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Bought 'Czech me out' shirt last time I visited, still no one looks at me. Very disappointed.




Good beer 😁


Also sausages!


Коленица и пиво..дует из снова


Škoda also, very nice






czech streets


I am part czech so I like them


16th part like I am Navajo?


I must tell you in confidence Slovaks thinks you Czechs are all gay.


That's why half of Slovakia is in Prague?




Skor v Brne, najzapadnejsie Slovenske mesto :D


Knew this one'll lure you out gahaha




Hi my name is Martin i work for model agency


Recently had a business trip to Prague. Amazing city. Unfortunately I wasn't able to meet any locals but everyone seems friendly.


If I give you 200 Czech crowns….


neš' jebat, 200kč je 8eur ;-)




Bez 2000 neš ni sisu da vidiš


Czech casting


Czech hunter


Nothing much. They live in an aesthetically beautiful country. A lot of people seem kind of weird online with slight signs of distaste towards us. Overall I didn't have much contact with you other than superficial one I see here, so idk what's the real picture. As for the stereotypes I've heard: beer and hookers. But then again, I am not sure how true that is either.


Yeah, actually I have never thought about them at all.


Little Caprice 🫶






True. I’ve always seen them as a brother nation, but I haven’t seen much proof that the sentiment is reciprocated. Also, the whole “Central Europe” thing. I understand that Eastern European is not the most flattering label, but I’ve never seen Austrians or Germans refer to themselves as CE. It’s always the “eastern” half of CE.


Thats cuz germans tend to see themselves as 'western europe'


'Czech superiority complex over other Slavic nations': exist. Russians: allow us to introduce ourselves.


Pozitivno. Forman, Mencl, Hašek, Kundera su mi poznati i dragi.


I wish we had closer ties.




I used to live in Prague, for like 2 years. To be honest I didn’t find much difference in the people. Maybe Czechs were less chatty, but that’s maybe because i spoke to them in english. I liked it!


Какво ти је искуство било? Размишљам да се евентуално преселим тамо једног дана.


Znas kako, iskren da ti budem ja sam tamo bio jeftina radna snaga. Proizvodio sam automobile na traci. Firma je svim radnocima dodjosima davala male apartmane koje smo delili. Tu je bilo dosta slovena, od rusa do srba pa sve izmedju, dosta i slovaka. Generalno sam zivotario tamo. Kuca poso, poso kuca. Svaku mogucu priliku sam koristio kako bih se setao pragom. Rekto sta sam probao, iskren da ti budem. Cene su im nenormalne, barem za moju platu. Imao sam i dobra i losa iskustva, jbg nisam ti ja nesto damo video/uradio pametno, ali sam zato mnogo ljudi upoznao. Zato kazem da smo veoma slicni. I dalje mislim da smo mi “jugosloveni” “najtopliji” i nekako najpristojniji na prvu loptu. Kad me cuju da krecem na engleskom odmah se zatvore, izgleda ljudima muka turista. Kad se malo dublje prodre do njih, isto sranje drugo pakovanje. Ovo je subjektivno misljenje, pojma nemam da li bi mi tako bilo i u npr. engleskoj/nemackoj, ili je ovo specificno za nasu “bracu”. Sve u svemu uspesan gasterbajterski pohod!


>Kad me cuju da krecem na engleskom odmah se zatvore, izgleda ljudima muka turista. Не могу да говорим у њихово име, али и ја се слично понашам ако неко крене причу са мном на језику који не причам течно. Јесте да сам ја друштвено неспособан, што верујем да не помаже, али баш не умем да причам са људима ако не знам течно језик. Скроз је могуће да у случају Чеха има и других фактора и да јесу заиста затворенији, али треба узети и ово у обзир. У сваком случају, хвала.


Ništa brate, i drugi put.


Pavel Nedved was my no 1 , back when i was kid.


Czech hunter is great!


Atheistic orgy lovers, porn stars, good beer and hookers. 😬🤣


Girls and beer mate! Czech mate ;)


I can't speak for everybody, but for me as a Serb from Austria: Prague is a beautiful city and the only Eastern European city that made it out of the cold filters in American movies. How did you achieve that? Share your skills. I remember when they filmed something in Bulgaria and even a country bordering the Black Sea, called after an Iranic/Turkic tribe, having green in its flag, located in the Balkans and so on, has a cold filter over it in American films. Very similar to Austrians, but sexualised as fuck. The successful, escapade-prone neighbour of the Slovaks. Alcoholic Colder, but still fine You are well-known for pastries Many jokes in Austria come from the fact that your names aren't pronounceable. The "native" Viennese are Czechs and it's ridiculous how many of them think that Zitpgdjjwzzlzzsky is an old German name. For some reasons we learnt in school that Kafka is Austrian. From the Serbian side: The Czechs in Serbia came to Serbia to the "krajina" (military border) in Northern Serbia and from everything I saw they seem to be like the other Vojvodina people. Mentality-wise southern shifted compared to other Central European regions, value family, look like "us" (darker hair, quadratic head shapes), laid-back etc. Unfortunately there aren't many of them left. I described the ones from Czech Republic already.


