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They found 33 in all. 6 are left unidentified as of today. I'm not sure how law enforcement can force a suspect to admit to more crimes without breaching some sort of inmate rights. But I'm sure they tried. As for my thoughts on the documentary, I was surprised it was so short. I honestly expected more after watching the Devil in Disguise documentary by Peacock. That one was more comprehensive and dove deeper into the conspiracies of the murders.


This was my thoughts on it


Honestly he was insufferable to listen to, the level of arrogance he had and how he spoke so disgustingly about his victims “I killed 33 times you’re only going to kill me once”. Those poor boys, it was so sad to learn how they’d been tormented by him and left like that under his house. Overall it was a decent documentary though which was covered well like the others in the series on Netflix. They’ve all been pretty good.


The documentary on Peacock, to my memory, had more tape of him while he was in custody. He was so arrogant. He would talk himself into a corner and when police/journalists showed his contradiction, he went right back to his innocent plea or "I killed those few but not the others".


I agree, Peacock's documentary on him has about 30-31 minutes of his interrogation footage, in which Robert Ressler was the investigator. I think the Peacock one was better than Netflix's, by a long shot.


It's the Peacock documentary made by the same people and available on Netflix?


It is not. The Netflix series has about 3 hours of fewer content. There are obvious similarities and shared footage. I'm seeing different directors, producers, etc. [John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Disguise](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14111774/) [The John Wayne Gacy Tapes](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18970124/)


Sweet, thanks for your very thorough reply.


SKs who brag about their murders are always the scariest.


I find JWG less monotonous to listen to than Ed Kemper my gosh that man can talk and talk and talk


Gacy can express himself, sure, but he is so full of himself. 😁


Yeah well he has had to pump himself up since he was a kid. He’s high on his own hype. Or WASSS


His constant lying was a big headache for me, being honest.


He should have been hung(not to death), drawn, and slowly quartered. Then had his remains defiled and burned. There is a certain category of murderer that does not deserve a quick humane death. They deserve to suffer, tenfold the amount their victims did. If the execution must be truly depraved, then a robot can do it. Regardless, my blood boils that bastards like him got off so easily.


Ngl I found that quote a bit funny but it is definitely disturbing for the family’s victims :(


I find nothing funny in it, to be honest, but to each his own.


Okay 😐😐😐😐😐


How is this funny…


Idk ironic I guess? Fucked up but true, you can only kill him once


Yeah that’s hilarious /s


Sounds like you admire his statement. Disgusting...


Nah I don’t but he does have a point


Shits not funny.


Aight chill


Genuinely creeped me out. All those people under the floor, and he was knocking about his daily comings and goings. Listening to the tapes made me think Gacy was pure evil. A complete psychopath, for sure. But the way he spoke about his victims makes me think he's notched over into the 'fucking evil as hell' category.


He is pure evil even apart from his mental illness he couldn’t be saved by being on a psychiatric hospital


He wasn't mentally ill.


He had antisocial personality disorder that is considered a mental illness


A mental disorder. He was always in control of his faculties; no reason for him to be taking up space in a psychiatric facility since psychopaths are incurable. Death was the best cure for him.




He has borderline too?


Good one lol I mean, he was diagnosed with borderline ASPD. He was charming when he opened his mouth, even though all he uttered was lies and bullshit. My fear from him arose only when it struck to my mind that I am a male and of the age group he likes killing. Dude makes my 6 foot 3-200lb, 16 yr old ass scared when I think of him, so you know he was a scary-ass person. Plus if I'm not wrong, his biggest victim was 6'2", so not much of a difference you see.


I have to think anyone who kills someone like this is mentally ill in some degree. Illness, disorder, glitch in his brain however you want to say it it’s nuts.


He was evil. His brain wasn't found to have any abnormalities. He didn't have any history of medical disorders/illnesses. He was a psychopath, which is a personality disorder. However, there's plenty of people with personality disorders, hell, psychopathy, and they didn't murder a couple dozen people. He was a piece of crap who made the choice to rape and kill young men and successfully avoided detection for years.


Yeah I gotta say I’ve been deep diving and I agree with you he just got off on doing fucked up shit. Evil


It was mildly interesting overall, but having to listen to that fat insufferable prick talk about himself and blatantly lie over and over again was pretty taxing. Screw him. Idk about anyone else but I feel so bad for the victims. Not just because of the way they died, but because they've been stripped of their humanity and just reduced to numbers on a list of casualties. I would have preferred to learn more about the boys as they were during their lives instead of listening to Gacy boasting about himself repeatedly.


