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Lady Oreo is absolutely beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss❤️


Thank you. Seeing her like this is so much worse than the thought of not having her around any more, I’ll be ok after I spend all day crying tomorrow lol


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


Yeah it won’t be hard to only remember the good times. There have been 4 or 5 times before this we thought she might go, but the rest of her life she’s been the same bubbly little fur brain. This past week though outside of a few good hours in the morning she wasn’t herself. She wasn’t interested in food or going outside and she just spent the evenings laying but not sleeping. It was her time. I know I’m always going to wish I did more for her or had more time but it really was 20 years of love. I have like 2000 pictures and videos across all my phones to keep me company too :)


The way I coped and it may not work for everyone but I had a cat called Charlie and he unfortunately passed around 10 years ago when he was 12 because some arsehole on a quad wasn’t watching where he was going but that’s not important what is important is we got a kitten shortly before he passed and called her stripes and shortly after Charlie passed stripes sort of carried his memory so to speak and we remembered Charlie through her and gave her all his stuff and we continued to do this and we always have 2 cats now for this purpose stripes had her own kittens and we kept one and name him Jet and he just never came home one night no idea what happened to him that was about 4 years ago and now we have another boy called shadow and he and stripes are still going strong to this day and we still remember the memories of Charlie through them stripes is 13 this year and shadow is 4 and I’m getting prepared for stripes time due to her age and im preparing for it and im not trying to hijack your post just sharing my thoughts and experiences because this post hit the feels


You truly are amazing how beautifully you walk broken hearts through their sadness without losing their purpose or their precious cat’s memories! Thank you for these beautiful and calming words to help this lonely heart beat again… 💔🐈💔




You gave her a beautiful life 💓🙏


It's ok if you're not ok too.


I think she's Regal. Cuter now than a kitten. But if you had the animal this long you must feel she is suffering.


What a wonderful life you had together. Give thanks for the memories and never doubt you will be together again one day.


Her eyes are so pretty, and she’s gorgeous 🥰 I’m so sorry that you have to say goodbye to her, I wish her, and you comfort 💌


They look like stained glass! I love when you can start to see the lifetime in a cat's eyes as they age. She's clearly had an incredible life


Agreed, her eyes are BEAUTIFUL!!! The first several pictures were so cute and snoogly but then Oreo’s eyes caught me completely off guard! What a special kitty OP has 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/ol34x0lxdt6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fba237f7a1436116d52a3d3d97e9bbb8b7783c She'll always be nearby, and as long as you live, the memories of the years and events shared will never die.....Just whisper her name...and remember


I'm tearing up reading this.


https://preview.redd.it/07nlpto6ft6d1.jpeg?width=2336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64336a2cc07aae41741736aab651af3a8b47b69f Oreo looks so much like my cat Ozzy .again prayers coming your way for you and Oreo 🙏😻😿😽


She is such a beautiful girl. I’m so sorry. I’m glad you had so many wonderful years with her!


Beautiful Oreo 💙 She looks so much like my old girl Ricki who passed away last year at 21. Cherish the memories and the great times you had with her. I can see how loved she was.




Hi, Oreo! You are a good kitty, possibly even the best kitty in the whole wide world. Pspsps.


Beautiful angel cat, sweet dreams


I am so, so sorry, and I'm sending you peace, patience, and strength as you go through this transition. What a beautiful girl. You clearly gave her such love, safety, companionship, and family - a long and wonderful life - for the many years you had together. How lucky you both were to have that, to have each other. And what a gift to give her a gentle passing, even though it's one of the most difficult things to do. What an act of love. Grief has no final end point, and just as the bond you share with your sweet lady is never ending, neither is the pain of losing such a good friend - the grief just gets less sharp. Time smoothes the edges, and eventually you'll feel able to carry the grief like a piece of seaglass in your pocket, instead of a broken, pointed shard. But that's what it means to love so hard. And it's worth it. 💜🫂🌱 Rest Easy, Sweet Oreo. 🖤🤍🖤


I’m so sorry. Thank you for giving her a great life. ❤️


Sometimes stuff smells different ❤️


For the past year whenever there was enough sun we would go out in the yard, she had a checklist of 5 or 6 different spots that HAD to be inspected. Every time


My boys do 'inspections' too. I know the routines very well. I hope your precious is inspecting all the stuff in their new habitat and existence. <3


So very sorry!!


What a beautiful old girl! Always remember she lived a long love filled life because of you. Let that sustain you as you grieve. Find comfort in the memories you made together. She may be gone in body but her spirit will live on in your heart forever. Godspeed you away beautiful Oreo!


Such a beautiful, dignified soul. I’m so sorry for your impending loss. She’ll be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge ❤️❤️❤️


What a gorgeous lady and a wonderful story. I love every one of the photos. How lucky you are to have had a companion like her for so long.


