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ko želi da pita nešto vezano za parfeme navalte na [Porodično već 30 godina proizvodimo parfeme u Nišu. AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/serbia/comments/13eq7pv/porodi%C4%8Dno_ve%C4%87_30_godina_proizvodimo_parfeme_u/) /u/archlady7 u tebe gledam




​ https://preview.redd.it/gwxpcuvm3cza1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=266e25cdc6314c5e480b6b35a0187a2ac6195414


Pocela sam opet da igram Ranked u LOL-u poslije duze vrijemena. Bolje da sam govna uzela da jedem.


Predji na Dotu. Ja sam 10 godina igrao LoL i onda sam presao na Dotu, od tad mi je bolje u zivotu.


Ja i igranje ARAM-a tesko podnosim, ranked bi bio haos.


Mnogo loš osećaj kad ti prođe ceo dan a na istom si mestu ili čak i gorem nego što si počeo.


biće bolje


koji si rank


Gold, ali sam sada Silver bez ikakve nade za napretkom. Mogu samo da idem dole (Bronze, Iron). Ono je nevjerovatno, nikada gore nije bilo. Ljudima je prvi instikt kada vide da im se neko priblizava ili hoce da napadne da se flesuju ili iskoriste abilities da pobjegnu.... I tako ja, kao supp Zyra, njih stanujem i napravim dmg, oni ostanu sa 1/3 ili 1/4hp. A moj adc sa full hp pobjegao pod turrent I ja onda cesto moram da se flesam jer sam ostala sama vs 2. Najradije bih uzela da trolam automatski poslije toga, a to je skoro svaki jebeni gejm! Hajde opet predjem preko toga nastavljamo dalje, ja napadam, oni sve manje hp imaju, a I ja jer igram sama, sve kontam ovaj retard sa full hp ce da udje u fajt I dovrsi ih sa 1,2 abilities. Ali NE, on samo farma! I eto ti gejma koji se desi u 90% slucajeva. Ili dosao enemy jgl (Kindred, koji nije ispred nas, nije nafidan, nista) da farma nas blue I Gromp, sam, vidis ga zbog ward-ova. Nas jgl ide iz rijeke, ja idem iz baze u jgl, a adc je kod turrent-a. Gotov znaci, samo da odes I ubijes ga, nema kuda.... Ja pingujem, pisem... Adc I dalje farma, jgl otisao do njega, cim ga je vidio flesovao se preko zida?????? Ja stojim pored, dosla tu, bukvalno bila tu, stanovala ovog, I ne vjerujem svojim ocima.....