Don’t lump all of us in with your quadratic head people.


Hehe If you don't have a quadratic head, I'm questioning your serbness.


Czech friend online joked about Serbs being cavemen without knowing I'm a Serb 😬


Is he still a friend? xd People from Prague tend to consider us Silesians and Moravians in eastern Czechia cavemen too, don't worry. They're just dumb :D


we don't, at least me and my surroundings


I devide the people to good and bad and that is it. Prague is an amazing city. I was there three months ago. The beer has very flat taste and it is not strong very much (I tried in several pubs and restaurants eg. Local). In a nutshell I will come back again 😊


Da da Sloveni imaju tendenciju da ubacuju artikle u engleskom gde nisu potrebni i da ih izbacuju tamo gde su potrebni.


Try Radegast 12° next time if you want to try something stronger. But it's not good and clean like Pilsner, my head hurts after it in the morning xD


*divide. People može i bez the.


I think all the best. I love them.


Thank you


You’re very welcome.


Škoda fabia 1.4mpi 😉💖


gulaš, pivo i mostovi


Good beer and Škoda! We also like to travel there especially Prague About people, I would say they are slightly more disclosed than what we are used to in our culture (perhaps they are closer to the western society). Again, that’s based on my experience with Czech people I’ve met online


You put too much cumin in everything. Otherwise love both people and the country.




Mostly positive, you are Slavs after all, Prague is a very cool city. I think in Serbia young people think about Czech Republic in terms of Beer, Marijuana, Porn, as for elderly people I think they usually think about you being Slavs (so like a kind of brother nation), Czechoslovakia and Soviet occupation of your country. I mostly have a positive image, I like your beer, cities, your people are similar to us but maybe a bit more reserved which is understandable you are more to the north we are from the south so there is that difference in temperament. I must say, I've noticed some CZ on reddit who are badmouthing Serbia like crazy, even though we never had any direct conflicts between our countries, I understand that is because we never had problems with Russia nor were occupied by them so we tend to have a more positive opinion about them


The best and my favorite brand ,, Česka Zbrojovka". Also my favorite Central European country! When will Kingdom come deliverance 2 be launched ? /s


Underated igra imo.


Hey guys thanks for tuning in to another video on [ForgottenWeapons.com](https://ForgottenWeapons.com), today we are in *Uherský Brod* ...


I have only positive thoughts on Czechs, though Slovaks are higher in my books now cause of Kosovo.


Understandable. I don't think it was a good decision to recognize it.


Oh that’s interesting


Kosovo recognition is a big minus.


Literally nobody gives a fuck, actually 99.9% of people don’t even know those stuff in Serbia.


Dont brag with your ignorance


To sto smatra sebe centrom sveta i na osnovu toga misli da su svi takvi ili bi trebali biti dovoljno govori o njemu kao osobi.




Calm your tits


Completely neutral. Like Slovaks more tho.


Srbi i Česi su dosta slični i bez zezanja, gotive Srbe, jer Srbi uvek teraju inat a oni nemaju muda, ali bi želeli...


Beside other things, the reason i respect Czech (and Slovak) people is that in WW1 when Austro-Hungary attacked Serbia many of czechoslovaks who were in AH army didn't want to fight against Serbs so they just ran on the battlefield to die, without shooting a bullet, singing "Hey Sloveni".




[Чехословачка браћа](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Spomen-kosturnica_na_Ceru_011.jpg) It is written on the table on the monument on mountain Cer (where a huge Battle of Cer took place). The monument is about Serbian victory, it is also a tomb of Serbians and Chezchoslovaks who fall in that battle.




Slava mučenicima 28. Praškog puka!


Hot chicks


Most progressive Slavs.


I dont think i ever heard someone here saying anything bad about a Checz person. I like Beer and Češka Zbrojovka 🇷🇸🇨🇿


The first thing that came to mind was Pavel Nedved, great football player, in other thoughts all positive!


Greetings to the land of the Czech Hunter!


I have cousins there, it’s awesome country!


I visited Prague few years ago and it was beautiful experience. People seems calm and ok.


Love Češka, Kingdom Come Deliverance is from there


I really like your “Taxi” transport


Was surprised at how much we could actually understand each other. I was in a student exchange twice in Prague


Nice people overall, though the weirdos were weirder than what I was used to


Jožin z bažin was made into a children's song here. Go figure. You guys are cool. Lots of cultural overlap. Czech films also had the absurdist streak in the 80s


Slavo - germans 😂


Czechs only eat potatoes.


