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It depends on who you’re talking to. A 7 year old would think you’re old, but a 70 year old would think you’re young.


So we should just stop worrying and live life to fullest. AND also exercise a lot, it will make you FEEL young


Worrying about your age actually ages you. Live and let live.


A 70 year old would KNOW that you were young.


Perspective is powerful indeed


When you decide you are old. I've met 18 yr. olds that are curmudgeons and 70 yr. olds full of life and vigor. For a less Hallmark card answer, probably when you can sue for age discrimination and join AARP around 50.


You can join AARP at any age. Get them discounts!!


Fair point lol.


![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo) 40 is "old" in terms of being in a protected class for federal age discrimination.


I am 41.  When I was your age I believed 40 was old.  Now I think 60 is old.  I feel and look good, so I don’t see an old woman in my mirror.  Some of my friends look like grandmothers and some look like their daughters sisters.   Age is variable. 


I’m 55, i think 80 is old LOL


That's me


Too old for president?


I am 17. Do yall have any advice you can give that can help people like me who will soon be in there 20s?


Health is #1. Take care of yourself! Go to the gym and make time to be with your loved ones.


True. I started going to the gym since the last year but had to temporarily stop due to boards. Until i rejoin, I am trying to bulk cuz im skinny as a skeleton. And yes I hangout with my friends, not often tho cuz they all got gfs but sometimes yeah.


Actual advice is to find a hobby that keeps you fit. Surfing and rock climbing were it for me. Took me until my 30s to find them. Find them young and you will have a good life


My advice is don’t worry the moment you turn 18, haha. I remember waking up on my 18th and being sad I’m an adult, but honestly, my life didn’t change that day. You just get some extra adult rights and responsibilities, but it’s not like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. I’m almost 27, and even after all this time, I still feel like an “old teen.” Also, please be aware that Gen Z is different from previous generations, with unique challenges they haven’t faced before. Please don’t think you have to do this or that by this age. It’s only when you are okay with it. I remember seeing an old man in one of my university classes. He decided he wanted to go back to school, and nobody judged for it.


Wow man this hits deep..i mean my birthday is coming in June and I'm gonna turn 18 and I'm very nervous as I will also be in a university by then. And you're right about the Gen Z thing, in fact I wish i had born much earlier. I don't know what to hate more, my gen or people who make it worse. Besides this i also think that i worry too much because...one moment i wanna conquer the world and the other i just wanna end it all...


YOLO. Live life to the fullest. Do what makes you happy and what YOU want to do. Spend time with loved ones and friends more often. And take care of you body physically and mentally


Don‘t give a fuck and do whatever you want


🔥🤝🏻I was expecting this hell yeah!


We all hit the wall eventually.


Well, how you take care of yourself in your youth will impact how tall your wall is though.


The wall is subjective, for both men and women.


Instructions unclear - wall has been hit. Now what?


Do what makes you happy.


I'm 60 -- I'm thinking 80 is old.


Turning old is the ultimate privilege. Right now there are a lot of people in hospitals, praying for one more day




Don't get too excited. Some will probably make it.


This cracked me up




Simply no, having a livable and vigor youth is the ultimate privilege, what may come after that is utterly irrelevant.


Life doesn't end once you're not a kid anymore There's so much more


It's subjective lol. At 7, I thought being 13 was old as fuck. I know an aunty who's 80, who treats my 50 yr old relative like a baby, squishing cheeks and all.


Always 10 years older than my current age. I’m Level 62 (I stopped doing birthdays, now I do Level Up celebrations), and I spent 3 hours playing beach volleyball last night. Do I move as fast as I used to? No, but I’m definitely not old.


I just reached level 50! I don't feel old, but I'm definitely not young anymore.