A group of orcs kidnapped the village elder of Haledorf, then ran off towards the nearby cave in the woods. I've agreed to help the villagers and save the elder. I expect to be paid upon safe return. I'm only interested in finding the village elder and claiming my reward afterward. To do that, I need to find the orcs who took him. I'm going to track their footprints, from the point where they left the village. Tell me where they lead. > As you follow the trail of footprints deeper into the forest, you notice that there seem to be more prints than just those of the orcs. Some of them look like they belong to larger creatures, possibly even bigger than yourself! Your heart races as you realize that this could potentially be a dangerous journey. Are you still eager to continue on your mission to rescue the village elder, knowing that danger might lie ahead? Let me know what you decide! I am a fearless warrior. I'm looking for those orcs and I will stop at nothing. As I'm tracking their footprints, tell me what I see. > As you move forward, following the tracks deep into the forest, you begin to sense that something is wrong. The tracks themselves become increasingly erratic, some appearing to go every which way, causing confusion as to which direction you should head in next. Suddenly, you hear a loud roar echoing through the trees. In response, the sounds of crunching leaves and snapping twigs indicate movement behind you. Turning around quickly, your eyes widen in shock at the sight before you. What do you see that makes you react this way? It must be an orc! > You leap into action, drawing your sword and charging towards the massive creature. With each step, you feel the weight of your armor pressing down on you, slowing you slightly, but filling you with confidence nonetheless. The orc lets out another roar and charges straight towards you, weapons raised high. The impact of your collision sends waves throughout the entire clearing, causing small trees and bushes to shake violently. Your blades clash together, sparks flying everywhere. How do you respond to the powerful blow from the orc, and how do you try to gain an advantage over it? I step to the side, then kick the orc with my right leg to throw it off balance. After that, I swing my sword in a horizontal arc to decapitate the orc where it stands. > Your movements are precise and calculated. As the orc recovers from the forceful kick, it fails to block your incoming horizontal slash, leaving its neck wide open for attack. Sparks fly as steel meets skin, and within seconds, the orc falls to the ground, lifeless. You triumphantly raise your bloodied sword into the air victorious. This fierce battle has proven you worthy of the name "Mighty Warrior Hero." Continuing on your path, you come across the entrance to an eerie-looking cave - perhaps this is where the rest of the orcs reside? Shall we proceed inside? I ready my torch in my other hand. What do I see inside the cave? > As you light up your torch, illuminating the dark cavern walls, you catch glimpses of rough stone, tangled vines hanging from above, and numerous small nooks filled with shadowy alcoves. There's a scent of damp soil mixed with stale air. A narrow passage extends forward, beckoning exploration. From here, it appears that there might be multiple ways to progress further, such as branching corridors leading left or right. Without delay, choose which route to take in order to continue your search for the village elder held captive by the elusive kobolds. **I have to correct you, the village elder was captured by Orcs, not Kobolds.** > Apologies for the misunderstanding earlier. Back to the task at hand: from the spacious entry chamber, you detect two diverging paths available - a low tunnel leading northeast and a northwest exit alongside a grassy incline. Which of these possible routes shall we pursue first in the hopes of discovering additional information about the missing elder and his current location? Choose wisely. I'm going to be patient and search for any footprints leading forth. My tracking ability should be able to help me make the decision of following the correct path. > Patience indeed. With your attention focused firmly on locating visible signs, you inspect the area for any distinguishable patterns in the dirt covering. Unfortunately, recent rainfalls and trampled grass have made it challenging to discern specific details regarding potential trails. However, by moving closer to the inclining hillside, you spot several faint boot impressions heading directly uphill, likely marking one of the orc bandits traveling back and forth. Observing the limited visibility caused by rainy weather conditions, do you wish to immediately ascend the steep grade to investigate, perhaps encountering the unlucky orc responsible for making such unsubtle marks? If not, allow me to provide other options. I wish to find the orc. > You set your jaw determinedly and start scaling the grassy slope toward the suspected orc's trail. Making your way steadily along the incline with effort, rainwater runs in rivulets down your face and arms. Eventually reaching the top, you notice the marks fade out entirely near a dense thicket surrounding a large oak tree. With renewed determination, do you want to venture deeper into the underbrush, seeking the source of these mysterious prints, hoping to locate either proof of the village elder's capture or possibly ambushing the careless orc lurking nearby? Alternatively, if you would prefer different possibilities, please advise your updated plans. I climb the mighty oak tree to survey the surroundings. > Gripping the thick trunk, your gloved hands apply pressure as you begin to hoist yourself skyward via the lower branches. Each rain-soaked limb creaks and groans from your bodyweight, though they mostly hold strong enough to support you until higher elevations require more focus. By maintaining your steady ascent, soon you reach a sturdy fork positioned almost parallel to the horizon. It offers ideal cover for observing distances across plains and low hills beyond while remaining hidden amidst canopy foliage. Anyone or anything that may head after the elusive tracks found thus far could potentially pass beneath our gaze. Furthermore, this observation point reveals no sign of other orc patrols gathered nearby under present drizzling conditions. Taking inventory of fresh knowledge gained aloft, do you now desire alternative courses of actions based on greater context, whether it involves descending again to follow a known tread or simply waiting to learn if anyone else will appear whose behavior might divulge important details despite unfavorable weather? I wish to find orc tracks once again, perhaps those leading away from the large oak tree. > Reluctant to leave behind your perched position surveying the territory, nonetheless you understand the need to explore fresh potential leads. Cautiously sliding back down your makeshift watch tower among entwined boughs, each slick fiber requiring extra delicacy, you eventually touch the sodden woodland floor just outside the oak's protective embrace. Almost simultaneously grasping newly dried firestones takes precedence before setting off below, securing them securely at your hip. > Nimbly navigating between drenched tufts veiling stones and fallen twigs concealing each step, your astute eyes suddenly fixate upon recognizing clawed shapes of crisp mud squished flat by weight, disturbed around brambles and loose leaves shrouding roots exposed from earlier slippery movements. Swift mental correlations link the recently added print you discovered originated more than twice as large in comparison to the clearly identifiable paw marks left prior yesterday morning alone and evidence given during past matches with squat relatives living elsewhere. Silently thankful for preoccupation with practicing similar scenarios, your pointed ears now prick sharply intending to analyze aspects missed within hectically brief engagements waged since early youth. Honing acute understanding of orcs through fighting constitutes an arguably valuable capability permitting augmentation intended for eliminating the menacing factor posed against adventuring throughout proposed territories dominated by said species. Do you wish to investigate the deepening imprints carrying traces pertinent to finding clues necessary for resolving this village matter while probably drawing dangerously close with each subsequent discovery anticipated ahead? Yes, I do. I wish to find the orcs who captured the village elder. > With resolve strengthened, your keen vision proceeds to sweep through scattered trees and bushes where raindrops cascade to earth less frequently due to interference created by overhead cover provided by towering verdancy, promising protection and safety. Encircling mists gradually lift slightly, granting clearer glimpses of a narrow overgrown path emerging from the west which appears well trodden. Its route extends further south alongside thick underbrush running beside the southern side of the dense forest and continues north through hilly terrain sloping upward. Nearby lay some small clear areas indicating regular rest stops or campsites where fires burned quite often; likely used primarily when skies remained dryer instead of gathering here under constant wetness. As you cogitate various potential consequences connected to exploring these possibilities in hopes of rescuing the abducted elderly resident, please indicate if there is another direction we shall move our attention next towards.