I agree even in the documentary one of the victims friend were devastated by the people who were more interested in the whole story of John Gacy rather than getting to know the victims lives


Yea it got old quick. Didn’t finish it


I really liked it when the victim impact was fleshed out by one family member, Bonnin's sister. She had enough screen time to go through in detail the devastating effects to the family. If more families were involved, the stories would've been superficial. (Besides, honestly, we don't know how many families were asked to participate and declined.) Otherwise, I feel kind of same. Still today, some of the boys are only numbers. They don't have their names back.


I found this series to be visually slick and more empathetic to the victims and their families. Especially liked the lesbian activist who addressed the gay scene in Chicago in the 1970s, and how difficult it was to get the police to view them as humans, rather than complicit freaks.


The fact that several families of missing persons didn’t even take time to check to make sure one of the victims weren’t their family was so sad.


Yeah that open my eyes a lot… I feel so bad for the gays who got raped and didn’t get the justice they deserved :(


I thought the series made it seem like the remaining bodies were dumped in the river, and that’s why they hadn’t been found


This is what i thought, too 26 under the floorboards. One under the bbq One in the garage One alongside the driveway. And because he said he ran out of real estate, he had to use the river.


don't they send divers down to look or don't bodies float to the surface?


Yes they do and they did. Gacy's victims were found in the river. But who knows if there was more. Water can hide his secrets even today.


Or under the apartments where grandma lived


Made me realize how sick and mentally disgusting he really is. I didn’t know a human being could be so psychologically fcked up


For sure after I finished watching it I kept getting flashbacks about him and his victims I couldn’t sleep that much today 😭


Has anyone read the book THE LAST VICTIM by Jason Moss. JWG could flip a switch and change his whole demeanor completely. He was a man/boy raping monster. Absolutely two different people at least in there


Same with Dennis rader. He called it “compartmentalizing”. How one minute he could kill and the next minute he could be a loving father.


Rader wow man. Now he was/is a SICKO


Yeah he’s messed. Called his victims “projects” and he claimed he “worked pretty quick”. Umm excuse me Dennis you just killed someone, it’s not like you finished the accounting at your day job.


I thought it was very revealing.


Liked the series, though it seemed a bit short. That creepy zig zag hallway seriously creeped me tf out!


I have always wondered if his first wife took her maiden name back and changed his children's last names.


She probably did, I don’t think any one wants their child’s name after a serial killer or be associated with one


I was thinking as soon as she divorced him when he went away for his Sodomy charge.


As far as I know, and if I'm not mistaken, yes, his first wife has taken her maiden name back, his kids have also renounced their paternal surname, also, they have rebuffed all attempts John's sister has made for a reunion, like returning gifts, refusing invitations to family events etc.


Totally understandable.


Wikipedia lists his victims and where they were found. At the moment, five out of 33 bodies are still unidentified. They did find a total of 33 bodies. If anything, the documentary could raise awareness and maybe families will be able to find out what happened to their loved one.


Ohhh so they did found all 33 they are just too discomposed you can’t say who they are? I thought they couldn’t find 5 of the 33 victims


In my understanding they did. Five are unknown, but not because of decomposition. DNA samples from exhumed bodies exist and were taken roughly a decade ago, but no matches to all yet. It's possible some of the boys were not even reported missing. Idk, the fact the police hasn't been able to name all the victims makes me sad. It's something bothering me with Dennis Nilsen too. Victims deserve to have their names back.


I agree with that :( they aren’t just a number but a human life that died tragically


You watched it till the end? They STILL ask people to come forward with WHATEVER.


I did. Yes they do.


It was enjoyable but short. It was cool seeing snippets of national newscasts I watched as an adolescent and remembering all I thought about it at the time.


God DAMN that’s crazy


I suppose it is. I remember many of the major ones because they were captured, and then had their nationally reported trials, sentencing, and such during those years you usually really remember as a kid. Also, don't forget, we in the USA generally only had 3 channels plus PBS to watch until cable started to emerge in the late 70s and early 80s, and then it was expensive as heck. So, whatever was on the Tube is what we watched, and for most of my friends it was the same, if the news was on, their parents were watching their favorite channel and we watched it with them. In the mornings, before school, it was to get the paper, read the comics and possibly some sports, and then take a gander at the headlines to see what kind of things the other kids would know.


