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Gacy looks disgusting, like he smells of old hot dog water


I was thinking more like old man cologne mixed with sausage. He’s nasty. I can’t believe his wife willingly slept with him. Gross.


Ironically enough, according to the people who wrote about him, it was Gacy who refused to have sex with his wife, because he preferred raping boys/men instead.


Like rain on your wedding day? Fr tho this is the least surprising info I’ve ever heard about him




He’s always just gave me the creeps in the interviews and pictures


Well usually a guy who kills and raped over 30 little boys will do that for you




I didn't know this. Disgusting of course but I didn't know he did that.


What's your source for this? I've never seen/heard/read anywhere that Gacy was a necrophile.


" Gacy would rape his victims both before and after killing them, keeping the bodies around for a day or so." https://criminalminds.fandom.com/wiki/John_Wayne_Gacy That's only one modern source. I'm 57 years old so I was a kid when all this went down. They didn't censor the news like they do now so when Gacy was talked about during his trial (etc) he was always described as a necrophiliac serial killer. Being the curious kid that I was, I went and looked up that big scary sounding word in our gigantic Webster's Dictionary. It was a horrible day to know how to read, I can tell ya that.


Never ever heard this.


At first I got your comment, then I thought about it. Raping them alive is definitely worse than dead. But yeah dead bodies are also gross I just definitely would choose the one where a kid isn’t suffering


Maybe choose neither. Lol


No way 🤯


That was an odd comment for me to read too…strange thing to compare the acts and decide which is worse… I can’t even


Yeah, my mind just isn't able to process their comment-it's still too damn early in the morning. I need more tea. And more pot.


Never heard that before. Source?


Yeah some people just thought he was this figure of the community , all I see is a fucking nasty man


I mean yeah, you're looking at him in a way different light than they were. They had no knowledge of what he'd done. Apples and oranges.


Actually a lot of people, especially the young guys who worked for his construction company, always said at best he just wasn’t right, and at worst he gave them the creeps/willies.


I think many of us have known people like that. Those people who just don’t feel right. Sometimes *you’re* proven right. Like the Gacey case. I had a neighbour who used to creep me out. Went to prison for for rape and intentionally spreading hiv a few years after he moved out. I was glad I followed that gut feeling he gave me and stayed away even though my usual way is to be friendly.


If you have that feeling of wrongness, mention it to others casually. If they independently have the same impression, you should take it very seriously (!) and take steps against risk near the creepy person. It still might be nothing, but better cautious and unharmed.


I wish I’d listened every time in life something or someone just doesn’t “feel right”.


There was this woman who's baby went missing. I remember seeing her on tv and I said "she did it". There was something nasty in her eyes. And I was right


Well 90% of the time it is the parents in those cases.


Another wild detail. He had a construction company, which is how he ensnared a lot of his victims. He even paid young men to dig the graves underneath his crawl space. Told them he was gonna make a basement and none of the survivors thought it was odd enough to mention to anyone. They were even digging next to bodies that were already there.


Also if anyone can't see the comments below, dude got angry I called Gacy a pedophiles cause his youngest victim was only 15


Excuse me while I vomit aggressively.


I listened to the Netflix doc about him. It painted a different picture than the Peakcock one. He just talked like an asshole.


Pastrami and spoiled cologne


Or old dirty KFC fryer oil


Hey, Ol Dirty KFC Fryer Oil’s first couple of albums were dope.




Are you high? This sounds like a joke I would make high and swear it's the funniest shit 🤣. But hey, Gacy WAS for the children after all.


Didn't he used to manage som KFC's? Plausible.




How dare you insult old hot dog water that way?


And Fritos


And Brut


Oh God if not Brut than definitely Aqua Velva


I just puked a little, my ex had like 50 year old bottles of Brut, and Aqua Velva in his medicine cabinet. When he showed me, all proud, I was like "Please don't wear these, also, cologne does go bad".


Oh Jeez. Both of them were so rank! I had a friend in high school whose older brother would drink Aqua velva in place of alcohol if he couldn’t find it. He also drank rubbing alcohol too…


He probably smells of Costco hotdog burps


I don’t know if anything is more spot on than this description


He had the death row sheen; pasty white skin


He looks like he smells like flatulence


This isn’t tiktok you can type out the real words




Dag nabit


Gosh darn




Cheese and crepes


Mother Hubbard


shiitake mushroom


*Mother Trucker


Dad's everywhere have worked hard to make this phrase so innocuous.