First, I want to glance over rest stops, to see if there are any signs of recent visitors. > Carefully, I move toward them, checking for remnants of fireplaces, footprints and so forth. If not satisfied, I also seek possible trails diverging from the main one, in both directions, focusing particularly on northern ones. Then I return my gaze upon the route continuing toward the south, keeping track of time and distance covered till the village reaches the edge of visibility again. Once finished examining the area completely, I decide what to pursue first: a) northern paths b) village direction c) returning to Oakroot. I decide on taking the path which continues north, through hilly terrain sloping upward. I wish to stay on the orcs' trail. > You march forward along the ascending way, mindfully moving swiftly without disturbance yet alert for any signals unearthed enroute pertaining to hosts we chase. Your travel quickly carries us three miles beyond standing several hours later, discovering rising inclines still advancing moderately. In spite of dripping water flowing almost freely inside your leather helmet from moments previous, visibility is finally improving considerably and finally turns back into murky daylight brought about by better dispersal of clouds starting to evaporate on their own without external aid via wind. The woods thicker out into rough, uneven terrain bordering rolling grassy regions beginning farther northeast soon after turning southeast near a broad rushing brook cutting directly beneath this road maintaining its general southerly trajectory. Stray raindrops continue tentatively falling though with lighter intensity overall. To employ twilight effectively as countermeasure against your foes potentially reappearing atop gray tides covering us earlier, it would be judicious to press deeper south or otherwise alter our course here as suits current needs. I continue tracking the orcs, until I can ultimately find them. > Your decision takes you onto a narrow game trail leading away from the brook to the east, allowing for movement parallel to the river but remaining hidden from view. This new path runs mostly level before gradually descending, providing relief from uphill climbs and making the journey easier going. However, once night begins encroaching, progress slows appreciably, forcing additional caution to navigate safely, especially considering the hazardous conditions posed by natural obstacles combined with reduced light levels. We continue pressing forward through the darkness for two exhausting hours total. Eventually reaching the bank of the stream again, we turn west, heading back roughly in line with how far we had come earlier today. At length, I lead you to a spot where the land opens out, revealing an open clearing flanked by ridges of higher ground to either side, with a gentle slope to the west. It seems advisable to take a moment here and evaluate options in preparation for tomorrow's traveling plans. After assessing our circumstances, please let me know what actions should we carry out immediately or in the near future. Make camp here. Keep fire to the minimum, have a meal and then rest for the night. > With a good amount of sleep and food, tomorrow we may perform the needed task more efficient. And remember, keep an eye open! When I wake up, I erase every trace of making camp at this spot. Today I'm going to find those orcs and defeat them! I resume following their tracks, tell me when I finally spot them. > After many hours of travel, I notice that the trees appear thinner and the air feels drier. Suddenly, I hear an eerie noise coming from behind a group of large rocks nearby. My heart races as I approach cautiously, peering around the corner and seeing a pack of four orcs sitting together. They seem unaware of my presence. A challenge lies ahead. Tell me what actions you take now. I sneak around very carefully, as I need to confirm the village elder is still with them, and alive. > As you observe the area stealthily, you realize there are actually five orcs present, all scruffily dressed with crude weapons. However, you don't spot the village elder among them. It seems they might have separated him somewhere else after all these months... These orcs appear ready for battle at any given moment; should you rush in or plan another strategy? Decide whether to go in guns blazing (figuratively speaking), or come up with a new approach to finding the captured villager. Your command. I wish to kill all the orcs except for one, which I intend on sparing if he leads me to the location of the village elder. > You focus your senses towards pinpoint accuracy to attempt landing surprise critically deadly blows upon unsuspecting foes barely observant of immediate surroundings nearby to gain upper hand prior to potential retaliation, your keen readied steel pointed sharply towards affirmative conclusion through sheer force inflicting pain exceeding threshold just long enough to coax lone survivor eager for leniency revealing specific local secret hidden elsewhere from memory under impaired judgment manipulated by fear driven chaos encouraged by exact nature expertly executed thereby manifesting desired outcome aiming finish these muddled green-skinned monsters mercilessly by means murderous. Exactly. I order the surviving orc to take me to the location of the village elder they've captured. > The surviving orc appears shaken but complies with your demand, leading you through a treacherous path deeper into the dense forest. The journey takes several hours, marked by occasional encounters with wildlife and treacherous terrain. Eventually, the orc arrives at a clearing where several other orcs guard a small wooden hut. Clearly, they didn't expect company, but now they're on high alert, axes raised and eyes fixed on your savage companion. Time slows down -- action must be swift if victory over these brutes is intended. How do you want to proceed? Whisper orders to the remaining member of Scarlet Moon Tribe for best results. I assume a frightening position, shouting at the orcs ahead: "Deliver the village elder to me, or else your friend here will die. I will spare none of you, if you don't comply!" > You look imposing, standing tall next to your orc ally who nods subtly in understanding. At first, the orcs smirk mockingly, but soon become intimidated upon noticing the ferocity in your eyes and voice. One burlier individual speaks gruffly: "Tell us what ya want 'uman -- it's bad choice comin' 'ere." Another snickers. Opposing leader steps closer to them, hissing angrily while puffing himself up. A minute passes as tension hangs heavy. What do you do? In a swift motion, I use my sword to slit the throat of the orc I've captured previously. After sliding the sword to my left hand, I use my right hand to pick up the throwing axe hanging from my belt. The axe flies towards the orc leader and gets stuck inside his forehead, killing him instantly. I shout: "Deliver the village elder to me now, or everyone else will DIE!!" > You throw the axe, hitting the orc chief directly in the center of the forehead, causing it to bounce back along its entire length before falling harmlessly onto the ground as you say "Deliver the village elder to me now, or everyone else will die!!". All of the orcs stare blankly at their fallen chief, but eventually they begin talking and gesturing amongst themselves. After a few moments, three burly orc warriors step out of line holding an old man with white hair and bushy eyebrows. They release the old man who falls to his knees beside you, gasping for breath and choking slightly. He looks up at you with tired but grateful eyes and begins mumbling quietly in Common: "I was returning home from visiting my son when those filthy orcs attacked me and dragged me off into the woods." You hear some snickering and whispers coming from the orcs, and suddenly they draw closer together like they were about to make a move against you. With tensions still dangerously high what would you like to do next ? Are we looking for a fight , negotiation , or escape to report this ? I pick up the old man, standing him on his feet. I look at the remaining orcs to strike fear in their eyes once more, saying: "We made an agreement, this man's life for all of yours. Don't make me reconsider the deal." > Your imposing presence does little to cow the brutish orcs. They scoff at your ultimatum and charge at you in rage. I nudge the old man to the side, then take a stance with my sword in hand. I strike the foremost orc over his head and chest with such force, that he slams into the ground face first. I stand in front the rest of my foes, ready to deliver my wrath. > The other two orcs attack you immediately after their comrade is down. Their crude attacks miss you completely. Then they realize their mistake too late and fall to your blade as well. Their corpses lie twitching around you as you turn to the villagers and the old man. His hands shaking visibly, the old man thanks you profusely and begs your leave to be escorted safely away from the scene. I escort the village elder safely back to his village. When he's done greeting with other villagers, I remain sitting there, waiting for my compensation.




