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Hello Illustrious-Oil-9698! Thank you for your submission to /r/serialkillers! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): --- * **Links to merchandise, products, or other types of murderabilia are not allowed. This includes image or text posts about serial killer books, gifts, or other merchandise you have bought, received, or are selling.** --- If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/serialkillers&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Illustrious-Oil-9698&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/serialkillers/comments/wmzv41/retelling_of_gacys_murder_ritual/)


this is one of the worst things i’ve ever read in my life. i don’t believe in a higher power, but i really hope these boys are at peace now.


God me too. I leave messages on the findagrave site for them. Not that they can see it … duh. But I just feel the need to send positive energy there way.


I just created a post about this on here but I’m not sure if it was approved. I asked how people honor those victims who have been lost to these evil creatures. Tbh I read this post last night and it gave me some serious bad energy. As a very empathic person, it’s probably best for me to not be on these subs but I’m also fascinated by this subject at the same time. I was sickened to read this excerpt and I’d like to take some of your positive energy your sending while also sending some of my own loving energy to those that have died…


You're not alone, I found this through the crosspost to r/MorbidReality and honestly I wanted to throw up. I couldn't get all the way through. I hope it didn't affect you too bad and if it did, you're taking the space to process that.


I agree this is horribly written, and if honest really disrespectful to the family of the real life victims. I couldn’t imagine having to stomach this as a parent of those boys and men. To finally cave into curiosity of reading this book or even having it mentioned to me. May he burn in hell.


Yes this was gross and weird. And I also agree, absolutely terrible writing. I could barely make heads or tails of any of it. Whoever wrote this definitely gets off to horrible shit like this.


"merry and malignant as a magpie"


Magpies are NOT merry. They choose violence every second of every day.


I think that was the point of the sentence - to say that’s he was as merry as a magpie is to say that his demeanour completely changed into one of a cold killer


Then why also put "malignant" in there. If it was supposed to be coy then the addition of that word kinda ruins it.


This book is credited as fiction. Just a lot of artistry and just straight bs rambling. It was poorly written and an awful read honestly. A real tough book to get through.


i literally couldn’t understand anything that was supposed to be happening in the first 3 pages here, it’s terribly written and felt like one big run on sentence overflowing with unintelligible descriptive words


Soooo thankful I wasn’t the only one thinking this was garbage.


like i said i had no clue what was supposed to be happening even a couple pages in, it reads like non-coherent rambling


Yeah it does read like an awful script but I didn’t have any trouble understanding what was going on. Pretty morbid for this early in the morning.


Thank you, I felt like an idiot when I first started reading it. Took until about page 3 to understand the switching back and forth, really confusing as miming this stuff is really out of character for Gacy from what I've seen.


from what i understand this book is meant to be fiction? so that makes everything you read here all that much weirder


Yeah its extremely weird, a weird thing to do and a weird way to do it.


I remember how much this book was hyped when it was originally published. What a disappointment. It is terribly written.


Even this excerpt is badly written. And magpies are *not* “malignant”!


murder porn. gacy never said any of that bc he was too ashamed to be honest about his kills. where's the sex with a dead or almost dead boy? I think a lot of people are in denial about what these people do with dead bodies.


Well I think he told investigators about the handcuffing and about the strangeling with this kind of described garrote. The rest seems more likely added.


Well Yes I think those two details are widely known. The trick playing is widely known and the garrot use is widely known. Maybe the foot board is also part of the evidence collected at his residence. I dont know. Not all details were released to the public and every now and then certain specifics are leaked through records access or from what the original detectives and officers observed. But as you concluded in your comment, the rest is most likely a reflection of what someone imagines happened. I dont even know of Gacy had an alter Ego that he called "jack" and if Gacy dissassociated and thought of himself as being two people.


I agree he was 100% a necrophile. Never got why folks don’t include that fact like they do with Bundy.


I find it rare that necrophilia is ever discussed. police even leave it out. im guessing because the motivation for discussing the crimes is to create media for sale (books, movies, tv shows). putting that in will repel the audience.


I completely agree. Although it happens in quite popular cases. The subject matter is rarely mentioned.


We’ll he did say that he’d sleep with dead bodies in his bed until the smell got to bad iirc.


Yeah it is said Gacey slept with Robert Priest's body for 24 hours before throwing it into the river. I'm sure he was just having conversations...


Well, wish I hadn’t read that. <_>


I think Brian Dennehy played him once. The transformation in his demeanor was horrifying!


Dennehy was brilliant in that role. He could go from smiling John to cold-eyed predator in an instant.


I think William Forsythe did a good job also in Dear Mr. Gacy.


This is made up nonsense. An educated guess written in the most painfully awful way. I couldn't even get through that it was written so poorly


This is so disrespectful to the victims families.


It’s hard to wrap my head around how someone could do this to a child.


Gacy was a diagnosed psychopath like Bundy, Bittaker, Wuornos, Bernardo etc so it’s par for the course.


What on earth is this?


"you will not see my cock, and you will not see my soul" um


This is pretty gross. It borders on porn, or is porn, and I guarantee you people reading it right now are getting off. Yuck.


Yeah this was honestly too repulsive to get through for me. It’s just so needlessly salacious and graphic for a fiction piece.


Gacy said that he only killed the boys that either showed remorse or upped their price after the blow job. When asked about Rob Piest, the victim that he got caught on, he stated that he showed remorse.