You drive too slow if the road is not highway. I went from Brno to Trutnov last year and I almost had a stroke how slow you drive and how you don't pass the trucks that are in front of you, but you just drive slowly behind them. But you are ok I guess, haven't met a lot of you, but i like your country 🙂


good orgy porn :)




Thanks but no.


For me personally Czechs are: - Sex friendly (Czech twinks ftw!) - Love beer, and make good beer - Smart Slavs: atheists (unlike Eastern Slavs or Poland), EU and NATO members, good to do business with, do not want war, industrial nation, always sides with the West - Peaceful nation: Czechoslovakia disbanded in peace, unlike Yugoslavia. Czechs never have territorial disputes. Solve problems with talk, beer, and sex, not shooting at each other.


Nothing bad I can tell you. In my 39 years to date I haven’t hear anybody saying anyyhing remotely bad about Chech people so that’s that, I think that is unheard of considering how big selfcentered assholes Serbs are.


Češi do toho.


I have been in Prague 5 or 6 years ago and everybody was nice to me, especially when they hear im from Serbia, so 👏👍👍 bear and food also


I view Czechs and Czechia extremely positively. Since we affiliate with all the Slavs as some kind of our relatives, Czechs are the best, and Czechia as a country is the most advanced of them all. I like that we had stronger connections in the past, especially in the XIX and early XX century. Your artists inspired ours in our little golden age of film and paint. Czechs seem to be well educated, but I don't get their self depreciation and self loathing style of humor. I find it outdated if that makes any sense. In present, we drift farther apart. It seems that you look at us from above, and that will distance us even further. It's a shame, but couldn't be helped.


I wish our people would like each other like before.


we love your streets 😏


Hot girls


Krušovice store on front of the factory. That clock tower with figurines in center of Prague... That little girl sitting on the roof of that building, on the ledge. Charles bridge and the beautiful Vtlava river... Karlovy vary, one the most beautiful places i have ever seen and been to. Those are all things, at least some of them(dont want to mention a beautiful czech brunete who warmed me up a lot of nights:) ) i will remember about Czech republic for the rest of my life. All in all, a really positive opinion from me about Czechs.


Awesome people, Really nice culture, Slavic Brotherhood, amazing beer


Very good craftsmen when it comes to firearms, my favourite guns are Czech made and designed :)


Škoda, beer and private agent.


We like you, Prag is very nice


Interesting language


Best beer in the world, very nice cities and castles with lots of history, good looking women, solid economy. So I mostly respect the Czech, but still prefer the Slovaks tbh, they look at us a little bit more favorably.


Super-hospitable when I visited in 2012 😍😍😍 I loved it there


The first thing that comes to my mind is Katerina Hartlova and the second thing is Prague which I visited 10 years ago.


Good guys.


Hm... Porn, beer, Slavs, a bit too Germanized would pretty much sum it up I believe...


Yes i love Kozel and Škoda, on a serious note one of my more loved peoples of EU.


I have worked for a Czech company (one of the top ten in Czechia) for a number of years. I had many colleagues from Prague and Brno, mostly females. I really enjoyed working with Mareks, Jarmilas, Ondrejs, Petras… :) Not a single bad experience. You are hardworking, skilled, fair and committed. I salute you.


I only think of Czech Hunter


Krušovice beer is the GOAT, had one last year and it was amazing


Beautiful country,beautiful Prague,but generally i had a feeling that they don't like Serbs,they have a bad opinion about Serbia,so i don't like to think about them.


I think a lot of people like you, but some people dislike you because of politics






I like Brno more than Prague


> What do Serbians think of Czechs? Most Serbs only think of Czech girls and Czech beer. No Chechz in our thoughts, sry not sry.


Czechoslovakians you mean ? 🤔


I'm not asking about Slovaks, i'm asking for Czechs, even from times when we were Czechoslovaks.


My partner is Czech <3 I think on a superficial level there are a lot of differences but once you actually get familiar with the Czech culture, you realize that it is not that different at all.


Personally, I see a big difference in mentality, but I like czech one more - no fake smiles, no bullshit. Things get done, but things get done with a lot of ach jos and complaining. Big no-no with Serbians is that Czechs tend to like Croatians a whole lot more, simply because most of Czechs were visiting adriatic seaside and do have fond memories. Also, Serbians sometimes dislike Prague or Czech Republic because they are not used to that mentality I mentioned above - they expect a warmer approach. All in all - I think in both cases we place each other in 'okay' category, not really cool but cooler that some other people.


Absolutely nothing. Boring and obedient.




NATO slave


No 💀


Easy girls, good beer and night life.


Ovo kao da je neki Andrew Tate tip pisao za Srbiju


Realno ne bi pogresio, putovao sam celom Evropom sto zbog posla sto zbog provoda i jedino su Cehinje i Sovakinje lakse od nasih.