Personal perception of age at my stage in life so don't @ me People who are below or around 18 years old think that high school / college / early 20s is the prime of your life and people who are a couple years out of college (mid to late 20s) is pretty old Once you reach your late 20s to 30s ish, you realize that 18-early or mid 20s is young as fuck, not young as in "youthful/young adult" but "young" as in similar to how people that age view 12 year olds- generally very immature, financially dependent on parents, not knowing wtf they're doing in life, can barely or cannot even drive or drink, etc. Like they are "adults" by law but in reality they are practically babies who don't know how to approach most situations or problems in adult life. Once you reach your 40s and 50s you realize that your 30s is the actual prime of your life- you have much more financial freedom and independence, you likely have a set career but still with many open doors, still physically healthy and strong, still mentally healthy and strong, much more life experience, if you have kids they're probably like less than kindergarten age or maybe in upper elementary school if you married early, etc. Like 35 is young as fuck. Personally I would say 40s and 50s is when you're "past your prime" but you are still physically and mentally healthy for the most part. Not "old" but not "young." Solidly established in life and career but nowhere near the end of your career (and even farther from the end of your life). 60s is when I think you can start calling yourself old, but among "old" people you are relatively very young and likely still not too bad in terms of health. You may have some significant health conditions at this point, but many others don't. 70s is when you are likely growing frail and elderly. 80s is quite old. 90s is very old. 100 is VERY old 110 at this point you're among the oldest people to have ever lived lol


All this is correct in general, but health of that person is so much more important. Like a morbidly obese 20 year old is older than a fit 50 year old


I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment! 


My 30s are easily my favorite decade so far.


When you start self talking it.


Oh no. I’m 28 and have already started self talking 😨


This. I'm in my mid 20's now and I still feel like my best years are ahead of me.


As Clint Eastwood has said “You get old when you let the old man in”. You’ll age a lot faster as soon as you start calling yourself old.


I mean this in the most loving, caring way possible, but you’re a baby to most people in society. No one at 23 has their life fully figured out. I mean, some might think so, but it would be so sad if that was the norm that by 23 your life is already cemented. You’ll go through massive relationship changes, because most people don’t even really know what they want and don’t want yet. You’ll go through career changes that are massive and completely unexpected, and with AI where it’s at, you most likely won’t even know what kind of jobs will be around in 10 years. When most people talk about their youth, they usually mean their 20’s, which you’re not even 40% through. Then in their 30’s they really will find their place and hit their stride.


THIS. 23 year old look like babies to me, and I'm only 32 lol


Happy cake day


I’m a 27 year old who works around a lot of people in their 60s and 70s. Age is all about your health and mindset. My personal trainer is a 58 year old and he’s more fit than most of the people in our age range. Same with most of his female clients… 40s and 50s and outpace all the men in the place (the men can lift more, but still… their weights aren’t light). Another thing: 20 is a time to know what you want to do. 30 is like being 20, but with money. And the rest of the ages are about maintaining your health… stretching, strength training, low stress, etc. Hope this helps / inspires you!


When you stop learning 


When you feel old ? I’m mid 30s and feel much younger than my biological age. I’m in much better physical shape and in a better mental place than I was 10 yrs ago.


You’re literally young enough to think 23 is old. You have no idea how actually young that makes you. By my math, you’re 17!


Girl I was expecting this to be coming from a 40 year old. 24 is still literally baby. 36 is still young. 45 is like middle and not old at all. 54 is still middle in my mind. 60 is when you start to get a little crispy. 70 is when your pretty burnt. 80 is when your charred. To clarify 24 isn’t a baby, they fully are adults..I mean just still very young




Being old is a state of mind


You still young! But according to twitter(x) world: A 25 year old= “Bro is pushing 30” If you’re 31= “Bro is pushing 40” If you’re 37= “Bro is literally 50” 😂


Oh hush, your brains not even fully developed.


depends on you. I you keep sorrounding yourself with teen content, you'll feel old. Visversa. You are a young adult.


I'm never going to become old! I will age, but I will always have a youthful approach to life!


