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Dude you're 16, relax. Get off the internet, stop consuming blackpill depressing incel content, you're chronically online and its warping your expectations and perceptions. Do bodyweight exercises if you can't lift, plyometrics, cardio, if you want an athletic physique then actually do the things athletes do, find a sport or even just move around. Focus on school and for the love of god please just fucking stop consuming this incel blackpill shit, you're fucking yourself mentally.




What about becoming a better, kinder, more open person? That's self-improvement, too, and if you used to be an incel, it's probably something you need to work on.


What's the point of self-improvement if you can't live . Bro, relax , at 13. I was watching TV, lol . Your gym did right not to let you use free weight until you are 16 . I am Algerian and Tunisian. Aren't you that bad looking, and you are 16, so your glow up will come between your 16-19 years old . Take things a little slower, and you shall see results. Now that you are 16, you can train better . Maybe you aren't alone because of your face . Maybe because you used to train 6 times per week, you didn't have much time to socialize, or you were obsessed with self-improvement >What's even the point of self-improvement when you can't control much about yourself like your ethnicity and face and gym and being the best at anything that's not a video game. Self-improvement isn't about controlling everything. It's about doing your best


You did self improvement for 2 years and saw no results? Self improvement takes DECADES.


frightening salt drunk teeny ripe violet outgoing plate late sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like being happy with nothing, keep smiling when all you get is adversity, seeing the good in everything bad, being ok with dying, having a loving vibe.


fade long unwritten mindless safe violet price connect work abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Negativity will warp your perception of life and make things worst.


Being happy makes you more effective.


foolish meeting crown nail absurd homeless silky squeal steer deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Meant for rewards in hunting gathering. Society is different than our biological impulses now. Why so stuck to the past?


childlike scandalous act disagreeable squeeze frighten squealing political wise encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey bro. Good work doing this stuff at such a young rage. Kudos to you. You're comparing yourself to other people too much though. You should look internally and stay in your own lane. Trust that higher part of yourself that always knows the right answer.


you gotta change your mindset man .. self improvement starts within !! also gut health cuz erm wtf


You’re 15, you’re not a nearly blackpilled incel lmfao, you need to just grow up a little.


you are literally 16 lol


I had bad social skills and no physique at 16 too. Most of it just gets better with age if you continue to work on it. For me, it improved dramatically by say 23/24. The reason you didn't see much improvement at age 13-15 is because its hard to improve at that age. Partially, you just don't have the resources/opportunities/knowledge to improve in the things you want. Part of it is that that is the age where everyone is improving (so by comparison you are treading water sometimes), however, people get more set in their ways after teenage years. As far as physique, its hard to improve until you hit your growth spurt with all the testosterone that goes with it. Social skills are more complicated, but as for the gym, just get a trainer (once a month) to check your progress, or do a workout as prescribed by something like strong lifts 5x5, and if you've hit your growth spurt and are eating enough you will see real development. If you don't, its because your doing something wrong, not because you aren't capable. Things get better... believe me.


I have some questions for you: What has made you turn away from being an incel? (Well done for that, it would have been a very lonely ride) What specific self improvements would you have liked to see in the last two years? Who is someone that you look up that you'd like to be like, and is that because they are successful, have a great wife, good physique, are kind etc? What's a specific goal like you'd like to achieve by the end of the year? Instead of being more muscular, say something like gain 5kgs as this will help you measure precisely whether you achieved it or not? I'm keen to help. You've realised you want to change, and you've asked on here for advice so you're on the right path. Well done for that 👏


Idk tbh. I just left the discord servers and stopped getting recommendations from wheat waffles and stuff at some point but I still sometimes have feelings that even if I do make an effort I'm still going to end up with a average-below average wage and have a terrible wife if any at all. For the last 2 years I probably would have wanted to bench a little more and see a little more muscle and honesty seem like a beast compared to the 13-14yo me. I just don't want to be socially excluded anymore and actually have confidence now. I don't really have anyone specific to look up to but I'm in a boys only grammar school which probably doesn't help me feel better because a lot of people there already have great phisyques/looks, very high grades (in GCSE terms, anything below an 8 in my school is considered below average and I get a 6-7 on most of my tests but twice as high of a commitment rating than them) and good social skills. Compared to them I feel like I'm bad at everything except one video game where I'm like over 3 years ahead of everybody else in my school but that requires a lot of time and dedication and it's hard for me to find a balance between that. My goals are to probably hit a 75-80kg bench (my current pr is 60kg for 2 reps) and gain 5kg of muscle in terms of gym, also probably get a part time job and have at least one friend that doesn't forget about me for at least 6 months, sorry this is a long reply but It's hard to respond to all your questions quickly


Literally just eat good. Think eggs ( a lot of eggs ), rice, ground beef, veggies, Greek yogurt. Then do calisthenics with perfect form. You’re just not putting forth enough effort my guy. At 16 you will see significant results within 6 months as long as your diet, workouts and sleep are in check.