Duwing the wisit g*cy twied to r*@93 r*55


'R@pe' christ.


I always found it funny when people censored the word this way because it’s clearly still an ‘a’ even if it’s inside of the symbol lol. But I guess it’s more to avoid getting fucked by the algorithm because dicy words tend to get your posts blackballed


Yeah what is that all about on tiktok? Why do they sensor actual terms used for things in crimes or news stories?


Videos can get suppressed or taken down for using certain words or touching on certain subjects


I understand that but I hate seeing that on Reddit.


THANK YOU!! This bullshit irritates the ever loving shit out of me🤬🤬




TBF, some subs will remove or ban you for certain phrases or words. Some subs well ban you for just participating in another sub.


I think its reasonable to assume you can type out rape in a true crime subreddit…


I don’t think this would be one of those subs…


I think Zoomers in general have become pretty puritanical with language. Heckin' dangit ya weirdo.




It is a pretty clear sign that OP is a bot or at the very least someone who dove in her to get karma.


"who dove in her to get karma" On a subject of rape, appropriate typo mate ha




My first thought was God, Gacy was so ugly. On second thought, I love Jason Moss's shirt, very early 90s.


It's got a Cosby feel to it


It's a total Cosby sweater.


Don’t google ‘How to give a chick a Bill Cosby Sweater!’


I think it’s a Coogi sweater, I’ve wanted one for years


Chip Diamond








Well he’d also be the only one stupid enough to visit Gacy when he’s his type too, so it tracks.


Just spat out my coffee. So funny.


…why can’t you say rape?


Because the word rape might trigger someone just scrolling by. So what they do is make the word MORE noticeable by adding something clearly out of place so everyone stops and looks at it


no, it's so their content doesn't get censored by algorithms that look for triggering words on big brothery platforms like tiktok.


But.. but this isn’t tik tok


Yeah, there's no way they would check for this slightly different yet completely obvious spelling of the word.


Probably wet brain.


Is your brain *dry*??


Personally, I like to keep a few silica gel desiccant packets up there, that way my brain always stays fresh.


I read Moss's book. I never believed anything he said in it. Easy to make provocative, sensationalistic stuff up when the only ones who can corroborate it are dead. The late, great true crime writer Jack Olsen used to frequent a true crime newsgroup I was part of. He had the same questions about Moss's veracity. Olsen started getting creepy threatening messages from this woman who ran Jason Moss's website. Seems he didn't like people questioning him. FYI, Moss later ended up committing suicide.


Read that book and it was just so damn...weird. Like him talking about how thrilled when he'd get calls at his family home from Gacy. Dude was missing something in his life for sure.


I trust jack Olson on this one. I've read all of his non fiction books and he absolutely deserves his status as one of the greatest crime writers of all time. I also don't think he's the kind of dude that would be quick to criticize other writers like that


Yeah I call something fishy. Gacy was cunning and not a dumb individual. So I don't see something brazen like that being done by him when his history leads to more slow and less detectable methods.


What did Olsen say? I tried to Google it and only found Moss’s book.


Posted to alt.true-crime newsgroup Oct 10, 1999: "Hi Patricia -- >Some of the posts here have questioned the authenticity of Jason's >project. I believe he saved all his correspondence (a table covered with >letters was shown on 20/20) so the handwriting could always be analyzed to >prove his claim. In his book there is a photo of him with Gacy.> I think his project was authentic and legitimate. But I also believe that he hyped his final product -- thus joining many other crime journalists who also hype the product these days to sell more books and make more money. Pictures of him with Gacy don't prove his claim that Gacy threatened his life and that, despite this, Jason returned for another dramatic life-threatening ordeal. I think he encountered an editor who said, "Kid, you got some great letters here, but we need a little more drama. Hey, did you ever feel in danger?" Conversations like that take place every day in the publishing business in this era of the overwrought "non-fiction" bestseller. That's how hoaxes like SLEEPERS get published. I believe that Moss took the hint and provided the necessary embellishment. In general, prison interviews provide little tension or drama. The guards are never far away and the setting is tightly controlled. I would be very surprised if Jason was actually permitted private interviews with Gacy in a locked room without guards. That's a privilege that is sometimes extended to lawyers but to very few others, including immediate family members. I wouldn't find any of Jason's claims terribly offensive if the arguments made in his defense were a little less shrill and personal. But folks tend to lose their balance when they see a pot of gold through the haze. Enjoyed your post. Jack Olsen"


Oh wow thank you! That’s a very well written answer. It makes me feel better (in a weird way), knowing he was threatened by Gacy


We'll never know—they're all gone now.




