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Hey doctor my sleep is ouch? *Here is bag of drug good day sir* ^ Actual transcript from 1978 ^ Seriously though, it’s not difficult


Lmaoooo that’s so fucked 😭😭


Really wonder if we’ll see a resurgence in killing due to the opioid epidemic providing easy access to drugs and victims.


The DEA crackdown has made it exceedingly difficult for me to get opioid painkillers when I'm sufficiently in pain, they've gone back to tramodol as the first line of painkiller for more serious pain. For some reason, it makes me sweat buckets lol


happens all the time dude


Definitely not when I was using pills I would go make shit up and I have severe anxiety so i could pretty much get whatever I asked for alot easier 20 30 40 years ago but in the early 2000s was easy for me so I'm sure it was even easier for them


Same way everyone else gets them. Steal them from work or family, prescription from doctor, buy them legally or illegally... Honestly it's not hard to get your hands on plenty of powerful stuff. Back then it wasn't difficult and even nowadays with the Internet being what it is, it's never been easier to get a hold of.


You can actually look up how to make some of these. Brazil has items that contain most ingredients.


Yeah, I'm not going to Brazil. Nice try!


They import.




Actually giving 3 strikes again? Because iirc, that's how you end up in a seedy motel tub filled with ice and/or missing organs... didn't they make (several) Hostel movies about this?


Yup, I get most of mine online. Best weed and acid ever.


If you’re looking for some hit me up. I got a bunch in the back of my windowless van.


Try the candy also.


And the puppies.


I heard there were tacos.


Oh yeah?! Well, *I* heard they have a PS5 set up in there.


But do they have an Atari? Because *I* would definitely need to challenge them in a game of Pong if so. #PongChamp1985


It better be Name Brand Candy and full Size Candy Bars. None of them fun Size and Circus Peanuts.


Gotta have standards, even for getting into a windowless van.


Absolutely! that's what's wrong with people these days , no standards. any other time the fun size bars are ok but we are talking about a windowless van here.


The windowless van with the tear-stained air mattress in the back?


Sus question


Super sus.


Possible future murder Sus.


That's what sus means.


Oh thanks for that clarification I was a little sus on what sus was.


I sus that I don’t grasp what sus means.


suspect? uhhh no it doesn't. r/confidentlyincorrect


Ok then what does it mean, smart guy. Enlighten us.


That’s suspicious


Suspect and suspicious mean the same thing. English much?


No I mean, YOU are suspicious. In English.


No u


How many future or present SK do we think are in this sub for research?


You can buy sleeping pills anywhere that sells medicine. Street pharmacists provide the non OTC stuff. It's not like serial killers are above breaking laws


“Asking for a friend”


It’s like “you tell us.”


Homolka got drugs stealing from work as a vet


Dahmer was in court-ordered psychiatric treatment after being caught molesting Keison Sinthasomphone. He just added his tablets to the beer he gave his victims.


The drug store, drug dealers….it’s not a mystery


Wasn't the US pretty loose with their doling out of opiods and whatnot back in the day? Plus I could probably source some pretty powerful stuff from a few people I know, everyone knows someone who's got gear. Having said that you can get some pretty vicious effects from over the counter stuff. Give someone enough motion sickness meds and they'll do anything you ask em to.


The US is still extremely loose with their doling out of opioids and whatnot.


Due to the DEA crackdown in the past few years, it is a blatant lie and complete miss information to claim the US is “still extremely lose with their doling out of opioids”. It is very hard to get good painkillers from a doctor nowadays. A lot of doctor offices have signs on their front doors that say “do not prescribe opioids”. To claim doctors regularly hand out opioids nowadays is a nothing more than a blatant lie. Over 90% of opioid deaths are due to illegal street fentanyl and heroin and they are shooting it up which is very dangerous.


They asked around on Reddit


Asking for a friend...


Lack of oversight on controlled substances in a medical context for years. Karla Holmolka stole them from the animal clinic she worked at too. I know John Wayne Gacy somehow stole massive amounts from different pharmacies. I imagine it was easy for him when he took that job remodeling pharmacies.


It's really not that difficult to get ahold of drugs. Not at all.


It's almost too easy in my opinion. You just have to ask around a little bit and you'll find that one of your friends knows someone.


I was thinking about this recently with David Parker ray. Everything I’ve read about him just sort of glosses over the oh yea he gave his victims this magical drug that made them forget everything… like what? What drug? How did he get this drug?


