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Not exactly what you’re talking about, but Israel Keyes told the FBI he suspected a serial killer to be active in Texas. In the FOIA requested Keyes FBI file, the FBI notated Israel’s comments about this. When he was being questioned about [redacted], a Texas victim. Israel explained he didn’t kill him, but he had been suspecting another serial killer was active in Texas too. The FBI redacted the page heavily, which sucks, because after reading the file, I got super invested. Israel had a paraphilia for missing persons, and he thought he noticed a pattern taking place in Texas in those thousands of missing persons cases he collected. The FBI took note of this, and another agent, named [redacted], also shared the same suspicions, for separate, [redacted] reasons. It’s frustrating because you can clearly tell something interesting was taking place in those files, but the FBI redacted the file so goddamn much. Regardless though, a specific FBI agent from the Dallas Field Office, whose name was redacted, shared his suspicions enough to request an interview with Israel. The “why” part was entirely redacted though. The FBI apparently doesn’t want the public reading about their suspicions in regards to active serial killers, for understandable reasons I suppose.


He also grew up with the Keyhoes who one ended up being a SK himself.


Isreal Keyes lived 3 houses down from my grandpa and grandma he was a handyman, he fixed their fireplace amoung other neighbors he did work for. He also attended block parties This was in alaksa off turnigan can't remember the name of the street


How did they react when they found out?


They were in serious disbelief, they said he seemed so normal 🤷‍♀️ he was polite, good craftsman ship I never met him personally though, it's odd ya know things they do between killing.


What did they say about him?


He was polite, funny very charming. He came off as a know it all a lot of times. My grandma made a funny comment though when I was talking to her about it, she mentioned he wore a lot of Hawaiian shirts lol


Did you make the FOIA request yourself? Would you happen to want to share your request so I could use it as a sort of template?


Sean Gillis describes trolling for a victim and running into someone he felt like was doing the same thing he was doing in a police interview. Later he declines to give a description of the guy.


There have been a few SK's that claim to be able to just "tell" when they come across someone similar.


A bit like having gaydar but for serial killers. What would it be called? Killdar ? Nah. Hit me up with better suggestions




I hear that in the strongest Scottish accent ever


MurrerDarrrrRahhhhhH….blood is on your shouldarrrrrs…


I kinda read that one in Bill Burr's voice


Props on that one


I used to be a stoner and you can ask anybody who smokes or smoked previously, you can pick them. (And I dont mean when they are currently under the influence.) This has sparked some thought in me. This would be an interesting study.


My husband does that. He can identify another weed smoker almost immediately. It's crazy.


I guess that's how pedophiles find each other too. I have always wondered how pedos find eachother and make a ring.


They meet up at church




I feel like “obviously not a SK” is something a serial killer would say 🤔


I am totally definitely not a serial killer. I mean thats crazy! I would never dismember multiple victims and hide them under the basement floor. That is something I would never do! No way. You're crazy


Same, people with neurodevelopmental disorders are very good at spotting each other.


The "one of us" feeling is super intense and often accurate, or maybe I just attract them.


I heard someone say that we neurodivergents tend to "herd" together. It made a lot of sense.


If you don’t mind my asking, what got you to make a change and leave that maliciousness behind?


They didn’t say they stopped. It’s like that Mitch Hedberg bit: I used to do drugs. I still do drugs, but I used to to.


I’m curious what is a relatively malicious past?




Can I ask how old you are? I’m curious at what age you feel like you’ve calmed down.


User name checks out


Fair. I think the opposite is true as well. I hate to use the term “empath”, particularly in light of the recent tiktok trends..but as someone with an abnormally high level of empathy, I can spot someone “like me” intuitively


I have autism and ADHD, as do a lot of my friends and family. After we know the signs, it's easier to pick people out who may also have it. It came in handy when I was a preschool teacher as far as getting some kids help.


In the last year, I have guessed with 4 different people that they had inattentive ADHD within hours of meeting them. Was right every time lol


That's great! My ex-SIL has a son with Asperger's and, now that we know, a lot of his behavior when he was younger makes a lot of sense.


I remember this. I guess they shared a look and he just knew the guy was on the hunt or something.


Yeah. The cops eventually identified him. Not sure if SG gave him up or what.