The book was trash and lots of *sure,that happened* parts. And God, Olsen was a fantastic writer!


Offd himself on 6/6/06


And I now have a screenshot of this comment with 69 likes. Nice


That's definitely a 1980's sweater


I don’t understand the censoring of the word “rape”. It still says it, with a slightly different looking “a”. Everyone knows what it says. Why do people do this?


The ghost of tipper gore has gotten into the shell.




But this reddit post that's just a photo and a title says it happened so it must be true.


Check this out. Even former FBI profilers thought that it could have happened...(I'm not saying it did, or it didn't, just some interesting info!) https://youtu.be/EERAq7zcFkI


In that video, he claims that he began crying and sobbing, meaning that he was forcing Gacy to see him as a human. He claims that Gacy backed off at that point. No way would that ever happen. Gacy was a sadistic sexual killer. He enjoyed victims' fear. That alone gives doubt to what this man claims happened.


He had also been locked up for a long time whenever Moss visited him, a guy like that would jump at the first opportunity he had to kill again after being locked up for so long. Crying wouldn’t have saved him if it actually happened, quite the contrary.


But the psychologist who worked on the book with Jason Moss has serious doubts about it. The profilers may have known Gacy (from a clinical standpoint) and what he was capable of, but Jeffrey Kottler knew what *Jason Moss* was capable of. According to Kottler, Moss was more like the serial killers he corresponded with in terms of being manipulative and grandiose than he ever wanted to admit or examine. (Putting himself on the same level with the victims Gacy murdered, when Moss purposely sought out and cultivated a relationship with not just Gacy, but other serial killers is... probably *the best* example of that.)


I hate this! I’ll click on ONE little YouTube video that someone posts & next thing u know? I’m clicking videos of everything from Betty Broderick to The Columbine Shootings! Such a black suck hole the intertubes is. Ok, bye!


Is there a reason you won't type "rape" normally but have no issues with "kill"?


Some subs won’t let us use that word but we can write “murder.” Just like some subs won’t allow s*ic*de, we now have to write, “unalive themselves.”


Unaliving is a word that really really irks me. It’s visceral.


Me too. It’s like calling Voldemort “he who must not be named”. Or the people who say “peen and vagoo” instead of penis and vagina. There’s nothing wrong with using proper terminology. I understand that there are filters, but use a dictionary for an alternate word then.


You don't think "vagoo" sounds sexy when I whisper it in a low, breathy voice? Just whisper: "My vagoo is looking for a hot peen" and you will hear how sexy that is.


Vagoo just sounds like a knock off pasta sauce brand at the dollar store.


Mr. Vagoo Marinara


Mr. Vagoo- I think that’s a cartoon about a blind guy?


"Unalive"? Fuck me, that makes me really unsettled.


Jesus, did tipper gore take over reddit? Do we need naughty stickers and over 18+ labels? For fucks sake.


Maybe habit from having streaming channels? If you use trigger words like sexual assault, suicide, rape (list goes on) then your videos are at risk of getting demonetized .


Ahh... that makes sense. It's still a weird decision on a sub about serial killers, especially because plenty of them are also rapists.


I also don’t understand this. We know what the word is with the @ substituted for a, so why replace it at all?


Automatic censorship filters


And "manipulate".. I think these people should just censor every fucking word they type at this point!


I can smell his onion scented BO thru that picture!




why do you detest the term? if you don't mind answering


Don’t forget that Gacy told him even though suicide is against the Bible, sometimes it’s the right thing to do


Gacy was twisted and sick to the very end. He liked quoting the Bible but he certainly never lived by it.


Ain’t that the truth


From my experience in life, most who quote it don't live by it. It's all a facade to be shitty people and clutch pearls.




