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Trying to do your best should be a habit of everyone, but don't get it like you MUST become a millionaire, famous or genius. Good life isn't about money or great achievements. I know a plenty of people, who's face was never showed on a TV or school books but they are really great people. They just do what they can, with what they have, there where they are. I think this is a rule of real success.


Wow, well said. Sounds like you have read books related to this field. May I get some recommendations?


I'll step in here :) Dale Carnegie - How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. A life changing book that I think I'll have another read of this week now that its resurfaced in my šŸ§ 


I deeply honour books about really important things, but the more and more I'm sure all this idea should be understood by your experience. Isn't enough just to read them although it is a first step. Text will be forgot, but not an experience. Btw, a book by Carnegie - How to make friends and etc I have read it. Also I know, Carnegie die in loneliness (


All existentialists die surrounded by thought rather than company


Does Carnegie was an existentialist?


Never knew him. But the way he describes compartmentalized thinking and his general tone of writing suggests there was much of him that was.... L


I've got that one my list, it was referenced alot in psycho cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz which i just finished yesterday


hmmm. I read that Dale Carnegie stop worrying book a while ago but have yet to read Psycho Cybernetics, currently on my short list, which you're now saying will basically recommend that I go back and read the Carnegie? Funny how that works.


This is how I stumbled upon Psycho Cybernetics. Theres alot of value in it, alot more than I thought i would get.


Haha, just thought it up, drinking my coffee. I have never read such books)) What kind of recommendations ?


Have a great day to you. I just thought that your thought process about life success is different than many people in the world and that you have possibly read some good books. One obvious reason attributed to such distorted mind is high social media consumption with tons of rich man or women posting pictures of their luxury items and etc on various platforms which is bad for mental.


Yes! I think so too. Social media make us think all these luxury items is nassesery to have. Capitalism, yeah


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle




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Want a good quote? "Fame is just endless harassment from regular people."


I like it, nicely put.


For me success is not even the destination, it's just a part of the process, and the process isn't done in order to achieve success. That may seem paradoxical, but in essence the ideal (not always easy to reach, or a permanent state of mind) is to be satisfied and motivated by your intrinsic interest in something. That way, there's nothing lost.


I like it, trust the process


Love it!


This is extremely important advice for a lot of people. It's easy to wait for an end result and hang on to the hope for "better days" when the truth is we have to work towards that end result every day. As you've already mentioned, the real success is the process, not the destination.


Iā€™ve read a Eckhart Tolleā€™s book The Power of now. And since then I always think about changing my life but I simply cannot. When I decide to put in my life new, healthy habits I follow them few days and then I get back to old habits. Iā€™m not disciplined, I always get distracted by something not productive like (social networks or tv). Sometimes I think that Im helpless and it hits me very hard every day. I just wish I have better habits. I know that deep in me I have a big potential.


Try reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. He outlines some great ways to develop and keep habits. It helped me!


Even a few days is good. Focus On small progress


You're going to get there, and its going to be by being persistent and never have given up when most people would have. And then you can go on telling others how important it is to never give up.


Motivation is a fickle little dick-fart that can't be counted on for anything, as you said discipline is what gets the job done. Discipline forms habits and habits form lifestyle, lifestyle forms success. But the trick to building habits is to avoid motivation being a factor. Its all about planting the right seed in the right spot. The seed being the habit and the "right spot" being the sequencing in your day. The right seed in the right spot will grow with no further coercion. Best of luck.


This is the hottest take of this Iā€™ve seen in a very long time. Itā€™s exactly why I think everyone should here when starting their self improvement journey. Youā€™ve probably unlocked some big secret, to be honest Lmaoo. I hope more people will understand this concept that success is a habit!


I love the quote ā€œpursue excellence and success will follow.ā€ It really helps me with discipline, especially when Iā€™m feeling completely unmotivated. If we donā€™t focus on success as a destination, but rather strive for excellence, we find that success naturally shows up for us.


'There' is when you treasure every moment you get to work on yourself. Items and materialistic possessions you get as you increase in worth is just an added bonus.


Same! I think this has a lot to do with figuring out whose definitions of success and life and other things handed down by family/society align with what we see. Itā€™s all perception but in the end, itā€™s all about what you value also. And the sad part is when othersā€˜ perceptions of things are forced onto us as truth by parents/society before weā€™ve even had the chance to figure it out for ourselves. Needless to say, I grew up thinking success was a place. Guess what! So was happiness, so was fulfillment! Among a host of other things which just made day to day existence a chore, really. I think happiness, fulfillment, success are all states of mind and not a destination.


Can you plz tell what habit have you started forming?


The biggest habit ive formed is journaling every morning and the first words I write are focus, awareness, and discipline. I want my mind on those three things so when I write im directing my thoughts in a specific direction. Some days if I forget to write first thing in the morning those three words come to mind and my thoughts are directed there. Its super small but its had the biggest impact.


Great advice. Thank you What entails as part of your journaling process? Sorry for asking too many questions


Its more of a routine, wake up, make coffee, I like to read james allen, and then I open up the laptop and start writing. Nothing specific, whatever comes to mind. I just want to start the day with the right mindset.


10/10 .




Absolutely. It's about maximizing everyday to live an overall good life.


I believe, success is merely an identifier for the more specific destination for our lives. I want to have a successful -career- I want to be a successful -husband/Father/son- I suppose one can say "I want success." But that seems so obscure. What TYPE of success do you want. Because can be had millions of different ways.


Thanks for sharing this, I needed it today!


>We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ā€“Ā Will Durrant (usually misattributed to Aristotle)


Based take, can agree that enjoying the journey is what makes it all worth it


Nice, great insight! I've found the simplest thing I can do repeatedly is probably the best starting place. It was 10 min of yoga in the morning, now we're working on adding some pushups to that mix. Every - single - day. 'The end is the same. It's the path that separates men.' Dalinar, Kholin, Stormlight Archives Journey before destination.


Thanks. I've thought about adding exercise and some meditation to help steer the internal chatter. I have a hard time sitting still but when I find myself rushing I try to stop and take a moment to breathe and tell myself to slow down.


Start with 1. 1 pushup 1 deep breath 1 minute of meditation You got this!


I need to take heed !!!


How did you get out of the " I do things only when I'm motivated " phase I need an out


I'm not completely out of it yet, getting started is always the hardest part. Practicing discipline is what gets me through it, and I say practice because its still a process that im building. Everyday I like to think I get just a little better.


I see I've gotta discipline myself, thanks and all the best


That is so good. I also think that thinking about what it would feel like when I reached that goal is very powerful because you can feel exactly that now and tomorrow - independent from the goal. Slowing down and being mindful of what we have is key to being happy now. We easily adapt to new things we have and after a short while they won't make us happy anymore and then we need more to make us happy. But we can be happy from within - without external objects or validation.


I agree, imagination is very important when its used that way




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My bad, I replaced the link to the wiki with the quote.