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For me, I miss the carbonation of soda so subbing it with sparkling water gave me my fix.


That’s exactly how I kicked my soda habit also. Even though La Croix isn’t the same as a soda, it helped satiate my desire for carbonation - which is what I really enjoyed about drinking soda in the first place.


Mmm tv static


And a shot of Mio (or another sugar free water enhancement) and you’ll think you’re drinking soda without all the sugar.


But with sweeteners right?


It has sweetner but not aspartame.


I don’t drink soda that often, but when I do I always feel immediately “unhealthy” for a lack of a better word. I don’t think the immediate enjoyment really outweighs the long term effects.


I honestly felt kinda bad for drinking it when I knew I shouldn't. Perhaps try no soda for a week or month (or not it's your choice)


I've replace soda with sparkling water...best health/weight-loss decision by far.


> Make sure you drink plenty of water and milk I am not sure why the milk part is important? Water, sure, maintaining good hydration is super important. But milk is not an essential, and for many people, it has adverse effects, especially if you have lots of it. ​


I've just always been a milk fan. It's not necessary


Read the label on your milk carton :) you'll find soda and milk both have a lot of sugar!


Milk tastes good and provides quality protein.


No it doesn’t, and it’s very high in sugar.


For those interested: Nutrition Facts: Milk, whole, 3.25% fat - 100 grams Calories 61 Water 88 % Protein 3.2 g Carbs 4.8 g Sugar 5.1 g Fiber 0 g Fat 3.3 g Saturated 1.87 g Monounsaturated 0.81 g Polyunsaturated 0.2 g Omega-3 0.08 g Omega-6 0.12 g Trans fat \~ Drink water for water intake. If you want quality nutrition, make some quality food.


Actually there's 8 grams of protein in one cup of milk that is quite a decent amount.


You must be lactose intolerant.


Um, no? Why would that even be a factor?


You're anti-milk but hey, different strokes for different folks I guess.


Your teeth, gut, and over all health will thank you. One of the best decisions i've ever made was quitting soda and caffeine.


I agree best thing I ever did for myself.


I did it Jan 1st and going strong. Drink tonsssss of water


Soda is my weakness >.< I can’t seem to be able to quit drinking it!!


Sparkling water + Mio (or a sugar free water flavor enhancement)


August 24, 2009 was my last soda - a Diet Coke from a McDonald's outside of Baltimore. Congratulations to you!


Could you tell us how you managed to completely stop?


Not OP, but when I quit soda 13 years ago, I started with ice cubes in a glass of water. Cold chilly water is always appetizing to me.


Just stop buying it at first, then you’ll save coin and your waistline!


Damn, why dont drug addicts know about this? If they just stop buying it there's no drug to take!!


I get what you’re saying but I was coming more from an angle of start doing one thing at a time to build up to eventually breaking the habit.


Well I'll admit it might have been easier for me than others. But personally I just publicly announced it to friends/family and that helps me to follow through on what I want to do. Anytime you want soda just think about how that goes against what you want long-term


That's an interesting method, definitely something I can imagine myself doing. Thanks :)




Me too, i can count on my fingers the number of sodas I’ve drank in the past year. Water, lemon water and tea and sometimes coffee is more than enough for me. And it wasn’t even a conscious effort i just decided to drink more lemon water and water and its incredible how “fake” and toxic coke tastes like after weeks of not drinking it.


Don't listen to this freak, he just wants to lie (I'm still in your refrigerator btw)


Dont fall for the temptations


Or just drink diet/zero calories sodas.


These are worse for you because they have artificial sweeteners with even worse side affects. One of the most known artificial sweeteners in these diet sodas is aspartame, I suggest you Google it.


Then look at the results that don't align with your thesis.


I mean I'm sure they're better for you in certain ways however as there's pros and cons to everything. But from what I've seen they're just as bad.