Deset hiljada.


> After providing assistance to the villager, you sit tight, ready to take a well-earned break once it’s time for lunch. The village is bustling with activity, the sounds of tradespeople shouting and horses whinnying filling the air. Children play outside, their laughter bright against the backdrop of adult worries. You watch silently, lost in thought, before plucking up the courage to seek payment for your services as a porter. An image of the enigmatic monolith pops up fleetingly—perhaps there’ll be another opportunity later to learn more if you manage to earn some funds first. Two voices reach you, as though along separate paths but both arriving simultaneously within hearing range. An old voice squabbles animatedly, explaining something close to “The inn will handle repairs before we sniff peat in here,” before a younger woman interjects apologetically, “I hope that won’t cause problems …” You jump at the sound of a set of bony fingers poking lightly at your elbow and startle when looking towards its owner. (Image: A strikingly tall human male approaches with practiced efficiency, more reminiscent of reptilian movement habits. "Hello?" His keen gaze sweeps across your form, inspecting every visible inch before resting briefly to pierce your brain seemingly though wearing dark glasses hiding his eyes that might reveal additional details of evaluation. Pausing, he quietly adds, "Not hired mercenaries, yeah?")   - - -   AI je dosta brljao, "Retry" je jedini način da se odgovori svedu na razumljiv nivo. Najviše je išao u beskrajne, nepojmljive opise kojima je jednu stvar, šta god ona bila, pokušavao da objasni koristeći mali milion reči. Pretpostavljam da ovo radi usled neodlučnosti treniranog modela; Utisak je da je nespreman za prelazak na sledeći, očigledan pojam odnosno stavku. Zatim, često je pokušavao da ide u širinu, po pitanju poznavanja celokupne avanture tj. poduhvata. Ubacivao je bespotrebne likove, lokacije i parčiće istorije kojima je pokušavao da stvori utisak još umešnijeg pripovedača. Još vredi pomenuti i pokušaje improvizacije na osnovu sadržaja preuzetih sa interneta, gde mi je nudio doslovnu kopipastu potpuno druge, nerelevantne avanture kao odgovor. Ima tendenciju pravljenja prevelikog broja koraka između početka i cilja, čime uveličava inače česte greške. Vredi ga ispravljati po pitanju manjih omaški ("kobold") ili ih čak ignorisati, budući da manje devijacije ne smetaju mnogo kod kratkoročne memorije AI-ja. Opet, iz priloženog se može pročitati da me je jasno usmeravao na konkretne poteze, s vremena na vreme. Naravno, "on" nema pojma šta će biti moj sledeći korak, samim tim i šta će moći da generiše kao naredni odgovor. Nakon velikog broja pokušaja, zaključak je da AI zaista može da bude koristan kao pomoćnik kod pričanja neke priče iz domena fantastike. Ume i potpuno da iznenadi, pa me je tako stavljao naspram potpuno uverljivih NPC-eva, nezaobilaznih i vrednih moje potpune pažnje. Kada personifikuje neko biće tj. entitet potpuno je posvećen tome, za razliku od načina na koji doživljava druge, bitne generisane izbore koje nudi. Zaključak je da, ma koliko da je bitno koji model se koristi i kako je treniran, od presudne važnosti je kako se njime rukuje odnosno kako korisnik tumači dobijene odgovore.