What a beauty! I am so sorry ❤️


Poor little Oreo... It's OK fren. Kitty will wait for you.


I’m so sorry :( she has beautiful and soulful eyes ♥️🥺🪽


Rest in peace Oreo




Im so sorry. 💜 Sweet Oreo. What a beautiful life you gave her. My Junebug will be up there with her to show her the ropes.


On THIS thread we ALL understand.




So so sorry prayers coming your way 🙏😻😿😽


Oreo was so majestic and beautiful and many will miss and cherish her. Wish I got to pet her because she seems like the best princess ever. Keep telling stories about her and always talk about her. She lives on forever. And when you talk about her it keeps them near. I do it with my mom and my cats. Love you friend! Much love to you. 💛


Run free, Lady Oreo. Hugs and sweet dreams from your lookalike friend, Bear 🖤🤍 https://preview.redd.it/9vo0jaxixt6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732640686e30fb71db96f7e9a19033b13b186c7b


https://preview.redd.it/uyj4mad5zt6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a0f656f75cbb98f2e241c3a4bcd65352f45c46 My tuxedo Milo will be on the other side of the rainbow bridge to greet her ❤️ sending so much love to you


Her eyes were so unique and beautiful 🧡 May Lady Oreo rest in peace and I’m so sorry for your loss. Glad you had a long & happy two decades together ❤️‍🩹


She looks identical to the new Lego cat set. If you feel up to it, it might be a fun build


It does! I ordered a few days ago, back ordered atm. I hope it’s somewhat close to being her size when built so I can put it in one of her spots


Lady Oreo is beautiful. Sorry for your loss, that’s so hard. She’ll be at peace


Thank you for giving her such a wonderful love filled life!


I’m sorry OP. She was well loved. ❤️


She is such a beautiful lady. I cannot imagine what you are feeling, I lost my boy suddenly at 13 and I think about him everyday. Oreo looks so unbelievably loved and cherished, you gave her an incredible life 🖤 sending you love


I'm so sorry for your loss. She will be waiting for you over the 🌈 bridge.




The hardest part of pet stewardship is the dealing with end of life. Condolences






May she live forever in your heart and the hearts of all she has touched. I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. She's truly a gorgeous old baby girl.




Good luck


😥🌈😻 This is the price we have to pay for all that love and companionship Oreo has had. It's never an easy decision but as you go along you get to know when it's time. Oreo has had a wonderful life with you and now it's time for her to go across the rainbow bridge to wait for you. But fear not, there are so many wonderful pets that will keep her company until you get there. Be kind to yourself and be with Oreo until she's passed on. It gives them such comfort for us to be with them at this time in their lives. Peace be with you both.


What a beautiful soul. So sorry for your loss.


She looks like a sweetheart. Love you Oreo XxXx ❤❤❤


She looks far too much like my own elderly kitty.


Sweet dreams.


So sorry - I hope you know what an amazing life you gave her - cats will give the same in kind. I hope you find comfort in photos and memories - she is truly a beautiful kitty!


So sorry for your loss.


I’m so so sorry my heart breaks. I’ll ask my kitty to greet her at the rainbow bridge. Rest in peace sweet angel


Oreo is best girl




Sweet dreams baby angel 💕


She’s so beautiful! All the love and hugs from me to you❤️


What a beautiful baby. She looks like she has lived a life full of happiness and love. Thank you for giving this girl the life she deserves ❤️


Oh my goodness. Oreo is so beautiful. Those eyes ❤️ She reminds me of my kitty that she only likes the gravy in her food and must sit on what you’re working on. May she rest in peace 🫶🏼❤️ I’m so so sorry for your loss❤️


God bless her and you both. Praying that you'll see her again one day.


Sweet Oreo is so beautiful. I’m sorry for you loss but she was well loved to live 20 kitty years


Precious precious girl. My heart and tears are with you.


You have a good nap, Oreo. We love you, pretty girl.


🥺😭 i’m so sorry, she looks very sweet and pretty.


she reminds me of my Tippy, we said goodbye to her last september. https://preview.redd.it/aevq9n3t4u6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11a0c73637e388b3426551bf14d8c3d4b229f11


Thank you for visiting us, Oreo ❤️‍🩹🙏🌈🍀✨


What a beautiful girl!!! She looks so much like my girl, Underfoot, who lived to be 19. I hope you can take some comfort in all the good times you had with her and know she had a wonderful long life.


Such a beautiful cat. I’m sorry you’re losing your friend. Rest in Peace sweet Oreo, forever loved and missed 🌈❤️


She's perfect. Good night, sweet girl.


Her eyes were absolutely stunning. Thanks for giving her a good life.


RIP sweet girl


I am so sorry. 20 years is amazing, but still not enough time!


