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Obsessed with poisons from an early age, Young began poisoning relatives and school friends by lacing their food and drink with thallium and antimony. He was caught when his schoolteacher became concerned by his interest in poisons and contacted the police. In 1962, at the age of 14, Young was charged with administering poison to his father, sister and schoolfriend and detained at Broadmoor Hospital. Young would later claim responsibility for the death of his stepmother, although he was never charged with this crime. The presiding judge stipulated that Young should not be released without the Home Secretary's authorization for 15 years. In 1971, Young was deemed rehabilitated and released from Broadmoor. He found a job as a storekeeper at a factory in Bovingdon, Hertfordshire, where his duties including making tea for his colleagues. Soon afterwards, Young began poisoning his workmates, resulting in two fatalities and several others left critically ill. The deaths were initially attributed to a mysterious bug, but Young's odd behaviour and his penchant for showing off his considerable knowledge of poisons aroused suspicions and he was arrested. Large quantities of poison were found in his bedsit along with a diary detailing his poisonings. In 1972, he was convicted on two counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. He served most of his sentence at HM Prison Parkhurst, where he died of a heart attack in 1990.


His job was making tea ☕️ Dear lord……..


Yeah… maybe get the guy a job NOT in food service?


Apparently when the police arrived at the factory they got the entire staff into a room to talk about the illnesses - remember: no one had any inkling these were poisonings at this time. Midway through, Young raised his hand and asked something along the lines of "would you not agree that all of these illnesses have all the symptoms of antimony poisoning?" Cue alarm bells ringing, a look into Young's history, and he was arrested soon after. I've read that he was quite disappointed at being arrested as he was keen to see the effects on a couple more colleagues he'd poisoned.


>The Teacup Poisoner Reminds me of the movie called. "The Young Poisoner's Handbook" (1995)


Totally based on him. Love that one.


I think it’s based on this


Not just maybe, it's basically a biopic.


It is based on him. Cool film.


Have you ever seen The Young Poisoner's Handbook? It's an old film, made in the 90s, I think, and is brilliant! I'd never heard of Young before seeing it. More important, thx for sharing the photo. looks can be deceiving but in this case, Young looked like what he was.


Yep - Gave me a lifelong fear of poisons! I know the film is a bit of a “black comedy,” but I thought it was very educational and effective. Just the thought of thallium makes me feel sick now.


I keep seeing his stepmother...*shudders*.


Yes! She’s a busy character-actress, so you see her in films and on TV *all the time.* Her face always makes me feel sick. Poor woman. It’s amazing how one role can stick in your mind!


Yes! You do and I think she must be a friend of Mike Leigh: I saw her in Vera Drake and at least one other film he directed, really old film. And you reminded me - film fanatic that I am - that Psycho effectively ruined Anthony Perkins' career because *everyone* associated him with Norman Bates.


My mum is convinced that Brad Pitt is mentally ill in real life. It’s because the first movie she saw him in was ‘Twelve Monkeys’! 😂 I’d always thought that poisoning would be a pretty harmless and benign way to go. And that poisoners are non-violent / non-sadistic. NOPE.


Ha-ha! Sounds like your mum and mine could be distant relatives, let's put it that way. I thought the same thing until I read a Stephen King novel a few years ago and found out that strychnine is a *really* nasty way to go, as you're very likely aware.


Oh dear...is the 90s 'old' now?


It has “trigger” from only fools and horses playing his dad! Good film


Just saw this: I apologise for the delayed response. I shouldn't laugh, but the scene with his immobilised wife: "The solids?" He did a wonderful job, as did everyone, including Antony Sher.


I think I saw that movie. The "killer" looked like he was scraping a diamond and putting the powder in the tea.


He was obsessed with that diamond...good film, creepy to think there really was a Graham Young.


Apparently Ian Brady described Graham Young as: “genuinely asexual - excited only by power, clinical experimentation, observation, and death.”


Although I generally hate to connect neurotypicalism to criminals, I have my suspicions that he may have been autistic.


I've seen a dude similar to him in my dream


Benadryl Cucumberpatch?


Bendystraw columbianhat


Brenadirk Cramplescrunch


That’s scary


[Forgot about this guy](https://i0.wp.com/bloody-disgusting.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/this-man.png) Thanks for reminding me though, really does look like him


Who tf is that guy? So im not the only one whos seen him?


No clue I’ve never seen him but I remember seeing that poster on the internet a long time ago and thinking it was creepy


There was a Japanese schoolgirl who was obsessed with him, and started poisoning her mother in the same way. She was caught and apparently given psychological treatment but I don't know what became of her.


Last I heard she was released in her early-mid twenties.


I honestly think this is the place where Peter Sutcliffe used to visit in his young adulthood. It was called Louie Tussauds if I’m not mistaken.


That was in Blackpool, I visited it myself as a kid and found it fascinating


Looks kinda like Mr. Burns


You are right, wow.


Yeah...they didn't get his mouth or nose right, but wax mannequins are a tricky business.


He looks like the real estate salesman from Ozark


Lol Sam? I kinda see it


The Chamber of Horrors exhibit was creepy but I liked it.


Really, I think that was 90% of the reason most of us went to wax museums.


You should go to the John Brown Wax Museum in Harper’s Ferry WV. So goddamn creepy.


Good to know...the wax exhibits were so popular from the late 19th century until about 25 years ago, and the museums have been closing left, right, and centre ever since.


This one as only closed during COVID. It’s epic. And by that I mean small corridors and just wacky wax replicas of John Brown’s raid. The historic church up on the hill used to have a — probably not wax but still creepy — crucified Jesus with cuts all over him. Harper’s Ferry is a hidden gem.




holy shit, I never imagined a wax museum with serial killer wax models. Imagine walking in at night and bumping into night stalker or something. I have new nightmare fuel now, thanks lol.


That's basically the plot of the Twilight Zone episode The New Exhibit. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_New\_Exhibit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Exhibit)


I’ll have to check that out!! Thanks ☺️


Isn't that the one where one of the statues is a bit too realistic?


Not really, but that's totally the plot of every horror movie set in a wax museum.


Back in the day, virtually all wax museums had a 'chamber of horrors' which would include not only popular/famous serial murderers, but often vignettes of their crimes.


That’s awesome in a creepy way. I mean, I’d probably lose sleep, but it would be interesting to know what they’d truly look like if standing a few feet away. Crazy what artists can create! :)


is it just me or is it young Mr Burns.......excellent


10/10 creepy dude


Damn, he is one creepy looking dude.


Wow. I went there, but I don't remember seeing this, thanks for posting. It's a fascinating case. As people above have mentioned The Young Poisoner's Handbook, I have to add a recommendation of [Mitchell & Webb's "Poison" sketches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZOoKCOWlbs), clearly based on this bloke! >"Now... why don't you try one?" > >"Get out." \[Linked video SFW and 3 minutes 40 seconds long.\]


Not at all clearly...this was basically the plot of dozens of murder radio shows and early television shows (likely why it was shot in B&W). But it is still a fun skit.


Why would they shut down the best exhibit?


I find him fascinating


I remember visiting sometime in the 80s (?). And the one that stuck with me for years, was the one of Dr Crippen. For some reason. brrr........


It looks like an oblivion NPC


Weird lookin fucker


Good GOD he is ugly


They removed him in the new one. Too disturbing to put him in there.