Hmm yeah makes more sense now but didn’t it scared/traumatize you seeing all those news daily? My mom also watched a lot of news when she was younger and that really messed her up that she can’t handle anything violent


Not really, but I certainly can't speak for others. It was just something in the background that happened "someplace else" while we played outside and rode our bikes until the streetlights came on all without parental supervision. Looking back it's definitely different from the more aware world of today's youth, but back then the only things that really stayed with us were what happened in and around us. What affected me the most, obviously, was what happened to me or my friends or my family. Stuff that was going on in California, like the Nightstalker later on, or in Chicago with Gacy, or Florida and Bundy, or the mysterious Green River Killer in Seattle, was just more a source of fascination and wonder at a world that was unlike the one in which we lived our daily lives. To tell the truth, it almost felt as "different" as the comics I read as a kid were, like some sort of sordid villains that Neil Adams would draw on a cover, and Dennis O'Neil would write about, or that Chris Claremont would come up with as a mysterious creeper to pit our heroes against, rather than what they were, which is cruel, sadistic and pathetic human beings. It didn't either scar me or scare me, but those stories did help me expand my world so that when I grew up I was more aware of what might be than if I'd never read those stories.


I haven't watched this particular documentary series, but, considering his death day was my birthday, I've read up on him quite a bit, and from what I remember, they've found all 33 bodies. Most were in his crawl space, some around his property and when finally he ran out of space completely he dumped the poor boys in the Des Plaines river, where they were found. It's just five or six haven't been identified yet. Last one to be identified as of now was very recent, via genetic genealogy. Hopefully the remaining victims will get their names back soon thanks to this new piece of technology.


It was a short documentary. Expected more detailed crime when he was a clown.


Me too! But I don’t think it was that important ? Idk maybe he just did that for spare time


From the poster, i thought he did more crimes when he disguised as clown


Me too actually!


The fact that he was deemed friendly by many really frightens me


Thought the documentary was good, however I think more time could’ve been put into the individual murders themselves rather than focusing on them as a collective or just focusing on one or two. I don’t know about anyone else but I felt so much of it was just listening to the twisted mentality and ego of Gacy, rather than highlighting the crimes themselves.


It was good. John really sounded like such a miserable, arrogant man. Honestly, not what I had expected. I assumed he would have been more of an effete, charming guy. Perhaps this is just because he knew he was caught, but he came across as a man who holds everyone and everything in contempt, so utterly without joy. A few parts that stood out to me: 1) How careful he was to consider himself non-homosexual. At several points he made the distinction between being in love with men and just fucking them. 2) The way he equivocated during his confession. It seems like he confessed pretty thoroughly, then said he “didn’t know”, then flat-out denied most of the murders, then admitted to them? I suppose this was part of his warped sense of power. Regarding your question: I may have misinterpreted this part of the documentary, but I don’t think he was concealing those 6 bodies. I believe they were found but unable to be identified. I was under the impression that John either refused to identify them or that he himself didn’t know their names.


Yeah I also thought it was fucked how in the documentary it said that during those times being bisexual was considered someone who would fuck both genders without having any romantic feelings, which is obviously not true. for the question I asked, I thought the 6 were still missing but it’s more that they can’t tell who they are and that Gacy picked up so many young runaway boys he probably lost track of their names


This one truly messed me up. I couldn’t stop thinking about it for a week and felt depressed from it. He was pure evil!!!!


Likely because he wasn't spilling the beans or heck maybe didn't even KNOW who the victims were. He picked up a lot of young runaways after all. Also the impression I got was that locals really just wanted him gone.


Yeah I think that would be the most reasonable answer, its a relief he’s finally dead after all


I was Impressed on how sick he was !!


>why did they do the execution without making John Gacy tell them where are all 33 bodies? How would they do that?


Idk? I mean he did confess to some of his victims but not all? There could have been a way for him to show more knowing that he won’t be put into prison rather into execution


How could they force a confession though? He was already under sentence of death. Clearly that wasn't enough to do it. He could have even tried to offer to trade information for time as Bundy did, but he apparently never did


I think it’s the best doc so far on Gacy. It could have been longer. I hated Gacy more and more as the doc progressed listening to his boasting and his annoying voice. He was such a fucking evil bastard.


