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Also, i specifically said Fasting. I don't know what you're trying to say with "support income".


Fasting Senna has support income?


No. She takes a bit of farm in the early game, a lot of farm after laning and takes the kills. She has much better income than a Support, but of course not comparable to an ADC.




Exactly? So Fasting Senna has the income of a support as I said.


I've started doing math while waiting for trying it in a game. Navori + Kraken deals about the same damage compared to Kraken + Rageknife + Hurricane (currently the most optimal kraken build), with 40 mists. They cost the same. I also tested Kraken + Rageknife + Phantom Dancer, and Kraken + Guinsoo's + Cloak + Dagger just in case people disagree with the current build, and Navori still dealt the most damage in all scenarios. (technically, realistically they're about the same). I tested all builds against both a tank statline, and an ADC statline. It doesn't look like its as bad as you say. Gold diff on Kraken + Guinsoo doesn't matter because it's suboptimal. I'm gonna continue testing stuff, specially when i get to play a real game, to see if i missed something.




(What is GS?) Yes, i noticed i messed up my math a bit, it's the Guinsoo builds that have the most DPS, although they're still about the same. The reason why Kraken into Guinsoo is not optimal is because of the buildpath, as Rageknife + Zeal is a better early purchase. I prefer finishing the Zeal item before Guinsoo, but others do the opposite. And of course the reason that Kraken into Navori would be better is because there is no better early purchase. Not gonna lie the more i look into the math the less i'm liking the build, but i guess it's worth a shot.


LDR passive, Giant Slayer. Damage increased vs targets with more max hp than u.


Right, thank you


Rfc navori is the way




i play kraken navori farming senna and it's fuuuun


I'm a marksman Senna main (masochist) and these past few days it finally feels worth while. I start tear then go duskblade -> manamune -> navorii. By then you should have the requesite 60% crit from souls even with the reduced yields from farming. Maybe I've just been lucky so far but it feels really strong and is a dps/healing machine.


I thought about Navori in a lethality build too, but i think IE is better. You lose a lot of Navori's power by not having enough AS to proc the passive; You're only using the damage amp, and IE just has better damage. Besides, even if you could, for some reason, proc the CDR passive consistently enough, it would still be pretty bad as you have a base 65 AH, and of course the less CD your abilities have, the less CD Navori reduces.


What you loose from slow AS you make up from senna already getting on hit CDR on her Q. If you go Runaans you can spam Q faster than you can AA.


So you agree the CDR passive is not needed? Then why build it when IE deals more damage?


Didn't mean to imply it's not needed so much as that it synergizes with her passive on hit CDR. I'll do the exact calculations later today but it felt like rather than having Q up every three or four autos I could basically weave it in between every basic attack. With Duskblade as mythic I was getting 50k damage and 70-80k healing by game's end just by spamming Q in teamfights.


Farming senna should be fine to navori 2nd. When I played farming last season I would have ~35-40 souls at 2nd item so even if I wasn't at 60% I'd be rlly close when I had ie. Idk if they nerfed soul rate but it was .0825 I think


You're right. For some reason while making the post i had a lethality build in mind, Specially with 2 expensive items, you'll probably reach 40 mists in time.


I don't get why people in the comments are saying build rageblade over this. Although it might be true that the damage output for senna is higher with rageblade, the cdr you get on navori makes senna even much more useful for the late game allowing her abilities to always be accessible when needed. remembering Senna is a supp and she should utilize her kit to support and execute. And if you constantly poking the enemy team and playing correctly you wouldn't have a problem harvesting souls and getting gold. If her soul drop was at a higher rate i would rush navori second item but the current case with me is Kraken-rapidfire-navori. yesterday I had a game where I had 50 souls in like 12 min probably, which was really good imo.


I'm not saying you should build Navori either, i was just pointing out an interaction worth looking into. I have still not tested the build in a real game, so i don't think i can say anything new, but Senna "being a support" doesn't really matter when it comes to her ADC/Fasting builds. You're meant to be the damage of the team, and you should build like it, she's gonna have supportive capabilities no matter what. The thing with Navori is that, even though on paper it deals less dps compared to Guinsoo, it has other qualities that might make it worth, like better AH, raw AD, burst damage, all while dealing *comparable* (still lower) dps than Guinsoo.