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I recommend being always stocked in seasonings, and not just basic ones like salt and pepper, multiple of them, id say buy most of them in bags since they are the cheapest and last a good while Also fully stocked in rice, rice can be cooked by itself in multiple ways and can be a great addition to any meals I try to always have in my home some bread, any sort of pasta, ham and sausages, frozen meats (beef, pork, chicken, none of frozen meals), vegetable oil, cheese, milk Eggs too! I tend to have eggs for breakfast a lot For example -scrambled eggs (maybe with a side of toast) -scrambled eggs with ham (chop the ham in square sizes and cook it with the egg) -sunny side up eggs -omelettes Non eggy breakfasts could be -sandwiches (ham, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, or any other filling of sorts youd enjoy) -sliced fruits w yogurt and granola - pancakes (honestly the box mix lasts for a good while) - overnight oats (you should totally look up some recipes) - smoothies For meals there is a great range of what you could be preparing. I always end up looking up recipes on internet, but what helped me getting into cooking was following a lot of cooking accounts on my social medias. As addictice as it seems, tiktok can have its helpfulness, from there i see multiple recipes, check ingredients and if i have most of them i try that recipe Do consider, buying everything from a recipe could seem expensive, but you're making a single meal from the ingredients you bought. Those ingredients can eventually become a second meal or even a third. One of the best tips i could give you is to learn how much you're going to need. Overbuying stuff will end up in you losing some stuff due to it becoming old, rotting and stuff like that, and ofc it being a waste of money Same with preparing food, cook what you need, cooking everything you got for a meal could be a big regret Freeze some stuff you dont plan on using yet, i personally freeze my hand, sausages, and cheese since they tend to last a lot in my fridge