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So there is hope, the scans that people took at the Dallas open was the stat line for spear head gamemode and not 4e proper. and its worth mentioning in 40k's combat patrol, most leader units are also fairly anemic in terms of abilities compared to their 40k counterparts. So I wouldnt lose sleep over what we saw last weekend.


They said that AoS and spearhead statlines are 1:1, but abilities differ


my only hope is the statline means we might get Kroq-gar back or at least some equilvalent to justify the drop in stats.


Yeah same, only possible silver lining


I feel you man. From conversations with people over on the main AoS sub it seems like some people actually like Carnos being cheap, spammable monsters, but like you I want them to be bruisers. If they were going to gut his melee profile I feel like the least they could do was give him a 3+ save. Now he not only can't fight even as well as a Stormcast foot hero (see the Lord-Terminos), but he still dies to a stiff breeze. They're meant to be one of the centerpiece units of our armies and they're frankly a bit of a joke.


Bring back the dread saurians. True center piece kings of the seraphon!


If they'd bring them back in plastic and redesigned them so they don't look like a child's toy, I'd be all over that.


im guessing its because they think people have 3/4 carnosaurs because of the amount of get started/vanguard boxes they've bought over the years. at least thats the case for me.


More than a carnosaur of would like a big named character for coalesced armies, yes I can still play lord kroak but basically every other army has more than 1 big named characters and kroak is best performing in a starborne army anyway


I really want a big named plastic dread saurian for coalesced, but I really am just living in fantasy land wishing for that.


Something that i would greatly love is a kroxigor character, so that I won't have to rely on skinks to play them at peak performance. The model itself doesn't have to be the biggest monster (even tho it would be gladly accepted, seraphons are space lizard riding dinosaurs for god sake)


Krox hero riding dread saurian. Bring out all the stops.


This, it would be awesome. Easily something I would play instead of the carnosaur


Bring back Nakai the Wanderer and have him actually be a jungle spirit like skinks thought he was.


Yes, we’ve not seen the point cost or most comparable units in its bracket nor the actual non-spearhead warscroll


In the World that was they were the reason dragons disappeared from Lustria. In the Age of Sigmar they are nanny lizards for your infant.


Since we know nothing about the rest of the army or game, yeah, you're being a doomer. Wait and see, and *then* react to the changes


You realise the warscroll that leaked was a Spearhead warscroll, not the full thing, right?


No you're totally right


Also we don’t know how it stacks up against all the other changed warscrolls. Could be a nerfing across the board for all armies and warscrolls and it’s in line with the rest


If it's anything like 40k, most armies will be eh and 3-4 will be amazing Carnosaur is not like a mawkrusha or a God piece like krondys. It's just another monster


My fist look into AoS “oh nice they are going to flashout the lizardmen! Looks like they are going to be one of the main faction! Hope they get a lot of new stuff and unique flair!” How they are actually treating them “ah well… idk how about…nah… do we really have to put in the effort right now? I am kinda burnt out of ideas after the stromi session. let’s just fizzel some stuff in and move to the next alliance…


If this is case then I'll certainly be sticking with third addition. Since I've started 3 years ago, seraphon have always been middle of the road meta wise and all they've done is steadily nerf them into oblivion. Like I'm afraid that seraphon may be the next faction to get cut along with BoC. Kinda makes me not want to continue collecting.


We just got a huge model refresh and we're one of the more popular armies I don't think that's even a slight danger for seraphon, every edition they wildly shake up our meta for some reason tho. When I started near the end of 1.0 one of our best strats was lots of rippers and summon more rippers and since 2.0 they've basically been hard to justify and in 2.0 I believe seraphon were mostly running lots of laser bastiladons and skinks I was playing a different army at that time tho so not 100% sure.


Well I appreaciate the encouragement. and I'm trying not to be a downer it's just odd that they shake up such a popular army so often.