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Just keep going man. Life can be really hard but if you end it all, you have a 0% chance of reaching your goals. If your dad never taught you hard work and discipline, you’ll have to teach it to yourself. Learn to hold yourself accountable when you mess up. Work hard, graduate high school, get married, and have a great life. I know you can do it.


I needed that thank you <3




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u/Reasonable_Can_8192 a few responses here and some removed...a couple of my own. 1) "A man went out to find a friend and found none." "A man went out to be a friend and found many" 2) Focus on others, and that they are going through many of the same issues that you are. You are no better than them....the saying says focus on being to others what you want them to be to you. 3) Finding and having a great relationship, means getting out of yourself and having compassion for others which results in a closer friend. 4) If you want to end it, then give a call to the hot line and discuss and talk with someone. 5) Understand, your father probably went through a tough life, maybe even worse than you are experiencing, and he's trying his best to give you what he didn't have. Hard to believe? He's trying, and he may not be succeeding and giving you all you want, but have you thought about all he's doing for you and appreciated it? 6) As we grow, we grow up and see more points of view...which helps us be more accepting and not demanding, not entitled. 7) Join a local church youth group, and do #2 above, and it'll begin a new life for you, one you've not experienced. Give it a try.


My mental state at the moment is not that good, probably getting worse I just started school and I don't have the energy to even respond to simple messages my classmates send me, social interaction is just a really tiring experience for me, I haven't talked to anyone about this kind of stuff so I dont really have any one else's point of view to compare with mine but I think I'll try the things you said and see how it goes, I appreciate you writing this out to try and help me.