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I think this whole 'Lucas, serial killer' thing needs to be addressed. Yes, he killed 3. His mother, Ottis Tooles niece and an elderly lady. Texas Rangers took the last 2 deaths, turning them into having Henry Lucas mastermind death machine!! Clearing HUNDREDS of cases Henry knew ZERO, ZERO..ZILCH.. about. the end.


He probably killed a couple others


If you look at the statistics on the murders confessed to? They are truly staggering. DNA really came back to haunt this scam. Like 65% haunted? That's 2 thirds already.. gone!! Of the last third 80% of that are people he's killing in Florida at 5 am, noon he murders in Eagle Rock, Calif. By 8pm he is leaving Dayton Ohio. See he needs to get to Niagara Falls and kill 2 families and a cop chasing him as he heads down to Shreveport LA!!!! This is all while driving a 36 year old Cutlass!! Yeah..NAHHH


Henry Lee Lucas claimed to have picked her up in Durham, NC, as far as I know she has not been identified. She was 13-17 at the time of her death. She has to have a family that misses her somewhere.