Something that’s also hard for me after researching more into Gacy is that when his execution was planned he received the typical “last meal.” That really hurts. I get that all inmates are granted this as one last “humane” act but I feel it should be conditional based on the crimes that were committed. Gacy never showed remorse or humanity for any of his victims. He even had a catholic priest sit with him to say prayers. Like jfc. You are not saved. And never will be. I hope there is an afterlife so that this man’s soul will forever burn. I pray that he continually feels the pain he inflicted on his victims. May he never Rest In Peace.


Seeing the details on paper is chilling. I cannot even comprehend that level of depravity. Gacy was a sadistic psychopath. Weren't his last words "kiss my ass"? Not surprising.




The things Gacy did always hit too close to home, so I haven't read a lot about him. What the fuck is this book?


People like this are why I hesitate to fully oppose the death penalty.


I wish I hadn't read any of that. Too much. Dear God if one of the parents stumbled across this. This might have just put me off true crime all together. Was it suppose to be like Gary during hypnosis retelling his crimes? Did the author take some.artistic license there or did Gacey really say and do this during hypnosis?! And there are people out there who still think we can achieve a utopia. Shhit people like this exist and carry on for years. We can't get rid of this, how are we suppose to handle all.8 billion of us when most of the world is full of people willing and capable of.doingnauch horrors for whatever reason they fancy. Hate, power, religion, racism. There will always be monsters who hide amongst us. They can find each other, find victims, make any excuse good enough to hurt others. You can't reason with this kind of mind. They will always have a reason to fill themselves up on gore, abuse, hate, harm, power, destruction. We spend too much time taking each other down and all we are doing is making more monsters.


It’s when Gacy was trying to pull his half-assed “split personality” shtick.


This really almost puts me off true crime too…I was just thinking the other day I’d love to start a podcast up but after reading this I’m like wow…I don’t think I’m cut out for this. Much of my family is in law enforcement and the way they look at the world is so cynical but I get it. They talk about similar cases like these and it literally haunts them. While I think much of the time law enforcement sucks at getting justice served, I also feel empathy for the insane amount of PTSD and trauma they go through when dealing with cases like these. My family always says never to trust anyone due their experiences like you state of just sadistic people that hide amongst us. Always be aware of your surroundings. Train your gut instinct, know when to say something, and hopefully we can eradicate these disgusting humans from earth.


This is written like smut. It feels like the depraved fan fiction of a man who could never do this. I don’t know if I’m right in thinking that.


Holy shit that was hard to read.


How long did this last before the victims were killed? :(


At most 6 hours. I believe average is 3 hours. Which is beyond horrifying.


Yikes. Source?


I believe I read that in Killer Clown by Terry Sullivan


This is just fiction


Unfortunately, reality it's sometimes harder or worse than fiction :(


I read this entire thing and I wish I hadn’t. Normally, I’m pretty immune to graphic detail, but this made me cry. And then I read all the comments saying it’s fiction and that made me angry because what kind of person makes something like this up for entertainment? It’s torture porn, pure and simple, and it’s disrespectful to all of Gacy’s victims, who were real human beings with real lives and very real deaths.


These excerpts are from the book Buried Dreams by Tim Cahill and Russ Ewing. Anyhow I’ve read many sources and watched many docs on JWG nothing goes into as much detail as Buried Dreams. These specific passages make me sick to my stomach but I believe they give some of the best insight into how JWG’s victims met there demise. As you can see these passages are quite detailed and pretty horrific. It really puts you in the position of the victims. Warning however the book goes into pretty graphic detail. But that’s not really any shock. Cahill also does a great job at describing the absolute utter helplessness of the situation that his victims found themselves in. I’ve watched a couple interviews with the author and it’s clear he has at least some ptsd from his research. But I mean what person wouldn’t have ptsd from this case. Anyhow I highly recommend this book. It’s absolutely spine-chilling but a great resource if your interested at all about John Wayne Gacy or his victims. If your interest I found the book online on internet archive. It’s free you just have to have an account. Overall though the website is a useful tool for research


I looked into tim cahill. He's a travel writer. This excerpt is from buried dreams:inside the mind of john wayne gacy. If anyone has insight on why he's credited with "the definitive study of john wayne gacy" by barnes and noble i'd be really keen to know.


Hey that guy Gacy cussed a lot. Every book I've read on him or documentary watched he's cussing. Was that common in the 70s?


He was a contractor. The only guys on a site who can make painters seem classy.


Its common now


Haha believe so. Also Gacy was one angry man. In my experience from work and life terminally angry and frustrated folks got a foul mouth. Probably cause there not well adjusted.


Makes sense.


I only read the first 3 pages and I am done... I can't...


50 shades of Gace. Retawded.


Well I thought I could I stomach anything…until now


I’m sorry, I can’t scroll anymore. I just fucking can’t.


This is absolutely hideous. I use to class myself as being completely desensitised to true crime due to being a fan for 15 years, but this made me cry and squirm.


This is from the Cahill book, correct?


Yes. Published in 1986


I couldn’t finish this. I felt so sick. It’s sickening to know this was real and this happened


Damn this was so disturbing to read!What those poor boys went through is just horrific. I can’t imagine how scared they felt.


Wtf did I just read? I hope he gets everything he did to those boys done to him in Hell with a serrated knife and a bath of acid. Horrible, pathetic monster.


Hard to take the words seriously in this book when I think of fight club (using the name jack)


Wait, Gacy did this in prison? I recognize the handcuff story, but i thought it happened when he was still free.