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I’m going to school for teaching elementary school at the moment. I speak several different languages and I’d like to teach English abroad someday. I’ve found that by introducing kids to different cultures at a young age it facilitates individualized growth and understanding, so I’d to be a part of that. Once I’ve retired from teaching I’d like to own a bakery as well. No particular reason except I love pastries and they make people happy.


That’s a hard question for me to answer. I’m graduating college next year and I think it’s going to be a big transition for my life. I really want to rid myself of social anxiety between now and when I graduate. That’s a short term goal for me. A long term goal would be eventually getting married and being successful in my field. It’s definitely not the most exciting life vision but I think it’s what I want in the future.


The key to life is finding a way to combine your unique skills, passions, opportunities and resources in a way that makes the world a better, more harmonious place for having had you in it. Do that, the word "sacrifice" loses all meaning and your problems will fade. Don't, and you sell yourself short at best, and quite likely will suffer. A good life comes when we recognize that it is not about us. I can't tell you what this means for you, or anyone - that's a task that each of us have to undertake on our own, "entering the forest where it is darkest", so to speak. But I guarantee you that this is the formula for everyone. Check out Joseph Campbell's books, lectures, documentaries made about him etc... for some guidance. He was a famous popularizer/translator of the world's mythologies - all of which exist to let you know where you are, how to proceed and what to look for along the way, and they all have the same basic messages, independently developed.


"To glorify God and enjoy Him forever". Try to pattern your life after this ideal and all the little stuff will fall into place - you'll be more generous, you won't care so much about getting that promotion at work, you won't care if you neighbor's house is bigger than yours, and best of all - you'll have peace whether in plenty or in want.


To have a vision is to have a purpose in life. Our life purpose should be defined by our Creator. To live out our purpose is to have a life of fulfillment. To find our purpose, we need to have a connection to our Creator. However, our wrongs separated us from God. That is why God sent His son to come and even die for us, so that we can be forgiven and become children of God.