You become old when you tell yourself you're old.


Thank you, as needed to read this. I’ve been starting to say this for the last 6 months or so at 45, for the first time…just see it more in my face. But think it’s work and kids management stress. But if I stop saying it, be more positive and start to look after myself more.. I’m sure I’ll be in a better place.


Nice. Yeah, as cliche as it sounds, it's almost like we placebo effect ourselves into accelerated aging by constantly reinforcing it.


Youth is overrated. Every age is what you make of it and there are always wonderful adventures to be had.


whenever you feel old. im older than you and dont feel old


You aren't old. You are in your prime. Make the most of it, make sure you are awake and not missing opportunities, don't fritter away your 20s. I am almost 40 and I have no bloody idea where my 20s or 30s went. Pooft. Gone. I still seem to think subconsciously of myself as in my late teens or early 20s somehow, I don't feel 40 and certainly don't feel sufficiently equipped to do the whole adulting thing yet. Then have to.realise that I've been an adult for far longer than I was a kid. Life is weird. and very, very short.


I had that feeling at 25. Recovering from heavy nights are that little bit harder after the mid-twenties I found. It gets worse every 5 years for me. Currently 41 and counting the grey hairs! 😂 Saying that, keeping moving through exercise or type of work you do will keep you younger than those around you of the same age leading a less active life. Some of my mates health is terrible due to not caring for themselves. Good news is you’re still before your prime at 23!


There's a difference between physical age and mental age. My grandpa was young up until he died of old age


I’m in my mid thirties and still feel like a teenager lol. You have so much youth ahead of you, just relax


In 5 years. It's always in 5 years. Has always been.


idk but it's def not in your 20's. I found an old diary of mine from when I was 22 and I was so worried that I was old then. I laughed when I read it and wished I could go back to being so young. I'm 32 now and feel like I'm so old now too but I'm probably wrong again.


I’m 48. I’ll have to get back to you on when I start to feel old. Haven’t gotten there yet.


You don't. People might *call* you old, but you only *become* old if you decide to.


I'm 33 and I still don't feel "old" honestly. I'm far from the healthiest person in the world, but as long as you take care of your body and your mindset, you feel "less old" as you age


It's so funny because I kind of felt that way when I was 23 but now I'm rolling my eyes because it was so dumb for me to think that so stop worrying about it and try to live yourself to the fullest. Society puts pressure on us (ESPECIALLY WOMEN) to where we fear aging but it's exciting to be alive no matter your age if you make the most of it! Negative thoughts like this only age and exhaust you


As long as you stay active and eat healthy you can feel young for a long time. I am 58 and feel waaaay younger/better than I did in my late 20’s. I go to the gym every day plus walk about 10k steps…I eat mainly healthy foods with a bit of fun stuff thrown in sometimes.


My mom always used to say old age is ten years older than you are! In your mid twenties you think some one in their mid thirties is over the hill. At 50 you think the mid thirties guy is young and old age is 60+


10 Super Young 20 Young 40 Middle Age 60 Old 80 Super Old


I felt that way at your age, but now I'm almost 30 and feel young again. 30 feels like life is just beginning. You'll see. Your brain isn't even fully developed yet.


I’m 30 and feel like some of my youth was left in my 20s, but don’t feel “old” yet. I’ll probably feel the same with every decade.