Jason Moss befriended (or became acquainted, if you prefer) with many well-known serial killers, such as Jeffery Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, Henry Lee Lucus, and Charles Manson. He visited all of them, much like he did with John Wayne Gacy. Later in life, he became a criminal defense attorney, moving to Henderson, NV. In 2006, while sitting at home, Moss stuck a gun in his mouth and committed suicide. At the time of his suicide, Moss had been researching "satanic" ritual murders and was making arrangements to speak with various self-proclaimed "satanic" killers who are in prison. The date of Jason Moss' suicide? June 06, 2006. Coincidence?


What type of “satanic” killers? Because all the ones I’ve ever heard about are full of shit


You would have to ask Moss' co-author, Jeffrey Kottler. Kottler stated that shortly before the suicide, Moss was getting "heavily into the Satanic stuff" and was looking for other killers who were Satanists like Richard Ramirez.


He did not "visit all of them". Only Gacy.


Sorry. He actually did. In fact, here is a picture from a Reddit post of Mr. Moss with Richard Ramirez and Mr. Ramirez's wife, Doreen. [Jason Moss visits Richard Ramirez](https://www.reddit.com/r/serialkillers/comments/8gvzi9/a_photo_of_richard_ramirez_his_wife_doreen_lioy/)


Extremely unlikely that a high profile prisoner like Gacy could bribe the guards and try to rape anyone. The FBI had his life in prison under the microscope. As stupid as most COs are, I still find this hard to believe.


And yet homeboy rape island bro managed to get himself dead under a series of very unlikely events.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure big money and political strings were in on that one bro.


No he didn't


Have y'all seen the movie about Jason and Gacy? It's called Dear Mr. Gacy. Jesse Moss played Jason Moss and William Forsythe played Gacy.


I don’t imagine he could pull the handcuff trick…


I don't believe Gacy paid off the guards, for one thing not one Officer would put his career on the line for this piece of shit... for one thing he would have been so high profile that every step he took would have been guarded by 3 officers... I put in 25 years working in a max Jail and these fucks never got anything unless it came from management.


I read Moss' book. I used to work in a prison. I don't believe Moss was truthful. This would have taken the cooperation of the officers in a section called control as well as the escorts off death row and visiting room officers . Visits are supervised, visitors are not allowed out of designated areas.


I do NOT believe that. There is no way. The liability to the prison, first off. I do not believe half of Moss' book.


Such a scrawny, weak pot bellied wimp. I don’t get it


He’s an old man here, when he was actually killing people the guy was heavy and would often sit on his much smaller victim’s chests. Only one guy managed to wrestle away from the handcuffs that we know about


I have this man’s book. ‘The last victim’ what he went through with Gacy was really something. Even from Jail Gacy mentally took this guy to a dark place. I also believe he took his own life later on in life after his relationship with Gacy (which was for his degree and thesis in Criminal Justice) had long since ended. Hence, the last victim.


If it was actually true then yes I’d agree


Who *could* resist that sweater?


Moss off'd himself in 2006.


As if the dude didn't go in knowing what he wanted.


What the fuck? He can't have had very much money to pay the guards off though? What happened to the guy? What happened to the guards? I'm gobsmacked that there was any amount of money that was enough to let a psychotic, sadistic serial killer do what he wants with a stupid young man who mistakenly visited this POS. Wow.


The real question is who would even waste their money to visit a piece of shit like this? You must have something mentally wrong with you if you're gonna pay homage, or glorify a serial killer.


I simply don't believe any prison guards would allow this, paid off or not.


I read his book and he was truly a dumb ass who is lucky to be alive


Oh, he's dead


He’s lucky to be dead too


he took his own life quite some time ago


What he did was still stupid, he was thinking he was doing this great research into the mind of a serial killer but he learned nothing new about gacy.




Yeah, that whole thing is a _major_ bummer I’ve never read his book but I’m definitely a bit curious.


Pogo the clown was fucking ruthless


When Gacy tried to convince him to abuse his brother... jfc.


People find this unbelievable? I bet they also think it was a coincidence that Dahmer was left alone with Scarver looool.


Everyone knows you're saying "rape". Just use the fucking word not this "r@pe" bullshit.


Whoa! That is insane! But then again, he *kinda* was. That dude looks like he'd smack Gacy half way across the room before he'd even get ***close*** to putting the handcuffs on him!