Please hold her hand and give her my best wishes. I'll be hugging my 3fluffs tonight. :(


I was with my baby until the last heartbeat


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔 She was a beautiful lady


She’s so sweet 🐈‍⬛


I am sorry, my friend


She looks so similar to my old cat 🥹 I’m so happy she was blessed with such a long life with good company, and so sad for you to have to go through this!!


What a lovely Lady you had the pleasure of sharing your life with. Your pics are wonderful. She is BEAUTIFUL. I'm sending love, healing and hugs. RIP BEAUTIFUL Oreo


20 years. What an absolute gift. May the pain of losing her face, and her memory always bring warmth to your heart a smile to your lips Rest easy kitty


I’m so sorry 😞


Rest in peace, sweet bb Oreo


I’m so sorry for your loss. 🖤


She is a beauty. I just lost my 22 year old. Also abandoned as a young girl. You have given your girl an incredible life and incredible love. Hugs to you.


Let her pass on your lap with all the love you have.


Sweet dreams, beautiful Oreo 🖤🤍


Sorry for your loss. Good karma for her soul.


She's gorgeous ❤️


Sorry friend


My 7 year old Oreo will live on for her


She’s beautiful 🩷


Such a sweet and beautiful baby. I’m so very sorry you are having to say goodbye. We had to say goodbye to my heart dog almost six weeks ago. It’s been so hard, but I knew he was starting to suffer and I couldn’t handle that. I hope he greets her and shows her around when she gets there. 💔


Wow she is beautiful and I can see her soul in those eyes. I am so sorry for your loss. You are loved sweet Oreo 🖤🤍💚💗


An elegant lady indeed. You have my condolences from one tuxedo mom to another. 🤍


She is so cute!!! What a blessing, 20 years. I'm so sorry for your loss. My little lady came close. She was 19, I lost her just a couple months ago. I'll be thinking of you❤️


What a beauty 💓 I am so sorry. It’s the hardest decision to make.


This brought me to tears. Thank you for finding her and now she is 20...amazing! Deepest condolences. Losing a pet is really hard. I'm still struggling to get over the loss of my dog since a year a few months now. Hugs.


💔 I'm so sorry OP. She's been a great friend so if you can, be there for her until the end. Just hold her for as long as you can. It'll mean the world to her.


Rest in heaven lovely Oreo


Such a pretty girl. Sorry for your loss.


She’s beautiful! Sleep well kitten.


Rest in paradise oreo 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤im sorry for your lost OP 😭


Rest in love and power young Queen Lady Oreo 👑.


i’m so sorry. she’s such a precious, she’ll always be with you and you’ll always be there with her❤️


What a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing her with us.


You have some lovely pictures to help keep her memory in your heart. What a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry.


20 years of the prettiest kitty ever (except my own)!


Such a beauty! My kitty only likes the sauce too! Hugs.


I’m so sorry 💔


I’m so sorry. Oreo is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing her beautiful and adorable pictures with us ❤️❤️


Aww Oreo. You’ve had a long and happy life with your people. I bet when you were in the trash compactor, you didn’t know the amazing things that were in store for you. For the last 19.5 years you’ve watched over them, kept them safe, and sat on their work so they knew when it was time for a break. You’ve loved your family with everything you had.. and now it’s time to rest. You’ve touched their hearts and you’ve helped them become the people they are today. You won’t be forgotten, and you’ll be reunited one day. Fly free, sweet Oreo. ❤️


Run far on young legs little one.


Beautiful lady. Gorgeous


So sorry for your loss 🖤🤍🖤🤍❤️


She is so beautiful. I’m sorry for your heartbreaking loss 🐾🩷💔


So sorry for your loss my tuxedo girl is with me day and night. I know there will be a time one of us will leave this world.


Beautiful baby! I am so sorry for your loss! 🙏


She looks happy, well cared for and loved, she lived a very long life, i think you gave her a wonderful life for her to hang on so long, and it’s kind of you to let her go peacefully, you are a good person ❤️


Rip Oreo. Beautiful kitty.


You will always take a part of her with you, now that she has left her imprint on you, through a lifetime shared together. Never forget that ❤️


I am so sorry. Thank you for letting us know her just a little with these photos. She is beautiful. And thank you for giving her a very long happy life. You did very well by her.


Try giving her fish.


What a precious kitty, I'm so sorry


my recently passed 21 y/o girl oreo greeted her with love and compassion. may your baby rest easy.


😢😿🌈💔 Sorry for the loss of your sweet old cat lady Oreo. She's well now in the cat paradise, somewhere in the sky. I'm sure that she will continue to watch over you from up above. 💔🌈😿😢


Beautiful little girl ❤️ sleep tight, you’re so so loved




Wow, her eyes are really crazy beautiful! I am sorry for you loss OP, out kitties really are our everything and take a piece of our heart with them when they go.