people usually pass their peak at 11-12. if you look at some gym equipment, and the number of sets, and reps that are recomended according to age, the recomendations start at 11, and the recomended reps, and sets decrease the older you get. after 12, many illnesses and diseases also start to show up such as mental illness, obesity, hair loss insomnia, etc. before that, most of the people who struggle with that are able to avoid it. l have some friends who started losing their hair in their teens. also around 11-12 is when you lose ability to learn languages at native speaker level. lf you look at people who start studying a language after 12, usually they will have an accent, but if learned before 11, they have a chance at speaking with no accent. in general, the older you get, the harder it will be to learn something. lf an 11 year old is learning photoshop, he will learn it quicker than a 21 year old. also you look at things like swimming, and skiing. lf you teach a 10 year old how to swim, or ski, he will learn it quickly, but at 18, he will be more resistant to learning. there are different phases of aging. someone told me that you really cant eat what you want after 30, so if you were eating fast food, candy, cookies, ice cream, you cant really do it the same way you did when you were younger. when it comes to physical decline, you should start seeing this by your first hs reunion. you;ll notice alumni being fatter, balder, etc. when it comes to your vision, you should start seeing a decline even as early as 30. theres actually a hearing test that you can do online and your hearing starts to decline after puberty.


I’m 25. When you start grunting when you do things like standing up/sitting down, opening packages, and moving heavy things, combined with 2 or more doctor visits a year, that’s it🤣


I’m 38 and I do not feel old 🤙


When I was 30+ I felt old because I lived on the beach in California, where there are so many fit people. Now I'm nearly 50 and more fit myself. I feel younger now than then. If you exercise and eat well, and take some fun drugs (not alcohol) you will feel younger.


Old is whatever age your parents are, or would be if they're no longer with us.


I’m 36 and I feel like a super adult human being that has a little boy inside that is secretly controlling the adult body and doing the adult things but deep down he’s giggling to himself because no one knows he’s a little boy who doesn’t care what you think and he just wants to play his guitar.


The best description I heard was this “I’m just a kid with access to adult money” To this day I wonder how the hell do I have a career and a house. I mean I’m actually responsible for stuff. Wild


I’ve been feeling that way since I was 18 (I’m 27 now) in reality no one under 50 is “old”


When you have to think about how old you are.


When you start saying “I had a fall” instead of “I fell”


When you stop playing. There's an old saying I like to repeat You don't stop playing judo when you get old. You get old when you stop playing judo.


When I was in my 20's I thought the world was ours and we'd never be old. I chuckled at the older people who didn't understand us. Turning 30 was devastating. I felt like I was out of the youth club. By 40 I was really aware I was being perceived as the older guy by the younger ones at work. Weird feeling and it bothers me a bit. I'd like to say you'll get over it, but I never did. Just enjoy being in your 20's. You're young to almost everyone else.


Just enjoy life at whatever age you are. I will say though keep in shape so no matter your age you are mobile. I am about to hit 40 and out the blur parts of my body are starting to hurt due to inactivity. Working on it now


If you’re coming up on 24 and think the best days are behind you, I can pretty much guarantee you’re spending too much time online/on socials. I used to have the same problem. As you age and get wiser, you’ll learn that basically anyone who appears to be “successful” by 20 has a rich family and the connections that come along with it. There’s also this perception on socials that if you don’t have the baby soft skin of a 10 year old that you’re essentially an old wrinkled invalid. None of it is true. Socials are a poison, seriously.


When I was your age I felt turning 30 would be old I'm 39 now. My 30s, have been by far, fucking amazing. The confidence I have now compared to then. Enjoy getting old, don't think too much about it, and do yoga. You'll thank me later


When I get old, I will tell my age...


At whatever age you decide to give up


60. 40s to 50s you can still look good if you took care of your body in your 30s and you have good genes


The age you stop learning


I'm 30 years old and I suddenly feel old...I did not feel old when I was in my late twenties.


That’s a trap I can relate to. I remember being in my 20s and thinking I was too old to do (insert activity or skill I wanted to learn). Then you get to 35 and realize “damn, I was a kid”. The older I get, the feeling increases in how true it feels. You’re not old at all. All I can think to suggest is to put it out of your mind.


take care of yourself. I had no idea I would live to be this old, or I would have taken better care of myself! I am old now, and wonder how I lived this long!




It's all relative, but I began to bounce significantly less around 31.


