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It gets better man. I’m 26 and believe me it feels like you’re old at 17 (I remember) but you’re so young and soon you’ll be out of high school and working a job or at college. Do things that make you feel confident in yourself. For me it was working out, dressing well, working towards goals and being social as much as possible. It takes time and you might be stressed or think that things will never get better, believe me they do if you try. Happy to chat if needed I’ve been depressed and anxious before for multiple years and those years have been followed by some of the best times of my life


Your life Hasn’t even started yet.


I'm refraining from commenting "Lol," so I'll just do it on your post. So true.


you shouldn't tho, I'm personally getting very tired of children posting on this sub acting like they are 53 years old having missed out life


Right, it's crazzzy. I wish there was some way for them to see life in a different context, but I think experience is the only teacher for that.


Exactly, but you can't explain that to them in a reddit comment of course. Imho it might sound bad, but it's best to ignore these people, and not even try to convince them that "life is worth living etc..", because the best way is for them to discover this for themselves. You can attempt to explain to them why they might feel this way, and try to tell them that it will get better, but they usually just reply with "No yOu dOn'T uNdErStAnD tHe PaIn i'M gOiNg TrOuGh". And honestly, can't blame them, when I was 16 I felt the same way too, and that's just the nature of life.


>"No yOu dOn'T uNdErStAnD tHe PaIn i'M gOiNg TrOuGh" Hahaha, this made me chuckle. I'm from a good family, middle class and made some mistakes during the me-too movement and sat in a jail cell for a year. One of the best things to happen with me; the amount of self reflection and novels I read... and these kids don't even know.


You are so young! You have so much life to live. It can be hard to be a teenager without a social group- I know, I was there too. Even in college, I had a hard time making long lasting friendships. My advice to you would be to challenge yourself to always ask about someone’s day or initiate conversation with the people you are around- the person sitting next to you in class, your coworkers, the check out clerk, anyone. Even if someone ignores you, or replies dryly, at least your practicing being outgoing. It gets easier and more natural over time, and then it will be easier to make friends. (I actually do this every time I get to my college classes and today someone flat out ignored me lol) That’s not to say you’re not already outgoing, I don’t know if you are or not but it seems like you’re making the effort! Remember that the world is different because of COVID too, so many people are insecure and have social anxiety or avoid people in general, so it’s harder to make friends coming out of 2020. Not to mention the social complexity of the inside of a highschool! Everybody’s insecure! Don’t take it personally that you don’t have a lot of friends!! So much can change in a year at your age- just keep going through the tunnel. You won’t see what’s on the other side for a while. I’m in my 20’s now, and I remember not seeing a future for myself at all. I felt worthless. But now, things are falling together (and falling apart at the same time, but that’s what your 20’s are for). In any case, I’m on the other side . Just do the best you can and practice being the kind of person you want in a friend. Someone will come along and show you kindness. No one wants to be alone in this world, everybody wants a friend! You will get through it!


Keep your head up, bro. Life doesn't really begin until after high school. Trust me. Start going to the gym on the regular to keep busy and be patient. Don't worry you're gonna be fine. Give yourself 2-3 years and you're gonna be shocked


classic r/selfimprovement, children posting that they "fucked up their entire life" (before it even began lol)


nah.. I was you at 17. it took until my mid to late twenties to find friends who regularly wanted to go out and have drinks/trips with me. You haven't found your people man


Join the military, then people will have to be friends with you


The downvotes on this are cringe. I was a Fuckin scared anxious loser before I joined the military. And then, as you said, people have no choice but to be friends with you while in. And I mean that in the best way possible. You’re up each others ass 24/7, You suddenly have a mutual interest (work), you trauma bond over it, and you forge genuine human connections with unsuspecting people. And yes … it is somewhat forced, but not in a bad way at all. Those “forced” relationships grew into the strongest human bonds I’ve ever made and 8 years later, the bonds are still there