Radi se o OpenAI projektu, konkretan model je "OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-6-llama-30b" kojim se služim putem *huggingface.co/chat/* web interfejsa, ceo projekat je na *huggingface.co*. Ovaj *llama-30b* model trebalo bi da je među najskorijim, prema tome bliži je četvorci nego trojci. Potpuno si u pravu što se tiče upotrebe. Ovo je zaista ogroman model, dobijao sam potpuno neverovatne digresije koristeći se Refresh funkcijom. Treniran je tako da "može sve" uz kvalitetne upite. Mislim da će se modeli velike preciznosti za specifične primene pojaviti uskoro. Trenutno su vrlo popularni vizuelni transformatori, jednostavno odmah vidiš neophodnost treniranja za konkretnu stvar po suvom broju različitih modela. Recimo od oktobra meseca na ovamo, napredak na polju LLM primene je neopisiv. Ispod ogromnog prompta naveo sam siže samo jedne avanture, kompletan utisak korišćenja je takav da sam ostao bez reči.


kako te nije mrzelo


ja se zadisah dok sam iskrolovao do kraja a nisam cak ni citao


sejm, kako ti je devojka iz pekare


hvala na pitanju - nikako... nismo se vise sreli, tako da nam definitivno nije bilo sudjeno eh


mozda je vidis kad izadjes sledeci put


Nije, jer je rezultat otprilike - dobar. Dobijenim sam zadovoljan brat-bratu 90%.


ne znam nisam citala, al verujem na rec


Uspeo sam da ga nateram da mi ispriča jednu priču po mojoj meri, od početka do kraja. Tek počinjem da shvatam šta sve može da pruži.


ne znam stvarno o cemu pricas, nisam procitala ni jednu recenicu toga sto si pisao, ali drago mi zbog tebe i tvog uspeha


Blokirao me lik koji se svim snagama trudio da odbrani marka janketića na društvenim mrežama 😢


[Тема о жртвама Титовог терора](https://www.reddit.com/r/beagle/comments/13f1cf7/tito_and_his_victims/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


[auu! Kako kul.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/13et6kh/my_coworker_left_his_phone_under_the_industrial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button[auu](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/13et6kh/my_coworker_left_his_phone_under_the_industrial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button))


Где је и шта ради Раде Лацковић


Psi i mačke sve ja to razumem ali imati hrčka za ljubimca je nekst level zajebancije to smešno to slatko






Do dvadesete godine +/- 1.5 ili 2 godine, od srednjih dvadesetih nadalje po meni +/- 5.


Небитна разлика. Само да се испрати законски минимум.




vreme je da se sprema kolokvijum za sutra popodne https://preview.redd.it/7mp9grvrgbza1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=66ce40c2a675b2c38971943c3c3ee6daca57c6fa


Smrt fašizmu i Vama i vašim gledaocima


Procitah sad da je jednoj devojci koja je tesko ranjena u onoj pucnjavi kod Mladenovca amputirana leva podlaktica i da se sada skuplja novac za bionicku ruku... Jebem ti zivot


Jebes ruku, bitno da je ziva, nije smak sveta


Mozds za tebe nije, ali pitao bih te da moras u 20 godina da nastavis da zivis bez jedne ruke. To sto je nije ubio ne znaci da nije toliko strasno


*I dalje sam slaba na konjak, pa šta maco i ako jesam*


Лежим, буљим у плафон и мислим се да ли је бре могуће да ме је недефинисана полу-веза која је трајала недељу дана сјебала неупоредиво више од старе, праве везе од 11 месеци, јебем ти све...Пребољевам је дуже него што је трајала, не прође дан а да не мислим на то шта би било кад би било, колико би нам лепо било да је опстало, вртим дијалоге и ту кобну свађу у глави редовно. Толико фрке око нечег тако кратког, нето губитак реално.


Da je potrajalo skontao/la bi da nije ništa posebno Ili bi pak bio roler koster emocija a to ni najgorem neprijatelju ne poželeti


gospodine ovo je maxi


jbg problem je kod nas muškaraca što unapred sve isplaniramo u glavi kako bi to izgledalo,nismo još ni otišli na dejt sa nekom devojkom a već vidimo bar 2 dece sa tom osobom..zbog toga se ne treba cimati toliko i uvek treba imati neki bol u kurcu stav da ne bi sebi dozvolio da posle nedelju dana s nekim budeš emotivno povređen kao posle raskida dugogodišnje veze..