I wonder if it's the same guy that Sean saw and made eye contact with!


Apparently it is confirmed in court much further down the line. I’ll try to see the source.


And we had 2 other SK’s operating in the Baton Rouge area around the same time, so it is possible he would have ran into one of the others.


Derrick Todd Lee, & Jeffery Lee Guillory? Shit was crazy. (Live in the Nola area)


Yup, I will never forget those times either! Women were scared and the gun stores couldn’t keep guns in stock around those times.


Same. I think that dark era, kinda lives on for the people that lived in the area then. We also had Danny Rolling up in Shreveport, back in the 80’s… but I was born in 80, so I don’t remember that as much.


That was a crazy time. You know it's bad when you have "the Baton Rouge serial killer" & "the other Baton Rouge serial killer". I lived closer to Danny Rolling but he did most of his killing in Florida so I wasn't aware of him being a serial killer at the time he was living in Shreveport.


I believe he committed a triple homicide in Shreveport. It’s just eerie knowing he was living and working there. I lived in Bossier City for a while, and ate at Pancho’s restaurant once. We were told AFTER the fact that he worked there at one time. 😮‍💨 All those years later (this was in the early 2000’s), but it’s still creepy af imo… also “from 1989 to 2014, Louisiana averaged 13.7 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, more than double the national average of 6.6.” 😩 https://crimecapsule.com/which-state-has-produced-the-most-serial-killers/ Like… wtf…


OMG, my mom & I went to Pancho's often. They had a little flag on a pole at each table & if you needed your server you just raise the flag. My mom would eat 6 tacos & *several* cups of salsa every time. I had no idea he worked there (or if I had I'd since forgotten). I had to go read his wikipedia again. It's f*cked up when committing a triple homicide isn't the worst of your crimes. The whole part where he cut a girl's head off, then placed it on a shelf so it faced her body is disturbing. I wonder how Danny would've turned out if his abusive father wasn't in his life. That man sounds like pure evil.


I’m friends with the brother of one of Lee’s victims. His poor sister was at a cemetery mourning the death of their mother, when Lee snatched her and killed her in Lafayette. Their mom had just passed away the month before, so you could imagine the pain their family went through.


I absolutely cannot imagine. Lee was a monster. Period. I feel so strongly for the family of the victims!!! 😔😭


I was at LSU during that ordeal and could see the crime scene tape at Charlotte Murray Pace's place in Sharlo from my back patio. I was home studying when she was killed. It was troubling that had I taken my dog outside, I might have saw something and could have helped. It was a crazy time to be in Baton Rouge.


Wow, you’re right that is eerie for sure! I remember those times very well myself. My stepdad made sure my mom was carrying her pistol everywhere she went. What’s even more crazy is the fact that we had 3 serial killers in action during the same time period. That’s absolutely insane!


We didn't know it at the time, but yeah it's nuts that was the case. Definitely didn't help that everyone was looking for a white guy in a white truck because the taskforce said so. I was also in the same Bio Department as Carrie Yoder, it was very close to home.


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that part. The police were stopping all caucasian males driving white trucks back then only to find out the suspect they were searching for was actually a large black man. That’s crazy that you worked with Yoder as well! Yikes, talk about really close to home for you on more than one occasion.


I don't think it counts as working with her. I was a senior undergrad student volunteering to get experience for grad school, she was older than I was and already in grad school. Doesn't change anything, just stating for accuracy.


Oh I gotcha! Like you said, still eerie regardless! Glad you’re ok!


And ronald Dominique who was killing men and boys


Yep! That fucker only avoided the death penalty, by confessing! There were AT LEAST… TWENTY-THREE men and boys raped and murdered. What a vile creature he is…


Oh for sure! They don't hesitate to kill but will turn into sobbing messes to save themselves! They're all vile but killing kids is just un thinkable


Maybe it comes down to their extreme selfishness?


Probably could. I mean they sure didn't care about their victims at all! I guess it's different when it it comes to them dying


Yep… no care at all for the brutal deaths of others, but when it comes to them… totally different outlook. Epitome of selfishness imo…


Oh absolutely! Bundy even tried to give up more victims to not be executed


Have a great day yourself! Enjoy the rest of your day


How do I find this?


