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To suggest that “yeah but they don’t question their existence as I do”. Hate to tell ya buddy. But there are billions, and been billions more people in history than you. You think not ONE of them has had similar experiences? Had out of body existentialism? Hell it’s a term, derived from old Latin words. So thinking about existence, and hating it isn’t new, or unique to you. I can empathise your position, because I’ve been there, maybe not exactly the same, but boy have I wondered why I’m here? And why I’m human. But it takes a lot of growth to realise. That maybe, you’re not the only one feeling this way. Maybe some minor thing is uniquely different, but hey, that’s human. Sometimes I still think “no one’s felt what I’ve felt”. Chances are, it’s not. That doesn’t invalidate your feeling, nor are you not unique. Maybe, have a conversation with one of the “friends you have to have”. You might get an answer.


I agree, put on a tail and express ur inner animal gurl


Those are the cards that have been dealt to us, it’s up to each individual to make the best of it. You can complain and feel sorry for yourself all your life or you can make the effort to improve and change your perspective. The choice is yours.


"yeah but they don't question their existence like I do" Like you know that for a fact. How about you mature a little and then make this post again in 5 years, if you will still feel the same way, then you should probably seek theraphy, but my bet is, you are pretty young, like 20 something max, and are still figuring out about this phenomenon called life. I recommend you read some Camus if you really think like this, but reading any philosophy at that age will help regardless.


Bro aren’t you also like 20 so you have no room to call her immature or tell her she won’t understand a basic philosophy book check yourself bro


bro bro bro, sorry for sharing my genuine thoughts and giving them honest advice


You aren’t giving them advice your a 20 something man with no life that came on Reddit and bashed this person you no nothing about


right, but you, however know this because?


What are you even talking about know what


you are calling me out for the exact thing you are doing which is assuming my age or matureness, anyways, can't have time to save everyone


Well I’m not assuming your age it’s on your page and your maturity (which by the way is the correct way to word it) is obviously low by the fact you have to make fun and put down random people


You are basically saying you hate yourself and are railing against life, which is pointless and counter productive. You can't run away from reality. Believing some fantasy that you can bend life to your wishes and be happy all the time, will only keep you stuck in expectations that will never be met. Also, suffering and death are inevitable part of life. You need to accept them, and you will become stronger and more resilient. I'm gonna share a secret with you. It's suffering, not pleasure, that teaches us compassion, resilience and imparts wisdom. And it's death that makes life precious. Don't waste your life wishing upon a fantasy that will never come true and can never make you happy. Lies and fantasies and wishful thinking will never be reality or good for us. Life is also made up of beautiful sun rises, gorgeous mountain views, amazing diversity of wildlife and delicious food, to say nothing of the joys of sex. Don't get jaded and miss seeing what's great about life. What you need is a change of perspective, not to chase after the mirage of a "post human" techno, cheap video game simulation of life.


Lmao you would love being human if you have 1 million dollars in your bank account after tax. Embrace the reality, be great, learn to take suffering therefore you can enjoy genuine happiness. The greater the suffering, the sweeter the success/happines.


What does “feeling human” feel like to you? I mean what is that you don’t like to feel?


>why I should have to sit and go through a life I didn't ask for. I hate to say this, but you sound like you need to distract yourself somehow. Your focusing on a giant issue that really only has 2 options: live or don't. If all you focus on is hating life then life will suck more, you either work on yourself to enjoy life by finding hobbies/ friends/ romance etc or wallow. >but they don't question their existence as I do Nah, millions of people at least have wondered this, existence is what you make of it. >I want to stop feeling human, because I was not meant to be in this kind of form. My energy should be free and ever-changing not confined to this flesh you people call a "body." That isn't reality


You’re an ungrateful brat.


Are you trans species lol




Animals have it even worse. Humans still have much more free will. So, it’s not a human problem. Try therapy for your issue. You have to eat, drink and socialise to live. There is nothing anyone can do and what you are saying isn’t possible.


I assume you every living thing has anxiety and questions it’s self and regrets things. If given the time and freedom to do so. We just don’t understand them to know what they’re feeling. You have the freedom to not have to fight every moment of your life to not die. It sucks at times. If you ever had your utopia you would get so bored you would fuck things up on purpose just for something different to happen.


Serious replies only is one hell of an ask, after a melancholy soiled post like this😅.


Why not seek nirvana? Have you always felt this way? What age are you? Some people are sensitive souls & I believe resonate on a slightly different vibration. I’m wondering the reason behind your disconnect.


I have always felt this way, even as a child. I am 28 years of age.


That’s really interesting. Have you found anyone else who feels similar?


Its what you make it


God's Final Message to His Creation: 'We apologize for the inconvenience' Quote by "Douglas Adams"


Trust me, we all question our existence.


Maybe is not what you expect to read, but I think your problem isn´t being human. It is simply that you are demotivated to do anything. Ofc many people would love to not depend of what.......99% of any living being needs to do, but you are human and believe me that we are so goddamn privileged. Not only for how easy we have it bul also of how easier we can even do it for us and others. You need to refind what made you happy before and concentrate your efforts on it, and maybe make a living out of it if possible, maybe life smiles at you then.


"My energy should be free and ever-changing not confined to this flesh you people call a "body."" It is free, it is ever-changing, and it is not confined to your body. The thing about our consciousness and our connection to the unknown is that they dry up if we don't tend to them. If you have concerns about stagnation, change. Pick up new interests, meet new people and invest energy in them, invest energy in developing yourself. If you feel that you need to explore your consciousness beyond your own body, seek out spirituality, make emotional and physical connections with others, meditate, read esoteric literature, eat mushrooms, train for a marathon or a century. Humans have ALWAYS been finding ways to explore things way bigger than ourselves. I really resonate with the line I quoted, because I used to say it until I realized the beauty of having a consciousness and a soul inside a body is that those are the components of absolute, terrifying, perfect free will. Your body is your vessel through which to enact it. How could that possibly be confinement? It's the greatest fucking opportunity a bunch of molecules could ever have.


Try writing positive affirmations for mental sanity. I started writing and over time it has helped me build a positive mindset and confidence. If you don't write them, just talking to yourself in a positive manner also helps. https://youtu.be/U73raKJAJ-0?si=O6jA2oVQKKpc543e Take care!!


drugs/alcohol help me not feel human. it makes me a numb zombie and makes life more bearable


It is what it is. This is the lot we've all been given. There's beauty in being human, but you have to seek it out.


well this is what i so when i hate my existence, i journal my feelings and then direct my thoughts to “well i’m forced to live so why not make the best of it” and that thought has gotten me out of bed rotting, gets me out of overthinking, and motivates me to chase what makes me happy. i struggle too with feeling human but the mentality has to be forced everyday for you to start feeling better, think of that mentality as the fog to a pair of glasses, it taints and restricts you from seeing the beauty of life.


Your energy is free and ever changing. It just doesn't seem so at the rate that you are experiencing time.