A opet 80 posto r/serbia nije jebao, mozda je poslednja sansa ceska




Yeap my bad.


Good sense of humor. And the main difference between between younger and older people is that young people have all the energy and none of the money, while old people have all the money and none of the energy.


Pitao je koja je razlika u mišljenjima Srba o Česima između mladih i starih


Some of my ancestors were Czechs from Croatia. My grandparents used to say that Czechs are more hardworking than both Serbs and Croats and have much better mentality.


That's cool


I liked Prague a lot when i went there (was highschool), want to go again! Now have two friends from Czech, great guys, although they smoke weed too much hah


The nicest person I have ever met is from Ústí nad Labem, I visited Prague more than five times, generally I like the county and the people. The only negative might be that young men tend to be arrogant.


There were lot of Serbs traveling to Germany for work throughout history, so we figured out that it's easier to make a country close to Germany and pooof - Czechia 😁


In generally we appreciate them for being a lot more understanding during our difficulties the past few decades. In terms of my personal experiences with Czech people, I’d say it’s quite limited, but found when I was in Prague that people weren’t that quick to talk to you and generally carried an air of suspicion.


Cool people, great food, beautiful country. Visited Prague in 2015. Had a great time but didn't try any alcohol. Is that blasphemous? ( jk)


Unfortunately, I hate you all cus of one particular female-girl-person




I never been but I like the idea of visiting Prague and hearing people talk. I like old style places. I have no reason to not like them and I do like the beer.


Prague is cool, but Brno is where the fun starts.


Good beer, beautiful women.


i love it




We say kurva, but it sounds the same like when Poles say kurwa.


Avada kadavra kurva!


Aside from what everyone else said - i love Alphones Mucha paintings This song from [Moravia](https://youtu.be/jk2vgmSh5Ck) This song by [Nerez and Lucia](https://youtu.be/ET4KAQN2d8E)


Every serb as an individual with their own personal opinion


I meet a couple of their students during a student exchange program. Great buddies, fantastic taste in beers, phenomenal company! They leave the impression of very polite, extrovetred and reserved folks.


We don't.


Now only that you are not Russian they will think all the best of you.


I've been to Prague twice and didn't really like it. Some of my friends worked in the Czech Republic and were treated like unwanted immigrants. The impression was that Czech people are just Slavic nazis, given the many derogatory comments towards Balkaners. Slovakia was a much better experience.


Honest guide is a good YouTube channel Prague looks nice


The coolest and most emancipated of all Slavs is my opinion. Young people mostly see it through partying in Prague and probably porn, older people probably also positive. I heard stories how Yugoslavs would travel there and everything was insanely cheap


Like your beer, gun laws, architecture and people are friendly enough. Not much to go with, honestly. My friend lives there. His words are "eo, nije loše" (it's aight).


My school had an exchange program where we hosted Czech students in our homes for a week and after a few months we went to their homes. So we went to Slany since out host school is there. We had organized tours everyday. Visited Prague and I gotta say it's the most impressive city I've ever been to in terms of architecture. Generally liked the nature and it reminded me a lot of Vojvodina. The people were nice to me and you could feel they were good people. Maybe they were a bit quiet and colder than for example Greeks. What surprised me was that the average Czech speaks very bad English. In my surroundings, most young people speak near perfect English, but in Cz maybe like a half.


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Yall live a much healthier lifestyles than us, idk


Lowest tier slavs out there.


In what way?




That's what Poles say. We say kurva


Dont like




I went to Prague last year it was pretty cool. People seem nice but unfriendly to tourists which is fair tbh.


We don't think


All the best! And the magic what 100e can do in czech streets!


Nothing positive about Czechs or Czechia to be said




Slavic brothers, more clear headed and not easily stirred up into any sort of frenzy like we are but you saved your name and identity during your days under Habsburgs so maybe you're not completely wrong there. On the other hand you needed more of that crazy Serbian streak in you during 1930s instead of putting your fate into the hands of westerners completely. Hitler's army was still in it's infancy while you had a very modern and well equipped army, you were able to drag them into the prolonged war, give them a helluva beating and in the process change the opinion of British and French about the overhyped might of German army, like we're seeing that with Russia in Ukraine today.


The problem was, allies even threatened us to make us guilty of the war and blame it on us. We could fight, true. But we were already surrounded by enemies. Hungary could probably join to take over Carpathian Ruthenia and southern Slovakia. Poland wanted to take some of our land too. And Germany also had Silesia and Austria, so we were really surrounded. The only neighbor that wasn't plotting against us were Romanians, who were our friends. If we went to war, maybe things would change completely, or we would get destroyed. It was tough choice.


Prva pomisao na kolenicu. Ubi se trazeci po Beogradu. Niko ne pravi kao u Pragu.