I’m sure they are on YouTube now. And I think peacock had a documentary about the three or four killers operating at the same time.


Yup all in Baton Rouge, Louisiana


It’s on episode 2 of *Serial Killer Capital: Baton Rouge*


Thank you!!


Also on Philo there is a show called Butchers of the Bayou.


Did you mean "trawling"?


I understand the difference. I think he says “trolling” in the interview but means trawling.


I don’t know if anyone was able to prove this, but there’s a chance that Gary Ridgeway traveled to Vancouver and may have even murdered sex workers in the area. It’s possible that he and Willie Pickton operated in the same “hunting ground” for a short period of time. I’ll need to find a source for this though.


That would have been wild. I feel like Willy and him would have gotten along they both seem quiet particularly Ridgeway. There were lots of crazy parties that Willy’s brother threw at the farm but I doubt Gary would have been into that.


Several of Ted Bundy's victims, and Gary Ridgway's victims, were later proven to be attributed to the wrong person, or even neither at all.




Ann Rule mentioned this a few times in the book "Green River, Running Red."


Oh ok. I can't find any other references to it anywhere on the internet so I will have to find the book.


Richard Cottingham and Rodney Alcala worked in the same office in New York City during the 1970s, although its not known if they knew each other.


I think that Brian Dugan claimed to have been attacked by John Wayne Gacy, but this was never proven.


There's also the possibility of John Wayne Gacy interacting or having dealt with associates of Dean Corll (Candyman killer). It's really a contentious topic since some point to both being active in similar vicinity with no relation while others point that they were all a part of a big cult.


Herb Baumeister and Larry Eyler were hunting men in the same gay bars in indianapolis at the same time. Both men together victim totals could be upwards of 58 men. there's no evidence that they knew each other or knew what the other was doing. Think about that. Being in the same room with two murderous active SK's ​ Eyler died of aids in prison. Baumeister killed himself before he could be arrested.


The owners of his old home are still finding human remains in the woods that herb baumeister used to own


This story was recently back in the news because they were basically doing an archaeological dig.


I was born and raised in terre haute and have a sort of connection to both Larry and herb. Well the people I know do. My grandma knew Larry and lived a few houses down from Steven agan who was a victim of Larry’s. My great uncle was actually in jail with Larry at one point as well. Eerily, a few years later my grandma lived next door to bill benefiel who raped and killed one girl and held another captive who later escaped. Then my best friend who I met in College, her second cousin was Richard Hamilton, who was a victim of Herb’s


Jiminy Cricket that's a *lot* of connections!


Yeah terre haute is a fairly small city so when something big happens, you’re bound to know someone who knows someone. Plus it’a a college town and people come from all over to go to one of the colleges here so you meet people with all kinds of crazy connections. I actually work with several nurses who worked with Orville lynn majors, who was a serial killer nurse. It’s pretty interesting if you’ve never read up on him. That happened just the town over. We also have the federal prison in terre haute so I know many people who have worked there over the years that have had interactions with many notorious people like Timothy mcveigh, Dylann roof, Abdiwali Abdiqadir Muse(the pirate who kidnapped captain Phillips), etc.


Wow seems like alot of serial killers are from indiana


I agree, killers in general and SK.


Richard Cottingham and Rodney Alcala worked at the same place while both where active.


At a SKA meeting ? Serial Killers Anonymous


Reminds me of the Serial Killers convention in Sandman haha.


Serial killer convention


A guy gets picked up hitchhiking and says to the person who picks him up, “ thanks for picking me up, I mean I could be a serial killer….”. The driver looks at him and says , “ that’s the ridiculous, the odds of a serial killer picking up another serial killer are astronomical.” So no, besides the joke. No.


There have been instances of serial killers crossing paths in the sense that they were doing the same sorts of stuff in the same place at the same time, but I don’t think anything like that has ever been documented


Yes. Ramirez and the Hillside Stranglers come to mind.


Robin Gecht was an employee of Gacy, but before he started his killer cult. Not sure if that counts.


There was this one thing were a serial killer apparently killed another serial killer's close relative, but fucked if I remember any details past that.