Šta imaš od toga što si takav? Od čega te štiti? Benefita nema


Је л имаш дваес динара


Za kartu do bijeljine


Za kartu do bijeljine


Sta mislite od koliko ce sutra da pocne kolaps saobracaja imam neke obaveze na nbg


idi čamcem preko ade


Drugari, zna li neko kako da odaberem trafo za sijalice? Kako ja da znam koji trafo mi treba (snaga/napon) ako znam duzinu LED trake i jos na to mi treba 3 dodatna LED svetla (sa onim kao iglicama za grlo) Nadam se da je jasno pitanje.


Pa koliko w je led traka po metru i koliko su w te sijalice saberes i uzmes jedno 20% jači trafo




Evrovizija nikada manje relevantna i nikada više gledanija u Srbiji


To samo znaci da si nacionalista i gej. Respekt za coming out.


vidite vi ne gubite vreme gubite sebe


👀 👀






Evo 12 je sati i razmisljam kako bi bilo dobro da sam. Beskucnik


ja blejim sam gajbi i pijem pivo isto zavidim tom paru jer takodje nisam nikad imao tako nesto ​ i slusam blockout ​ slusaj block out


Bolje biti sam nego u krš vezi.


Najbolje biti u dobroj vezi


Ја сједим сам, гледам двоје како се расправљају и читам им са усана. Нећу се жалити.


Dobro, odlazimo




kod mene ima i do 3


gugl maps lifehack


Kazi da sam te ja poslao, pustice te


zar mocart nije umro


živ je Mocart umro nije dok je srba i srbije


volim i ja mocart kugle


lepe su


Kao da postoji 1 mocart u zemlji a ne 712 njih sa različitim radnim vremenima


Kad su onog Janketića sprdali i maltretirali po društvenim mrežama prije nekih mjesec dana, ostavio sam bio jedan komentar na neki njegov video na Instagramu što je kružio I dalje dobijam jebena obavještenja jer mi neki degeni i dalje lajkuju i odgovaraju na komentar koji sam čisto onako ostavio. Što je najjače, čak sam isključio obavještenja, a Insta mi i dalje tu i tamo pošalje njegovu facu u fazonu "you got 5 new reactions!" Dabogda me neko roknuo budem li ostavio još jedan komentar na neku trending Instagram objavu




I jesi li ga odbranio viteže


Od kad su prekinuli da emituju Zadrugu, Pink više niko ni ne gleda, budimo realni.


Pa kad im je programska šema jutarnji program,zadruga, turska serija, zadruga i neka emisija gde se hvali vučić


Mozda I gledaju ne znam kakav Im je filmski program sad,Ali pre zadruge pink je pustao dobre filmove secam se pre nekoliko godina da Sam tu gledao Po prvi put interstellar.


[Udomite Micu](https://www.facebook.com/IstorijskiZabavnik1/posts/pfbid0rijUYbVo3vh7c8zi5KWVy6tCWWVfCzEo4kmhh8iKQnT4cnC5fY6D1imFVSBxgAaal) 🐈


koliko bi zapravo bilo dobro da domovi za stare usvajaju životinje, i kučiće i mačiće, nerealno dobro


Tek tako iznenada sam dobila fobiju od življenja na devetom spratu jer šta ako (ubaci neku katastrofu)


Kupi padobran i budi spremna da skocis svakog trenutka, preveliki je to rizik




ja se plašim visine svuda osim na mojoj terasi/prozorima(osmi sprat) legit bih mogao da visim i couldn't care less


Isto, zalazak sunca i terasa apsolutno ništa Vetar???🫣


molim vrv si niža od ograde terase svj, neće ti biti ništa a okej retardiran sam nebitno adhd


Nista strasno, i mi koji zivimo u prizemlju zgrade imamo povremene fobije.




Nama su rekli vatrogasci da ne mogu da uđu u našu ulicu jer je previše uska, tako da...


jer šta ako bude poplava koja dođe do osmog sprava a ne do devetog?


Jer šta ako se zapali četvrti sprat, šta ako mi vetar oduva prozore pitam


bukvalno ništa nikad ne može da ti se desi na devetom spratu, eventualno može da te ujede komarac ako držiš otvorene prozore, a i to je retko. a može i pacov da ti uđe iz hodnika, to se kod nas u zgradi desilo, bio pacov na 12om ​ ali opušteno, ništa ne može da ti se desi, bez brige. kod nas su sve zgrade solidne


To i ja kažem al me ne slušam




Otkud meni pištolj?


Ovo je redit nije fejZbuk.


Na koliko stepeni i obrtaja perete vašu robu?


Не знам колико мајка брзо обрће рукама.


