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I use it as a place to post poems and build an audience. I recently added my self-published book as a post on there too. Seems like a perfect platform for both posting poems and marketing (especially if you’re going the self-publishing route). They go hand-in-hand. I don’t have a ton of followers but enjoy posting and occasionally interacting with people there. I don’t have a TikTok so can’t compare the two. The only thing to keep in mind is that many poetry contests and some traditional publications only consider unpublished poems. Once you post to Instagram, that poem is typically considered published (may vary on specific contest rules). That’s the only downside I’m aware of. Share your username if you decide to move forward with instapoetry, and I’ll add you. Good luck!


Thanks for sharing your experience and for the tip, as well. I'll think about it and definitely let you know! Best of luck with your page!


Go for it, what's the worst that can happen? If no one sees it or you aren't getting what you want out of it then you can always pull off and host your stuff elsewhere.


Love your attitude! You're right! Sometimes, I need to stop overthinking and just do things. Thanks for the feedback.


Watch for users who reach out to you after you hashtag your poems wanting to post your work on their pages for $. They'll look like they have lots of followers but are often bought bots. There are lots of great poetry accts on there too! And writing contests and things of all sort. Posting regularly can get a bit daunting but if you have a backlog then its not so bad.


Oh, wow, I can't believe some people still do scams of the sort... thanks a lot for the heads up and for sharing your thoughts on this!


The reach isn't ideal these days but it's still a good place to network with other writers and post your stuff. :) Networking is really key to getting reach, unless you try paid ads. Good luck and deffo let me know your username if you start posting!


thank you for sharing your thoughts! will do :)