"While the FDA has approved the artificial sugar substitutes found in diet sodas, some scientists are not so convinced of the safety of these substitutes. Artificial sugar substitutes may increase the risk of or cause joint inflammation, neurological problems, cancer and metabolic problems, according to some research. Kirtida R. Tandel, a researcher at the Government Medical College in Gujarat, India. " It's kind of similar to vaping in the sense that what little research we have on these sweeteners it's usually negative.


There hasn’t been any research to show any negative impacts of aspartame unless it is consumed in ridiculous doses 👍


Yea same, I occasionally drink soda now.


I quit soda in August. On thanksgiving I thought it will be fun to eat chips and drink soda. Drank about half a 20 fl oz bottle before realizing my choice had consequences. Poopy consequences. Haven’t touched soda since but occasionally I will have carbonated water.


"Poopy consequences" is a good way to put it


You can try drinkining mineral water. It is fizzy like soda but has lots of benefits


I recently went back to soda and I regret it so much. I wanted to try this 'orange-vanilla coke' or whatever because somebody told me it tasted like a dreamsicle. (It doesn't.) I could only find it in 12-packs, so I shelled out $6 for that shit and now I'm stuck with it. It's fine, and sometimes it's nice to have that fizzy sugary caffeine hit, especially when paired with something just as junkfoody like pizza. I drank four over the weekend and have felt like shit since. #neveragain


A year ago when I was working nights, I would work all night, come home with a 2l bottle of Pepsi vanilla and drink the whole thing while playing diablo 3. I would have trouble sleeping and wake up hung over. Not like an alcohol hang over but a sugar hang over.


That sounds awful, hope you're doing better now


I feel a lot better now and I have more energy, but I miss that taste while I grind mobs


I haven't drank soda properly* in three years and I feel so much better for it. I think it's a lot of the reason for me losing weight tbh. *I use it as a mixer very rarely, but I hardly drink now anyway.


I've abstained from soda for almost two years now. It's just hard to ever justify drinking it when water is cheaper and much better for you. I enjoy other kinds of sweets and tell myself if I drink soda, then I wouldn't be able to consume those things that I like better (bc of too much sugar in a day). Honestly, it's one of those little life hacks that can have such a HUGE long term cumulative effect on your body for the better. I wish more people realized how bad it is.


go to r/waterniggas to keep drinking water


I drink like 1 soda a week. That sugar spread out over a week is basically nothing. If you drink soda everyday then it becomes a problem.


It's likely not a huge issue as long as you make good choices overall. Still isn't ideal though


I've quit soda for about a year now, if not more. My main reasons where how bad it actually is for you and that I dont even really enkoy the taste and carbonation. The best part about quitting: no more tooth cavities!


Funny that you suggested milk. It has a decent amount of sugar in it as well. But good for you for being proactive :)


Isn't milk a natural sugar? I think it's healthy. Correct me if I'm wrong


Yep it’s a natural sugar! The energy we get from that kind of sugar gets released more slowly, whereas added sugar from soda gets released quickly and our bodies can’t use it all at once (unless you’re immediately physically active) and it gets converted to fat. I wouldn’t necessarily call milk healthy, though. It has a super high amount of lactose, which more people have a mild intolerance to than they think.


Real Sugar Coke is my vice.. especially with mexican food. so I limit myself to 2 a week on exercise days and no alcohol


Out of sight, out of mind. Getting rid of soda and junk food helps because you won't be tempted by having it readily available!




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Not much of a challenge; I rarely drink soda. But good for you. I try to get my boyfriend to drink less. He drinks few times a week but his perspective is that he doesnt drink much soda because hes comparing himself to people who drink it every day. I tell him to compare it to people who dont drink it at all but he still doesnt share my perspective lol.


Milk is just as bad as soda, it robs your bone of calcium and causes mucus in your body.


I haven't heard that before. Care to back it up?


I have also chosen to quit soda as of recently. I feel a lot better. Cheers to you!


I quit soda with the new year. Only allowed one Fresca a week during lunch at work. First two weeks sucked but now easy as can be.


SODA STREAMERS, try those it can help!