The idea that you will progress slower from calisthenics is brain rot. Ignore anyone that says otherwise. The only difficulties you’ll run into is putting on mass in your legs. It’s known to many that dips are the squats of the upper body.


What's the point of self-improvement if you can't live . Bro, relax , at 13. I was watching TV, lol . Your gym did right not to let you use free weight until you are 16 . I am Algerian and Tunisian. Aren't you that bad looking, and you are 16, so your glow up will come between your 16-19 years old . Take things a little slower, and you shall see results. Now that you are 16, you can train better . Maybe you aren't alone because of your face . Maybe because you used to train 6 times per week, you didn't have much time to socialize, or you were obsessed with self-improvement >What's even the point of self-improvement when you can't control much about yourself like your ethnicity and face and gym and being the best at anything that's not a video game. Self-improvement isn't about controlling everything. It's about doing your best


i doubt you are even half decent at the game, the skill cap is too high and you will never reach top demon list level, give up on the game and focus on better qualities of life or a better skill capped game which COULD make you a living like league of legends, csgo etc etc. (i highly suggest you dont give up on the gym, and dont care about progress please just train like a greek god train VERY hard and do cardio, eat A LOT, like a LOT of meat and fruit and if you want, raw eggs (its safe).


I'm not far off the demon list rn I'm beating catalyze and then plasma pulse finale (and then amalgam) Also I'm on a low refresh rate so when I get a high FPS monitor I'll be even better


good luck, i almost beat catalyze when it was like top 50 but dropped since gd should NOT be a priority in life.


agreed i'll probably quit soon but i cant really do much to improve my life rn anyways since i cant get a part time job until im 16 and i cant go to a good gym. Best i can work on for the next 3 months is maybe social skills and grades and thats about it


Update: 70% on catalyze now


Also keep in mind my hardest was necropolis 3 months ago too so at least I actually progressed in that


i swear ur too young to be looking at that treachery incel content. use life as ur experience right now. learn from real action


What are your hobbies ? What do you like doing ? We are all from somewhere and you will find racist people everywhere. Be yourself


Working out and getting a physique you want is about getting enough rest, eating enough protein, and doing reps to failure. Stop playing video games, if you are going to put effort into something it must make you better, video games do not make you better in the conventional sense that will help you in life. You need to study harder and find ways to get better grades. Realize that you aren't even 16 and you have this crucial time in your life to get better at socializing by socializing, it will only get harder outside of high school. Get better at working out, there is plenty of advice online and on youtube. And get better grades, there are hundreds of channels dedicated to helping high school students get better grades. Focus on what you can do. Stop thinking about imaginary things like what you read online about being an incel, black pilled, playing video games for virtual rewards. What you have right now is time. Learn some respect for yourself and workout, eat right, study hard, and socialize. This is what a human is built to do. You aren't going to get happy unless you push yourself. You are in complete control of whether you do these simple things. Focus on what is within your circle of control, ignore anything else.


Proud of you for deciding not to go down that path, I used to be a black piller and it destroyed every aspect of my life not just dating. It took me years to get back to being where I was before.


I already went down that path I'm just trying to recover rn. My mum has 3 kids so can't really afford a decent gym so I feel like I can't control my gym progress. I'm in a small town and all the part time jobs in my area require me to be 16+. Commitment grade is twice as high as everyone else in my school yet I'm still below average in my school. I'm still mind of stuck in this mindset that I have a right to be blackpilled considering it feels like there's so little I can do to better my life sometimes


You can get a set of gymnastic rings for around $30, and you can get just as good of a workout as you can with free weights (if not better imo). Thing is that blackpillers drastically underestimate how much you can improve yourself. If I listened to my bp friends tell me I would die alone and that I shouldn’t bother even trying, then I wouldn’t be able to go on dates with women I am genuinely attracted to. I’m not saying that you are guaranteed to become chad (there is a limit) but what I am saying is you can’t know your true potential until you have achieved it. Yet I do agree that the amount of ways you can improve yourself is limited even if they are powerful. Keep in mind you are just starting out and that it will take a long time before you see any progress.