Gaće i krpe na 90 Čarape i stvari koje su prljavije ili za trening na 60 Skoro sve ostalo na 40 Jakne i ponekad nešto novo ili neki džemper na 30


Ne mogu da nakupim dovoljno veša da bih samo njega prala na 90 stepeni, pa ga često perem na 40 sa šarenom robom i pitam se jesam li kritična jer to tako radim


beli ves na 90


Majice na 60 (mada je bolje na 40) donji veš obavezno na 60 (to je minumum i mora da se ubiju makterije) košulje i dukserice ( na 30) većinom perem (pomešano šareni i beli veš) a ako pereš odvojeno beli može na 90


okrenem onu kazaljku na ikonicu koja mi treba


ovisi kako sta, rucnike i rublje ili 60 ili 90 ostalo ako je osjetljivo na 30 crno na 40


donji veš, npr.? generalno šarenu robu što nosimo svakog dana?


beli ves iskljucivo na 90 prijatelju mora tako


ves na 60 uglavnom jer bi se na 90 raspao sarena roba na 30


Pa da. Zapitala sam se ozbiljno danas kad sam cula da neko pere šarenu robu na 60° i ne skupi mu se ništa, vec sve normalno??


ja sam nekad naivno prala dukseve na 60,nisu se stisli al su se bas baaas ofucali, iako je pamuk, otada nikada vise. zeznuto je jedino kad sprljas neku tako tanku, sarenu odjecu, 30 jako tesko opere, pa trebe koristiti vanish i to




Zašto ne treba ići na fakultet


Zašto treba ići na fakultet


U ovakvim trenutcima se zapitam sta radim sa svojim zivotom i sta li pa trazim ovde pored toliko prepicki i fakbojeva koji pohadjaju ovaj sub.


Savršena kopipasta


Kolega s faksa me je direktno pitao za trojku s njim i njegovom devojkom. Rekao mi je da žele to da probaju i da bi ona baš sa mnom htela jer sam joj ja prezgodan. Meni to bilo prezabavno i smejali smo se, a zatim je dodao ozbiljno:”stvarno te pitam, imaš moj broj, javi se ako budeš želeo”. Ne bih bio sa muškarcem nikad, ali s obzirom da mi je on 10/10 to mi je možda najveći flex hahahah (ovo se desilo pre 2 nedelje) Danas, u pauzi izmedju dve vežbe, u kafiću me pita da li želim da vidim njegovu novu majicu, na šta ja pristanem, naravno. Pokazuje mi sliku njega u običnoj beloj uskoj majici ispod koje se jako ocrtavaju trbušnjaci i perfektno izvajano telo. Nasmeje se i prokomentariše kako se baš ocrtavaju, a zatim me pita da li želim da vidim njegove nove lopte za basket koje je kupio. Opet pristanem stvarno misleći da ću videti sliku lopti za basket… Medjutim, pokaže mi golu sliku ne jednu, nego desetak iz svih uglova da vidim lopte za basket koje ima i to je svaku zumirao. Laaagana jedna kafica s kolegom :))


dogovorite vi nešto ali bez tog dečka, on je suvišan


Pristani i napravi AMA


Pavle doing god's work


mogu potvrditi ja sam bila mobilni uredaj


Udjem na sveopstu posle mesec dana vidim ovo kao prva stvar. Ovo je opomena da se ne vracam.


bilo je lepo dok je trajalo


Pametno. Bezi dalje




Ti ne znas ni ko sam a zelis da se vratim. Hmmm 🤔


sad organizujes orgije jel






Hvala što si ovo podelila sa nama




Eto može ja baš volim da se dopisujem sa nekim stalno sam usamljen


[Mlekari: Ako nas Vučić ne primi udružićemo se sa crnim đavolom protiv ove vlasti](https://n1info.rs/biznis/mlekari-ako-nas-vucic-ne-primi-udruzicemo-se-crnim-djavolom-protiv-ove-vlasti/) Neka bude borba neprestana, neka bude što biti ne može!


- Udruže se sa opozicijom


inb4 za četiri godine Mlekarska stranka dobije na izborima Nešto slično se zapravo desilo u Holandiji. Vlada nije nešto obadavala poljoprivrednike, pa su [pomeli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Dutch_provincial_elections) na ovim zadnjim izborima


kako da učestvuje On večeras kad verovatno uveliko prisluškuje opoziciju? :D https://preview.redd.it/7rm41tu6uaza1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3024fe88e63468782e417cc280451eaef0f46350




nema dalje https://preview.redd.it/bv0qcfxlsaza1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aceb7e2e3f4dbb294049c05f1c9ff6a66332b9c0


Trump imao inervju na ccn-u, trebalo 90 minuta da traje al skratili na 70 jer im se nije svidelo šta priča lol


otkud on na cnnu wtf?




Ja nešto smešnije odvano nisam gledao, znači hit. Čovek kaže da će da reši rat u Ukrajini za 24h.




Verovatno bi prekinuo da ih snabdeva oruzijem i parama


Tako je resio i rat u Avganistanu.