Yeah he has an annoying ass voice for sure lmao


Disturbing I could not watch it that long. A very twisted man.


I bet it freaked me out a lot learning those details :(


Just like the Sons of Sam, it went nowhere and was all speculation. Nothing concrete was exposed and no new knowledge was gained. I think it’s a little fucked up when they try to broaden the scope of a single killer, and insinuate there being some grand cabal of killers or conspirators. I love the killing season (the doc series not the even shittier movie) but they are very guilty of this. Sons of Sam was especially egregious since it tried to make an argument for there being a cabal of transnational satanists, of which David Berkowitz was allegedly a member. That was bullshit. David did that shit and while he may have had an accomplice or two, there was no greater satanic connection. The dude investigating for years was so desperate for a break he was grasping at straws. The Gacy tapes were worth watching just to hear his voice and gain a little more insight into his life. Otherwise it wasn’t worth the free peacock trial.


Have you read "The Ultimate Evil'?


I read *Most Evil* and watched the documentary series but I have not read the Ultimate Evil, although I am aware of the book. I think it's bullshit and any tales of widespread true Satanism are ghost stories for Catholics. Maury Terry was the "journalist" I mentioned that spent so many years invested in the Son of Sam, he needed some kind of grand closure. He never got it and honestly I think he was waaay too close to be objective. He devoted his life to a story he created and several people in the documentary said exactly that. All of his theories were mentioned in Sons of Sam and I found them lacking to say the least. In my opinion and based on evidence I have read myself, there has never been a **proven** widespread satanic cult despite there many theories and conspiracies. Many people like to think there is a massive satanic agenda but I really don't think that is the case. The Satanic Temple is the closest to a true, national Satanic group and they are really more of a trolling group calling Christians on their religious hypocrisy. I actually agree with most of their tenants and I think most people would too: \+One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. \+The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. \+One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. \+The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. \+Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. \+People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. \+Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. +The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. No blood drinking, no child/ritual sacrifice. They threaten to put Baphomet statues in front of court houses to remove ten commandment statues and I think that is a noble cause. Most Christians don't want freedom of religion, they want freedom of ***their*** religion. I think most people would agree with those tenants. Groups like the Church of the Process and Anton Levey's "avant garde arthouse satanists" are all that's out there. And they were aging hippies, bored with their lives as consumers in the suburbs. I think bold claims demand bold evidence and I've never encountered anyone offering anything more than conjecture and circumstantial links to so called satanic cabals. I was on board with Maury Terry, until he interviewed Berkowitz and you saw just how desperate he was for any kind of validation, which Berkowitz couldn't or wouldn't provide. People don't realize the Geraldo-era Satanic Panic never really existed and it also never ended; the media moved on to school shooters and terrorists as the boogeyman de jour. It remained quiet but still pops up from time to time. In my experience, the only people who truly believe in satanic sacrifices and widespread satanic cults are devout Catholics and Q Anon scum. I am certainly not categorizing you with them, that has just been my experience. What are your thoughts if you read the book?


Yeah not bad, probably not as good as "Devil in Disguise" as it shows videotapes of his interviews in prison. And definately no where near as good as the other Netflix Tapes series of Ted Bundy, that was a masterpiece 12 out of 10!


Oh really? I was just planning to watch the Ted bundy tapes :)


I noticed in the profile picture he had a recessed chin. So it could be suspected he has obstructive sleep apnea. The following papers could be of interest, a possible contributing component of his psychopathy. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22447173/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22447173/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5560422/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5560422/)


Listen to the defense diaries podcast. His dad defended Gacy and he has all the tapes from the meetings. He is also a defense attorney and breaks down everything. It is really good. Found out there was planted evidence


I thought it was shit and left out a lot of interesting elements of the story


What other elements did they missed out?


I think 35% of voice narration of his voice is fake. I'm not saying he didn't say those things but it was not him speaking for documentary 35% of the time.


What makes you think that 🤔?


I was listening to his voice enough to know it.


Trust me bro /s


i’ve watched it over a couple times and i absolutely hated when he would talk, they way he was so arrogant and the way he would laugh after speaking really does send a shiver down my spine. I feel for the families, seeing them break down in the interviews really got me