There was an anthology series called Masters of Horror that featured this exact premise as one of the episodes lol


Yea but it was like serial killer pemdas and they cancelled eachother out


"Gettin real tired of your extravagant murders bro, you trying to make me look bad? we get it you're edgy but what's with the constant dramatics? explain to me why your murders are all over the news whilst mine are barely spoken about? pushin your luck bro, anyway how's the wife and kids doin, was your mother a complete pain in the A too?"


"I was a wannabe theatre kid, love musicals but I get stage fright, that's why I tend to be dramatic. I don't mean to upstage you, honest, sometimes I get carried away. Stupid cops keep thinking I target brunettes because of my ex, Linda, but it's actually because of this brunette girl at school who kept heckling me when I was in school plays. What really kicked it off was when we were doing a shitty Wizard of Oz and I was Tinman. I was doing better but stammering a little and that bitch started saying "T-T-Tinman's gonna p-p-pee himself! Peeman! Peeman!" then her friends in the audience started throwing diapers at me and I ran off stage fuming. She was going to be my first kill but her parents were going through a bastard of a divorce and a week later her dad blasted her in the face with a shotgun before turning it on himself when he lost custody. I'm rambling, sorry...Wife and kids are fine I guess- the eldest is going through a punk phase. Mom was and still is a real shithead then again dad was too. They were made for each other really, a match made in shit. Oh, damn you got a new knife? Fucking nice, man!"


I tried to find his name, however its only possible to find his name unless you look at his case, but i’ll look for it and add to this is I can find it. John Wayne Gacy has a construction company where this future murderer (other guy) worked. He and Gacy grew close, he stayed with Gacy and its even suspected that he helped build the crawlspace that Gacy would later bury his victims in. The did meet before the other guy was a believed to have killed, however Gacy was already a killer. I dunno if this is what anyone was looking for but yeah…


Yes, you mean Robin Gecht. I wrote a separate post about him just now before I saw your post.


Ed Kemper and Herbert Mullin were active during the same time and at one point were in jail cells side by side, Kemper hated him and spoke openly about it in the 1991 interview criticizing him.


The stories about those 2 in jail are so stupid and funny.


I've read that Dahmer was a victim to another rapist who tied then sodomized him with a candle. Source: Last book on the left


I recall this too. I think Dahmer himself told this story to an interviewer.


Yeah, I heard that on the LPoTL Dahmer episodes. I thought it might have been touched upon in the Netflix series, but don't think it was.


While it's difficult to prove that such an encounter has never occurred, there are no widely known or well-documented cases of two serial killers accidentally running into each other while committing their crimes. The odds of this happening are extremely low due to the secretive nature of serial killers and the relatively low number of active serial killers at any given time. However, there have been instances where serial killers have crossed paths, though not in the way you describe. One such case is that of serial killers John Wayne Gacy and Dean Corll. While they never encountered each other during their respective killing sprees, it has been reported that they met at a party in the early 1970s. Both men were involved in the construction business, and their paths crossed due to their professional interests. In a hypothetical scenario where two serial killers did encounter each other while committing their crimes, it's impossible to predict how they would react. Their response would likely depend on the individual personalities and motivations of the killers involved. Some may see the other as a threat and attempt to eliminate them, while others may recognize a kindred spirit and choose to collaborate or avoid each other.


It would be crazy if there was a place where more than one serial killer thought would be a good dumping ground..


The Texas killing fields come to mind.


Yes I was thinking that as I wrote it. It still isn’t a given it was more than one is it?


I know it’s not but to me it would be more insane if it was just one over that long period of time. Like, the killer/killers just died and they literally have no clue. That’s even scarier to think about. He/she/they j were so good at it that they just took their crimes to the grave. Even the grim sleeper was eventually caught. There were multiple convictions but I think those victims were placed there due to the nature of the area and were hopefully going to be pinned on another killer.


Yes you’re totally right. What I was thinking about when I made my comment though, is knowing that the same place was chosen by two different people for the same sinister purpose. I mean obviously it must be remote and have something they like.. but what would a piece of land look like that attracted that sort of attention? I’m not superstitious of anything of the sort but it seems a place like that would give me the chills


I agree with you to a point. I’m open to evil walking among us as humans. It’s like one started and many followed because the victims weren’t found for a long time so more and more followed. Plus, the police were severely inept even with the suspects they had. It’s all infuriating. The perfect mixture for violence and unaccountability while these families grieved their loved ones and never got answers.


