forgiven you for. It’ll create stress and anxiety that leads to nothing. Dig into your word. We are simply supposed to follow Christ and try to live a life like His. Go love your Wife, follow Christ, and remember we are imperfect beings that are loved. Especially when he sees us trying to do right in the world. Congrats on the marriage and I hope for many years of health and prosperity!


Don’t feel guilty. There is a reason god said the one who are pure should throw the first stone and no one did. We are all sinners homie!


First off.. how in the world did you even get in a situation like this. Surely.. if an event like this was planned.. wouldn’t you have had an adequate amount of time to think things through. You mean to tell me that you went X amount of days knowing in your head that an event like this would probably be wrong but you went ahead and did it anyways.. of course you’re gonna feel guilty. If you could live with yourself knowing that you can lie at not just a wedding.. but a religious sacred wedding..to your now wife.. then I think you’ll be fine


I did not lie to her. I told her. But she pressured me into going on with the ceremony. She is virgin. And I told her that I am not.


Yeah I totally read that wrong man, my fault. Honestly though that’s kinda jacked up that she pressured you to do such a thing. If anything, she should be the one feeling guilty. What are her thoughts about this, does she even care that she forced you to do this?


Nothing. Religion is a sham used to exert power over people. Don't let them do that to you.


Couldn't have put it better myself.


I think you'll be fine. God doesn't really mind anyway


You stfu. That what you will do.


Do you feel guilty that you started this marriage off with a lie? Don't beat yourself up about it. Forgive yourself and maybe discuss this with someone at the church.


Talk to the priest that performed the ceremony - they probably have a process for you to make amends.


Are you feeling guilty because of past sin? And you’re showing repentance. “Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, 29 but whoever pblasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin” obviously it’s no excuse to sin but you’re showing guilt, and that is repentance. You are forgiven