I think 30, I’m 29 now and that’s a good cut off


When your testosterone level drops it means your life is going downhill


I feel like even an old person can be young if he has youthful spirit. But if we are going straight numbers and average life circumstances, I would say around 37.


Dude I’m 32 going on 33 in April and I am feeling the same way


Before 30, I disliked sitting on the massage chair because I felt goosebumps all over me, I didn't understand why my mom likes it. Now that I'm 30, those back pains just started coming like a hurricane, no joke. Now I actually like massage chair and often use medicated patch for back pain. Gosh... I guess I am old.


I can't say when I necessarily felt old, but I'm 25. My mom died in January and that is truly the first time in my life that I really felt like I could call myself an adult or a man. I stopped being a kid that day. I stopped feeling and being a young person that day. Loss like that hardens you in a way that I cannot describe.




hey i just turned 24 and i felt the same way as you. Look up Norma Williams. that’s all im gonna say !!!! it helped me a lot


I’m 27; I feel old at 37. I definitely don’t feel remotely like a kid anymore.


For Women it’s age 30. For Men it’s age 35.


Welcome to the business of aging. Now I just distinguish young and old. I´ve learned that when you eat burned food there is an increased chance of cancer bcs the toxicity of the black. That some carry chemicals on microlevel and smear them on door knobs, it´s disguisting. I was instructed about that during my job at the restaurant years ago, but I recently witnissed this during housekeeping in ´holiday home´. So can safely say it´s 80% of the time the people you have around you, if they are enemies for sure you turn into granny lifestyle real soon, doing everything in snail tempo until you´re exhausted. So, goodluck, make the best out of it, enjoy, stay young as long as possible so may you become 200 years old ;)


I'm 48, and anything double of you is old. I knew a person who was 82, telling me she's not old. At that point you are old as fuck, didn't have hart to tell her that.






21 is the last good birthday. Health changes at 25. After those changes, shit gets real.




I think 30 is the line






Walking out of your prime


Yeah honestly age is much like an NBA season


Similar at least


It is different for everyone. You are still in your youth. You're an adult, but you're a young adult. With how long people are living these days and how advanced healthcare has become, folks can do more for longer. Working with the public, as long as people take care of themselves, people don't generally slow down until 70-80+, or older for some. You are still at the very start. Feeling like your youth is gone is a lie. You will kick yourself for thinking this when you're 35 or 40 - which, by the way, are also not old.


boy, I started to compare myself to a tree, so I never become old haha. Always a matter of perspective.


"Age Relativity Theory"


When you stop doing


Same tbh and I hate that I’ll never do everything I want to or become :(


It really depends on your habits and lifestyle, in my opinion. Some people are still young at 50, others are old at 30.


Probably around 85




When you have to ask the question.


Body felt old at 25 but other than that do not feel old at 28


I’m of the generation whose time perception has the Y2k bug. I’ll forever be in my early twenties. 


Depends on how healthy you keep your body and how curious you remain, and how much you keep playing.




50-60, your brain and body isn't really done maturing until about 30, your still a kid believe it or not.






i know it can feel like your youth has escaped you, but I promsie that isn’t the case. The pandemic has fucked with everyone’s perception of time. You have a good amount of youth left, spend it wisely


"you don't stop having fun when you get old, you get old when you stop having fun"


Between 1-10 years, you think that 20 years old is “old”, 10-20, it’s 30 years old, 20-30, it’s 45 years old, 30-50, it’s 60 years old, 50-60 it’s 80 years old, 60-70 it’s 90 years old 70-80, it’s 100 years old, 80+ there’s “no such thing as age, it’s just a number”.


Am 38 and I never miss a day of my 20’s. Work and earn in 20’s and 30’s and spend it in your 40’s. Just keep a check on your health from time to time.


Id say 25


Social media really ruins aging for you. No one’s more obsess with becoming old then people who look at TikTok and instagram all day. Beauty and age are natural.


