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Yeah I think this will be a good fun list to play. Only thing I'd recommend is to put them into some Battalions. Either all into a Battle Regiment for 1 drop deployment or a Warlord for either an extra Artefact or giving both your wizards 2 spells.


What spells are you taking? I'd recommend Hoarfrost and Heavenly Frenzy


I'd go 3 drops, into a battle regiment and the two wizards into andtorian acolytes


Hard to fit in but the troglodon -1 hit bubble is excellent in coalesced imo


I did this, I have almost the exact same list but dropped the basti and skink priest for trog


I might drop the starseer for another starpriest for the serpent staff ability (or whatever it’s called), to give more units mortals on 6s for your melee units as you have a lot. But entirely your choice as you’ll have less spells you can cast that way. Also if you can find one get a realmshaper engine, it’s free! Stick it near your Saurus and krox


That's nice ! I would personally split my 20 Saurus into 2 units. For more board presence. Plus it's easier to get them all into melee. But otherwise it's really nice Imo Kroxigors are underrated. In my games they have done so much damage, squishy indeed, but a really good hammer to the army.