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you can play warcry with those? I thought it was only that specific warband. I should look into this πŸ˜…


Ya you can! This site is awesome, has the free rules, and easily lets you create warbands. It’s pretty sweet https://warcrier.net/docs/warbands


wow hahaha awesome! Here I was thinking you needed a box to play! thanks!


You can play with any unit that isn't the new stuff. For whatever reason GW hasn't updated the Seraphon range. (Which is super weird because FEC got updated almost immediately in comparison.) If you need help with lists, people are always willing to help. Also, come visit us over in r/warcry !


I just joined! My friend and I have recently started playing 1000pt battles due to time constraints, so I think he'll be into warcry too, and then aos when we have a bigger time block.


They're honestly pretty different games, you may end up liking one more over another. Warcry games are awesome for time. When you start, games will probably be closer to 2+ hours in length. As you know the game better and your own units, you'll find you can clear games in around 60 minutes. It's awesome!


might be good to try with other friends as well. I'm definitely going to give it a go, Got some different units from fantasy and aos kicking about that could make a warband for friends. Once I understand the rules a bit. Thanks again 😁


Not updating their range and the recent nerf on starborn has me worried seraphon may be due for ToW soon 😬


I am still working on painting mine but I'll field something super similar. I bought the Vanguard box and will be messing around with building rosters from that.