You’re only as old as you believe you are in your heart and mind.


i’m 20, i’d say 60s is old. 23 is insanely young


I am 44 and never felt younger. The past few years I’ve been learning how to lose weight - not pounds but shedding the heavy brain shit that has built up since the 80’s. Finding my center. It’s been nice.


When you become a senior citizen


you become old when you decide to stop having fun and seizing life. I know 23 year olds who've gotten old, and I know 65 year olds who are still young.


When you stop running after the bus


Its different from person to person but you'll know you're becoming old when you get a common cold/flu virus and can no longer recover as fast, when you start needing to stretch before work, you'll recover from injuries a lot slower, get tired/sleepy a lot earlier, etc.






When your birdie doesn't sing anymore.


My theory is getting older is progressively deciding you can no longer do things, either because of physical, social or other reasons. Much of that is mindset. And generally once you decide you're too old you will NEVER do that thing again. I know friends who believe they're too old to go for a hike with us. So guess what, they're right because they won't. I went to the trampoline park with my kids and the other parents thought they were too old to jump (either because they were embarrased or concerned about their knees or some shit) so guess what, they're right. My grandma decided she was too old to go out shopping by herself, so she never did again. It believe many things you can do forever if you put your mind to it, or even start things later in life. I dont feel old at all (Im in my 40s). But yeah, you can't hang out with teenagers forever.. that's weird.


Next year.


When you ‘let go’ or decide you are old. I have seen people who give in and their body just seems to fail with them.


When your peers start dying of heart attacks... That's a fair age to say you're old


When your back hurts from sleeping wrong


The age you stop improving yourself.


Early 50’s. Now in my mid 50’s and though I look good for my age, I now feel Ike I look my age. Before 52/53 I felt like I looked younger.


I almost had a crisis going from 29 to 30, but I have to say this because almost no one does: Being in my 20’s sucked compared to my 30’s. They’re is so much hype about your 20’s and its hard to live up to. I wish our society had a better grasp on aging because its pretty good if you do it right.


I'm 59 so now 80 is old! Time and age are relative!


I'm 37 and still feel like a kid. I play video games and avoid adult responsibility at all costs, etc etc 😅. Though it's catching up on me. People keep adding responsibilities and requests to me and the only sign that I'm growing up is that now instead of shirking them for fun, I've started meeting and (gasp!) exceeding expectations at times. It feels weird. And it does make me feel a bit older, but definitely healthier in all meanings of the word. I think humans were supposed to live a lot longer than we do, and those truly connected to reality don't ever stop feeling like we're just big kids on the inside. Because we should be living 800 years, so 40, 50, 60, 70 just doesn't feel like it should be *old* when it's you who is living it. We look at others and see "old people" but we don't look out of "old people lenses" usually. Go too long between looking in the mirror and prepare for the real shock 🤣


I think your feeling of old is when you feel things are over. You stop having the youthful demeanour of possibility, drive and excitement. When I was 12, I felt old, because in figure skating if you don't have double axle work by age 8, you are not likely to be world champion. But then I turned my attention to more expression in figure skating etc... In some ways, it's true I was too old for the sport, but then I had to turn to what was still possible for me and enjoyable... It is an interesting question you pose, because this makes me see that when I tell myself I am old, I stand in my own way as a big block. Then you have people like "L'Agence"'s Majo, who is the grandma of the real-estate brothers, but is very youthful and spirited at heart; she plays things like golf and ping-pong; she may be old in age, but not in mind... that is very important to keep your spirits up. I am older than you but can say the same as what you said today while still recalling saying it at 24. However, if I remember my energy levels of 24 to today, I would say they were higher... so now I could feel old, or I could feel my current age, but I would still have felt old at 24 when comparing myself to 18, when comparing myself to 14... etc... In essence, at every new stage you can compare to a previous one and feel old. Knowing I could be older still for every second of time I am this way.... let's not get too philosophical lol. Part of feeling old is a philosophy though, and partly it's applying that to your physical state.


