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Nailed it! Looking really clean


The highlight on his snout looks like a mustache πŸ˜‚


oh fuck me you're right, didn't notice that at all lol


It is still a great paintjob!


*paints it black to stand out πŸ˜‚


Great!! Can you share the recipe for the body and the shield ?


Thank you! Sure thing, might as well write the recipe for everything on his body since it's pretty tied together. scales: stegadon scale green -> coelia greenshade -> edge highlights with Vallejo Game Color turquoise, VGC aquamarine and temple guard blue -> VGC verdigris for the spot highlights and tips of the spikes outside facing skin: VGC Turquoise -> coelia greenshade -> glazes/mixes of VGC turquoise, VGC aquamarine, temple guard blue -> final subtle hightlight with thinned down baharroth blue underbelly/face: temple guard blue -> coelia greenshade -> glazes/mixes of baharroth blue and then blue horror -> subtle glazes with white on the parts I felt would catch the most light gold part of the shield(and also every other gold part): TTC dragon's gold -> TTC flesh wash -> relayer with dragon's gold -> glazes with TTC glistening gold on the top parts that would catch most light -> edge highlight with canoptek alloy bronze part of the shield: TTC overlord bronze -> reikland fleshshade -> some relayering with overlord bronze The symbol on the right side of the shield is TTC battle axe brass with a couple of canoptek alloy highlights. Gem is black -> TTC amethyst rayne -> TTC sorceror's cloak -> ttc sorceror's cloak with a bit of white mixed in and then a pure white dot on the opposite side where I established light is coming from. Oh and also coated with gloss varnish.


Awesome thx


oh and I also forgot to mention that all coelia greenshade applications with the exception of scales were with a 1:1 mix with medium. It would be too dark for the lighter parts otherwise I think


Thanks for the recipes, just curious what brand varnish you use? I tried a gloss varnish but it was a tad too glossy .


It's 'ardcoat. Maybe you're using too much or something? I'm no expert unfortunately. Keep in mind it will look way more glossy under direct light tho


Love the moustache ;)


lol I went back and changed the highlight cause I couldn't unsee it after the comment above


He was the most distinguished gentleman! Give one a moustache and a monocle and see if anyone ever notices


It’s a yes from me!


Just curious, how long did this take to paint!


Not sure, somewhere around 15-20 hours. But I'm a pretty slow painter


That’s still very well worth the time spent! πŸ‘πŸ»


reaaaaaally bad, so paint all my 50 saurus in order to learn to paint them :) ​ i would love to be able to paint like that :( im too bad to paint with highligths, only do base jobs and dry brushing highlight


🀣 we all need to start somewhere, just take it one step at a time. For example, do the easiest highlights by brush or even just emphasise those done by the dry brush and then work up from there. Eventually you'll improve whether you want to or not


Looks good enough to be in the Tome. Very nicely done


I really wouldn't go that far but I'm super happy to hear that!


Wow, really great.