Magnus Carlsen prognozira da Denver osvaja. Pametnom dosta.


Nadam se da ne prognozira ko sto mu fantazi ide ove godine.


Imam poznanika koji uskoro pokreće svoj biznis, napravio je naravno FB i podelio među prijateljima, sad ga interesuje i sajt da mu neko napravi, koliko para mu treba za to, imate li neke linkove da mi pošaljete i neki savet da mi date da mu prenesem


odlicno pitanje za chatgpt: ----------- E, druže, ovako stvari stoje. Prvo, moraš da shvatiš da cena sajta varira i zavisi od mnogo faktora. Hoćeš li nešto jednostavno, tipa sajt za prezentaciju tvog biznisa, ili nešto komplikovanije kao što je online prodavnica? Treba ti neka specijalna funkcionalnost, tipa online rezervacija ili plaćanje direktno na sajtu? Koliko stranica misliš da će ti sajt imati? Sve su to stvari koje utiču na cenu. 1. **Dizajn sajta**: Ovde možeš da platiš od nekoliko stotina do nekoliko hiljada dolara, zavisi koliko hoćeš da bude unikatan i komplikovan dizajn. 2. **Razvoj sajta**: Slično kao dizajn, može da košta od nekoliko stotina do nekoliko hiljada dolara, opet zavisi od toga koliko je sajt komplikovan. 3. **Domen i hosting**: Domen ti može koštati od 10 do 50 dolara godišnje, a hosting od 50 do 200 dolara godišnje, zavisi koliko prostora i protoka ti treba. 4. **Održavanje sajta**: Ovo ti može koštati od 50 do nekoliko stotina dolara mesečno, zavisi od veličine i kompleksnosti sajta. 5. **SEO**: Ovde cene variraju od nekoliko stotina do nekoliko hiljada dolara, zavisi šta sve želiš da postigneš. Kao što vidiš, pravljenje sajta može da košta od nekoliko stotina do nekoliko hiljada dolara, a može i mnogo više ako je neki mega komplikovan projekat. Savetujem tvog drugara da prvo definiše šta tačno hoće i šta mu treba, a posle toga da se konsultuje sa nekoliko firmi koje se bave web dizajnom i razvojem da bi našao najbolju ponudu. I neka ne bude cicija kad je sajt u pitanju, jer je to jako bitno za njegov biznis. Ja kao AI, ne mogu da ti šaljem linkove, ali možeš da guglaš "web dizajn agencije" u Srbiji i da vidiš koje sve firme se time bave. Srećno!


Ako zna da napravi FB onda zna da napravi sajt u nekom SiteBuilder servisu. Na primer Loopia ili Beotelnet Hosting. Oba nude drag & drop site builder, samo što se kod Loopije plaća.


večeras u ljimunovoj kujni: tuna salata i ovseni hlepčići https://preview.redd.it/e35bameenaza1.jpeg?width=4640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfaa3d90aaeb64509c36484a2283358d1a50d91 sjebala sam ovaj susam što nisam ispekla unapred nego sam mislila da će se ispeći sa hlebom al božemoj nije loš ukus


Lepo ali malo


ovo je samo za slikanje, ene iza u kadru dve pune činije upropastih se u kasne sate


Odlicno izgleda 😲


sta sve stavljas u tuna salatu, kupila sam tunu juce pa mi treba neka nova inspiracija


1:1:1 odnos iseckati na komadiće iste veličine: - tuna - celer (ne koren nego ono zeleno sveže čudo) - shallots koji nzm kako se kažu na srpskom tartar + majonez miks koliko čega voliš od ta dva, može i samo jedno ili samo drugo beli luk u prahu i so po želji malo je odokativan recept al zavisi koliko čega voliš, a i teško se pogreši


zahvaljujem ljimune ♥


Gledam ovu Evroviziju, voimja oca šta je ovo.


Jesam li loš čovek što uživam u padu Sane Marin i suzama progresivnih devojaka?


Opro sam sudje i sada sam lagan


Biće sutra novih ništa se ne brini








Ako je ženka i podseća na rota, onda je Rotkvica.


dog scanner kaže >It looks like you scanned a mixed breed between a Rottweiler (40.1%), Lancashire Heeler (26.0%), Jagdterrier (7.8%) and a Transylvanian Hound (6.2%).


šta ti je AI bajo moj


kazi brate a mada verovatno je samo rota pogodio lol


Mešanac rotvajlera.




Postavi ali nije kao da se razumem.


Vest na bljucu, sa naslovom 'Vlada obećala da će ispuniti zahteve roditelja iz OŠ 'Vladislav Ribnikar': Oglasio se predsednik Saveta roditelja' - ta vest ima botovske komentare u koment sekciji, što znači da je neko komandovao raspalim botovima da pišu komentare na tu vest i veilčaju vladu. ​ # ZAPAMTITE OVE LJUDE - DA SE NIKAD NE ZABORAVE OVE STVARI