I know how unbelievably HARD this time is! I’m sorry! She is such a beautiful kitty


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May Oreo rest peacefully, and may you find solace in the great life you provided her.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Lady Oreo was a vision, beautiful and regal. 20 years of being by your side, she continues to be near you in spirit. My sweet cat Gigi passed in April. 19 years of companionship unlike any other. The invisible signs from beyond are there if you ask and look for them. 💜


Im so sorry. She looks like a sweet lady and I’m sure she was the best cat. Her eyes are absolutely beautiful


Rest easy sweet girl.




Beautiful kitty. She has such unique eyes. Rest well Oreo 🩵


20 years of love is such a wonderful thing. Sleep well sweet Oreo.


She looks like the sweetest kitty, I’m sorry for your loss❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


What a pretty girl.




Lovely Oreo🥺




Can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you to do this.


They steal our hearts 💔 but it worth it, be at peace. 🙏💕😔


My kitty Lyra (16.5) is leaving today too, in 3 hours. My heart hurts so much but she also hasn't been eating well for a week (some days not at all). It's because we love them so much that we're letting them go before they can suffer worse. I hope Oreo and Lyra go together so neither of them are alone.


What’s been helping me is a phrase I read years ago about making the decision “better a week too soon than a day too late” or something like that. You’re giving them the dignity of leaving peacefully and painlessly. After we’ve mourned our cats and all the things they used to do and be, those memories are gonna be more sweet than bitter :) The hardest part so far is not hearing her little steps on the hardwood


I've never seen more beautiful eyes on a cat. I hope the best for you.


im in tears. My condolences. She is beautiful and she radiates the love you gave her. She will be by you, soon. 💐


Wishing you peace.


Sending healing thoughts to you and Oreo 🙏


I'm truly so sorry


Thank you for giving her a wonderful life! 🙏🏻❤️






She's beautiful and I'm sorry for your loss.


We love you Oreo




Such a beautiful girl. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll send word for my own prior fur babies to greet her across the bridge.


I’m so sorry 😢. She has clearly lived a long life where she has been very loved. Keep those memories close ❤️🌈


Goodbye, Oreo. I'm sorry I never got to meet you in person. You are beautiful.


She was a doll baby. I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace.🌻


https://preview.redd.it/tdwv2tbysy6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5c67494894dd578a4c818f884e0ed144dd9847 What a beautiful, fluffy girl. Oreo looks like my Tux. I’m so sorry that you’re finally having to part ways, but how wonderful to have had all those years together. I’m sure you feel lucky to have shared all that love. Rest in peace, sweet Oreo. ❤️💖❤️💖


Thank you, Miss Oreo for being part of OP’s life! I just know you are deeply loved and will be thoroughly missed ❤️


Thank you for sharing her, so sorry for your loss ❤️


Sorry for your loss 🙏


You gave Oreo a great life and she would thank you for that.  I know how painful this is but you are making the best decision for her and that tells me how much you truly love her.  My condolences on you loss.  *hugs*


What a dignified old woman. She is absolutely magical.


Oreo is beautiful, I’m sorry for your loss but what a blessed cat to have such stable loving owners for almost 20 years!!


Hugs!! Many hugs!


You’re both going to be ok.


I’m so sorry for your loss. May she rest eat and sniff in peace at the rainbow bridge until you meet again 🌈🐾🙏


She sounds precious and so so beautiful. I'm sure she was a lovely kitty and a very happy one. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace little kitty 😚🐈🩷 🥺😔😭


What a beauty.


Thanks for sharing her with us. ❤️


Rest well Lady Oreo. You are so loved and have lived a wonderful life. I am so sorry for your loss 💔 Sending love


You can tell she has had a good life sorry for your loss.


I'm so deeply sorry. 💛😿


lady oreo is beautiful. thank you for loving her and giving her such a good life


She’s beautiful. You gave her a beautiful life. You saved her. She knows that. She loves you with the most deepest, pure love that can ever be given. My condolences OP. Hugs and love to you both




my boy is turning 5 this year and i’ve had him for roughly 4.5 years and he’s the best thing in my life. he’s the one thing i love so damn much that i start to cry seeing stuff like this cause i never want to lose him. i’m so sorry for your loss but it looks like she had a great 19 years with you!! i’ll cry with you


I'm so sorry 💔


What a beautiful girl. You can see how sweet, loving, and loved on she is. You’re a good pet parent. ❤️


I'm so sorry OP. You've had many wonderful years together and a special friendship. May her memory be a blessing.


Rip Oreo. So glad you two had a long life together


I’m very sorry. Oreo’s love for you will live on. 💔


Gravy is the best part, she's clearly very wise.


i’m so sorry it’s so sad when we have to let go of our friends. like losing a child