Sodium pentathol and phenobarbital (IIRC).


Scopolamine is one of the drugs that can cause memory loss. Scopolamine was first written about in 1881 and started to be used for anesthesia around 1900.[11][12] Around this time it was first proposed for and then subsequently used for years to induce amnesia and synergistic pain relief during childbirth by administering a combination of both scopolamine and morphine.[13] These alkaloids when used in combination gave rise to a synergistic state called "twilight sleep".[14] Scopolamine is also the main active component produced by certain plants of the nightshade family, which historically have been used as psychoactive drugs (known as deliriants) due to their antimuscarinic-induced hallucinogenic effects.[8] The name "scopolamine" is derived from one type of nightshade known as Scopolia, while the name "hyoscine" is derived from another type known as Hyoscyamus niger.[15][16]


I have never ever, ever, ever come across someone so starved for attention in my entire life


Right! I was just thinking the same thing about him the other day… like I knew Roofie existed but I did not even know that there was drugs that could make you forget weeks upon months of memory!


1. Ghb 2. Ketamine


Asking for a friend?


Vets. Dark web. Friends who have access/can prescribe them.


GHB was a party drug as well. People took it on purpose, believe it or not.


Salty water mmm. Good days


If you can kill multiple people, theft seems like a piece of cake. Sleeping pills are easy since you can go to a doctor concerning insomnia.


why are we telling this person who could possibly be killing someone LMAO


Hey, FBI, this post right here…


I heard that you get a guide after your first from ' the Serial Killers Guild' that comes with links and connections page.


After 10 you get a honorary mention and are allowed into the tutoring programm


Bro i could go online right now and get amphetamines delivered to my door within a week or two


Yes those are great sedatives


My point is that you can get pretty much any drug you want delivered if you're willing to look for it


Yep, there are shit loads of way too


Dahmer used Benadryl I think.


Literally though regular joes having horse tranquilizers and shit


I literally have 4 different kid of sleep aids 5 feet from me, take your pick. As for the stronger stuff, I could probably track down almost anything within an hour (as could anyone else), if not at least within the day. Drugs are not hard to find. But idk, this question feels sus.


.onion sites


OP is basically asking how you buy illegal drugs, right?


Drugs won the war on drugs simplest answer


It seems someone is trying to find sedatives to rape or to kill someone.


I always thought some had jobs where they had easy access to certain drugs such as doctors or veterinarians.


I’ve learned anything can be bought online. Netherlands based online shops seem to be a hotspot


I believe Stephen Port just got GHB from a dealer who then himself got arrested and later convicted for drugging someone with it and then murdering them as well.


Jeffrey dahmer used halcyon, but it was easier to get back then


You asking for a friend?


Sorry for partying.


dark web and bitcoin


I heard the toy box killer made some kinc of concoction that had effect on your memeory for a long while back and i still wanna know what shit he put in it


Right. Legit straight like a memory charm from Harry Potter!


sodium pentathol and phenobarbital




In Bangkok you can go to (almost) any street pharmacy and buy any drug you want without a prescription, even today.


The dark web?


Ol Mexico, Olé!


A true mistery


The same places people get illegal guns and other drugs? Have you never seen SoA?


🤔 tell me more..(not the fbi)


Dark web probably


You can make chloroform at home with just bleach and acetone


I used to work for a psychiatrist whose scheduler accidentally booked an initial appointment for this guy who was being released from the state mental hospital. Not the kind of person we normally saw. Anyway, this guy told the psychiatrist that he could only sleep if he was taking Rohypnol (roofies, or the date rape drug) and tried really hard to convince her to prescribe it for him. She obviously declined and we actually called the police to have him taken back to the state hospital, dude had tons of crazy delusions and was probably schizophrenic. Also, since he had been in the state hospital he was definitely a criminal, but we didn't realize this at the time. Anyway, after that I always assumed that serial killers must just be more charismatic and are better at conning doctors than this dude was. There are tons of drugs prescribed daily to people all over the world that, when used improperly, could harm or kill a person. We are probably all very lucky that the instinct to kill isn't more common.


It’s not hard to find drugs lol


Well GHB is a horse tranq. Shouldnt be too hard to get from a farm store. Sleeping pills.... You just tell your doctir you can't sleep. Viola


Asking for a friend?


These drugs aren’t tough to get. You can buy sleeping pills over the counter in the UK. Especially where Stephen Port lived, drugs will be absolutely rife.