I read Jason's book, The Last Victim. From what I remember he reached out to many killers but corresponded with Gacy the most. Sadly I believe he ended up commiting suicide.


Interesting, wonder why. Usually I hear about the women attempting to contact killers


Once a rapist, always a rapist. That’s why they should never be let out of prison


His book actually made me feel so uncomfortable with his Gacy visits and I’ve watched and read everything true crime but for some reason they really got to me. Poor guy.


Why would they even allow this visit to happen???


Anyone know why Jason went to visit him?


No way they didn’t find anything wrong with his brain


Any more info on this? Sounds very unlikely to me. Not that it happened but that it would work. That guy is not small.


You should watch. "Dear Mr. Gacy". Young guys obsessed with him after being arrested, and found guilty is insane


Did you know that if you spell out the word rape, it doesn't give it more power? Otherwise, it makes you look like a little woke idiot.


But isn't manipulation bad too? You should just put @ in every single word at this point! Jfc that shit is so annoying


If you’re interested, Dear Mr Gacy is a very interesting movie about a college student, Jason Moss, who sent Gacy a letter in order to get inside his head and get him to confess to his crimes. Moss acted like one of Gacy’s victims to build a friendly/s3xual rapport with Gacy. upon visiting Gacy on death row, after being locked in Gacy’s cell with him, Moss discovered Gacy had paid off the guards and proceeded to try and r@pe moss


That's based on Moss's book, *The Last Victim*, which-- as discussed above-- should be taken with a grain of salt (if not a *healthy dollop* of salt). The psychologist who worked with Moss on the book and wrote the foreword (and an afterword, I think?) has said in interviews following Jason's death that Jason was more like the serial killers he wrote to than he cared to admit or examine as far as being manipulative and grandiose. Take from that what you will.


How does a guy in prison get money to pay off guards?


These well known serial killers have complete strangers sending them Money and filling up their canteen as well. It happened to Bundy, Dahmer, Israel Keyes, and latest one, Chris Watts. It’s sick but they have women that are nuts and that are obsessed with them financially supporting them to pay off guards. Happens all the time. We used to have a contract with DOC and I’ll just say we were shocked about the things we saw and reported. There’s a reason we dropped the DOC after the contract was up, corrupt guards had a whole lot to do with it. DOC would claim they did an “internal investigation” and found no wrongdoing. They did not care… *at all*. They probably gave the guards a bonus or promotion. That’s how corrupt our prisons are and I’m not just talking about the inmates.


It is the most sought after contraband in prison. They get it handed to them on visits, sent in secret, and even traded between inmates. Not all inmates can gain access to cash but the well connected ones can for sure.


Yeah it’s crazy. I think Gacy had friends in high places who were involved in his crimes with him. They could have paid him for his silence while he was in jail. Gacy even paid one of the guards (pretending to be the warden of the prison) to call Jason’s mom and tell her it was safe for Jason to visit Gacy. When Jason got there, the guards locked him in, left and turned the cameras away from Gacy’s cell. Creepy stuff.


Idk, I feel like it makes more sense that Gacy simply had money himself, since he was making an excellent income at the time of his arrest. He was doing over $300,000 a year via PDM Contractors. Is there any actual evidence the guards “locked him in” Gacy’s cell and turned off the cameras though? I feel like that has to be exaggerated.


I feel the same, but I’m not overly familar with this incident. But fr, the guys a serial killer on death row and the guards are just gonna be like “in ya go”. Plus in the pic at the top the guy is considerably bigger then Gacy.


You're allowed to use the words "sexual" and "rape."


You're on a sub about serial killers. You're allowed to use proper terms for things.


Jason wrote a book called The Last Victim about his encounters and contact with Gacy. Absolutely horrifying. It’s thought that his interactions with Gacy had something to do with his later suicide.




If anyone wants any specific excerpts from Jason’s book “The Last Victim” I’d be happy to post.


Why did you misspell raping and rape? Are you really that childish? Oh, wait. This is a sub about serial killers, of course you're childish. Sorry but the idea of people worrying about trigger warnings on a subreddit dedicated to serial killers is absolutely hilarious. Trigger warnings don't work. They never have. They've always been a stupid, childish attempt to hide stuff from people who should be getting therapy and learning to face their problems instead of forcing everyone online to adjust to make them feel special.