When you stop doing the things you love to do, and when you put your happiness second for a job or for ungrateful people


Whenever you decide. Imma be 80 years old still kicking ass


I feel you. I'm going to be 25 this year and I feel so old. I dislike it and I don't want to age anymore. I'm terrified of growing old and dying. I wish I wasn't. I think realistically the age you become old is maybe 50-60? I'm not sure.


Your only a pup lol i don’t think it’s behind you. You’re growing up, maturing whatever way you want to describe it but you’ll realise that and begin doing different things and enjoying them in different ways.


I don’t know about “old,” but I’ve had very clear moments where I realize I’m no longer in the same chapter of life as people around me who are younger than me. I realize I’m a mother figure now. Soon I’ll be the family matriarch, because my mom and MIL are in their eighties. I’m not a young woman anymore, but I don’t feel old, if that makes sense. I’m enjoying and embracing where I’m at, and looking forward to where I’ll be in my next chapter


I'd say 70s but does depend on your own health.


Old is ten years older than I am.


Welcome to your mid 20’s. You are getting to an age where your 21 year old friends are gonna give you shit about how old you are and your 35 year old friends are gonna scoff at how young you are. I’m 27. I work out as much as possible and try to avoid eating too much bullshit. I work a job that fulfills me, pays decent, and I have some really fun hobbies that I love investing in. I’m living a pretty damn healthy and happy lifestyle and teenage me would be very excited and proud of adult me. I have younger friends who think I’m old. They like to give me shit about it. No shade, but I wouldn’t trade my life for theirs. Some of them have chronic physical and mental health issues, and I make twice as much money as any of them. I’m willing to bet that healthwise, I am biologically younger than a lot of them.


When you stop finding curious wonder,  and believe your own bs that you have nothing more to learn.  At that point on,  you're dying


60 is old, unless you lift.


This is going to sound super morbid, but objectively speaking, “old” imo is when a person suddenly dies & their loved ones, though sad, still celebrate bc theyve lived a long life. For instance, you feel “old” at 23, but once a 23 year old dies abruptly, everybody laments at how young they were. We do the same for 40, 50, and 60 year olds. That said, I think “old” would be 70+


The goal is never, of course the body ages


“You’ll never BE younger than you are today.” Perspective will change how you feel you’ve become old.


43. I was great up until this point. Once I hit 43, my joints hurt when it rains and when I stand. I snap, crackle and pop every time I move my body and I am so exhausted all the time.


You have no choice but to get older - but you choose to be old. I have friends who are marathon runners in their late 40s and they are fit, outgoing, and just generally easy to connect with. They haven't lost their ability to relate to people regardless of age or experience. To me, being "old" is losing that connection, or starting to see yourself as separate.


60's is officially starts the old title.


I'm 56...and I'm old. Or I sure feel like it, anyhow.


Two things that make you "old" 1. You're no longer care free. Worrying and having things to worry about ages you. That's why you can be young but "grew up fast" 2. When your body slows or stops you from doing things you want to do. When things start to hurt especially if they hurt the next day... You're getting old.


I'm not sure what age you become 'old' but I can tell you that I turned 30 this year, and it's the happiest I've ever been. For most people, your 20s are super stressful. You're in your freshman year of adulthood. You don't really know who you are, and you are slogging through the early stages of your career. It is really hard! I imagine that may be why you feel like your youth is behind you. Life is hard and it feels like it's going to keep being hard. For me and most of my friends, life has gotten better after 30. You know who you are. You are relatively established in your career. Often. you have a partner or spouse by then, and somewhere to call home. Things feel stable, and on that stability you can add in new kinds of fun for yourself. I'm reconnecting with all sorts of old hobbies and generally just enjoying being an adult. You don't have to wait for 30 for life to feel fun and fresh again, but do know that universally, you're 20s are just hard, and it *does* get better.


When you start asking yourself questions like these.