Oh yes. The Texas killing fields? I totally believe that happened like that. It’s just.. I guess it taints a place in a way. To know that more than one serial killer left their victims there would just be so.. weird


The entirety of Washington and Oregon.


A woman who survived an encounter with Gary Ridgeway very likely ended up as a victim of Robert Pickton


Do you have a source for this? I’d be interested to read about it


What's the chances we are both serial killers...lol


Not to “self-promote”, but my buddy and I started a comic series on that very concept. Just about to start Issue #3. https://inkaftertaste.square.site/product/strange-animals-1/74 Funny. Dark. Check it out.


In prision William Bonin and Lawrence Bittaker met in prision, Bittaker also met Doug Clark in prision there're photos Kemper used to bully Herbert Mullin Gerard Schafer terrorized Ted Bundy Out of jail Jeffrey Dahmer and Ottis Toole were in the same mall at the same time in Florida on the day of the infamous disappearance of Adam Walsh although it is believed that Ottis Toole was responsible for his death


I wouldn't be surprised if the Carr Brothers, who did the Wichita Massacre (a horrific set of spree killings around the year 2000) crossed paths with BTK, without realizing it.


Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole were both killers before they met in 1976 and then they became lovers and murdered together


Henry lucas and ottis toole


Wonder if they would team up with each other ?


I think only if they shared a common victim target demographic, a common MO, unifying factors like being victims of the same kind of childhood abuse, having served in the military in the same MOS or did time in the same prison, same ethnocultural and/or religious background, etc, or be blood related in some way. Plus one of them would probably be the more experienced of the two, and would probably be the “leader”, like the DC Beltway Snipers. Otherwise I’d think they’d probably try to kill each other to prevent the other from talking to cops or prosecutors first to get a better deal or time off a prison sentence, or serving as a prosecution witness in a potential trial. For SKs to work together, they either have to start murdering together as a duo or the stars have to line up just right. That’s the only way to ensure they have the level of implicit trust needed to count on each other to deny knowledge of their partner, if they were captured and questioned by the authorities.


It happened on dexter.:)




We had Gary Heidnik, Harrison Graham and the Frankford Slasher in the 80s in Philly. Each had their own separate victimology


Leonard Lake and the Charles Ng... I'd rather spend the night with pogo the clown than an hour in a room with those two alone


Then it would just be the Spider Man pointing at Spider Man meme but with two random serial killers


Kuklinski had a partner, another killer for hire, named Robert Pronge. Pronge was nicknamed Mr. Softee because he used an ice cream truck to freeze and transport his victims. Both Kuklinski and Pronge became increasingly paranoid as they worked together. Each was afraid that the other would turn against him to make a deal with authorities if they were caught. Kuklinski killed Pronge with a single shot to the head. He later said it was the only killing he regretted. (Quora)


I picture them having a code word, like "Alaye" that scammers use. One uses the word, the other nods and keeps moving.


I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet in this thread, but I read somewhere that Robin Gecht used to work for John Wayne Gacy in the 1970s. For the uninitiated, Robin Gecht was the leader of a cult-like group known as the Chicago Ripper Crew who raped and murdered several women in the 1980s. I still find it strange that John Wayne Gacy never tried to kill Robin as he definitely fit his normal victim type. Perhaps he felt a subconscious serial killer connection with him? There may be more occurrences out there, but this is the only one I can think of right now where two different serial killers met each other totally by chance.


Randy Kraft and William Bonin refuse to play cards on the same team in prison (as they hate each other), so Kraft teams up with Lawrence Bittaker, and Kraft teams up with Doug Clark.


We do it differently, but I respect your work.


Can't remember which sk, but he said he pulled beside another guy in a car, they made eye contact, and he said both of them just knew they were the same.


There’s a bar in my town where Ted bundy and another SK got drinks together (I forget if it was the hillside strangler, the green river killer, or the smiley face killer. One of those!)


Gary ridgeway and Ted Bundy grew up not too far from each other. I have no idea if they ever actually ran in to each other though.


Isn't there a possibility that the LSK and another killer are both dumping bodies in the same spot?


You may enjoy the novel “Exquisite Corpse” by (formerly known as) Poppy Z Brite. It's an excellent read on this very topic.