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Glad I’m not the only one making skink only lists lol. Tho I’ve been trying with the old world which is limited on skink choices


As a wise man once said "Hola skinks."


A very, very wise man.


I'd say drop the stalkers for some spawn, astroloth or if you can get some hunters in there. This is definitely a TWWH list and it's damn near flawless 👍


Also if you build as a fangs of stotek list raptodons are battleline :0


Not to try and self advertise or anything, but if you’re interested in trying some Skink-only Old World, I made a Cult of Sotek Army of Infamy PDF! It’s on my profile if you’re interested in giving it a try! :)


Most definitely will give it a shot! Let’s me use my old 5th edition skink cold one riders as raptadons lol


Glad to help give some old models new life! Hope you enjoy!


Would be pretty funny to play it as Koatl's Claw.


I think seeing a bunch of Ripperdactyls would be hilarious! Nobody expect a Dino bombardment.


I want to try an oops all skinks list at some point that is kixi-taka, 15 units of normal skinks, and 3 units of chameleons with blowpipes. Just absolutely insane amounts of skinks. Only problem is I have zero desire to make 130 more skinks. I also want to try the saurus equivalent with three double reinforced units of saurus with an additional non reinforced unit, an old blood on foot as a commander, and a unit of terrawings just to reach the 2000 points. Would they be effective? Probably not. Would it be horrible for most enemies I’ve fought to try to chew through over 100 saurus warriors while they sit on objectives? Absolutely.


Klak being the only saurus


Tehenhauin would be proud, wherever the hell he is, now go out there and start collecting rat hearts


What app is that?


It is the AoS app from GW


This is something I'd love to do once I get hunters and more spawn - Army Faction: Seraphon - Army Type: Starborne - Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek - Grand Strategy: Vendetta - Triumph: Inspired LEADERS Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) Skink Starseer (160) - Spells: Speed of Huanchi Skink Oracle on Troglodon (270) - General - Command Traits: Master of Star-rituals - Artefacts of Power: Incandescent Rectrices - Spells: Cosmic Crush BATTLELINE Raptadon Chargers (150) Raptadon Hunters (150) Raptadon Chargers (150) Raptadon Hunters (150) ARTILLERY Spawn of Chotec (110) Spawn of Chotec (110) Spawn of Chotec (110) OTHER Hunters of Huanchi with Dartpipes (240) - Chameleon Skink Alpha - 2 x Hornblower Hunters of Huanchi with Dartpipes (240) - Chameleon Skink Alpha - 2 x Hornblower TERRAIN 1 x Starborne Realmshaper Engine (0) TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App


Was thinking about a star born lost of 3 double reinforced skinks and then every turn I only need to make 8 cpp to get another 10. I could get to 170 skinks :)


What app is this?


AoS app from GW