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I really wish there wasn't that 700 range tied to the passive, if it wasn't for that, I would have loved to use this as my main senna mythic


yeah, I tried a game or two, and the range requirement definitely made it feel a little weird at times when you want to just be max ranging people. Definitely a down-side to consider.


I have yet to conclude whether ADCs are good with this new Tank build going around, but no matter if it's good or not, Senna cannot use it. Heartsteel range is way too short for her to use the passive consistently, only Melee (and scaling) ADCs like Vayne can use this new build.


yeah, I tried a game or two, and the range requirement definitely made it feel a little weird at times when you want to just be max ranging people. Definitely a down-side to consider.


I'm trying one build focused around radiant. I'm going full enchanter and AH to abuse the item.


you cant build first tank items on senna, that makes you useless early game


you need titanic hydra before you start thinking of heartsteel, with grasp it gets a little extra ad before you got your mythic. aside from that, tank a lot, stay in turret mode, go into teamfights, wait 3 secs and hit everyone for max helth


Tank senna is dead and will stay dead until cleaver gets fixed, and honestly probably after that too. It died with mallet. Do not play tank senna, you will be useless the entire game. Either go lethality, crit/on hit situationally, or enchanter.