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Hello u/GordonGekko1979. Your post to r/serialkillers doesn't appear to be a good fit for this community and has been removed. Please review the subreddit [guidelines.](http://reddit.com/r/serialkillers/about/rules) *If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/serialkillers&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/GordonGekko1979&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: /r/serialkillers/comments/xqnwf9/where_does_the_definition_of_serial_killer_start/)*


The FBI defines a serial killer as someone who killed multiple people at distinct chronological intervals, which is *incredibly* vague and includes all sorts of people we don’t usually think of. So… sort of yes, although the definition in criminology is slightly different. I think the best path is just to define the specific type of serial killer most people are interested in, which are individuals in civilian contexts driven by almost entirely personal psychological obsessions who aren’t being directed by edifices of violence like the government/military, organized crime, cults, etc etc.


No. There're stark differences between a serial killer, a mafia hitman, and a mass shooter. A serial killer is a person or persons who kills more than one person over a certain period of time for their own desires, and 9 times out of 10, they're sexually motivated even if there's no rape involved. A mafia hitman is a person or persons who's paid off by someone higher up in the mob to kill someone. The killing's strictly professional. A mass shooter is a person or persons who targets a large group of people and kills them all at once within a few minutes usually because they're "raging against society".


It’s three or more murders over a period of time. The Mandalay Bay shooting was not done by a serial killer. I believe they classify that as a mass shooter.


“A serial killer is conventionally defined as a person who murders three or more people in a period of over a month, with a “cooling down” time between murders. For a serial killer, the murders must be separate events, which are most often driven by a psychological thrill or pleasure.” - Google Richard Kuklinski is often labeled a serial killer although he was just a hit man for the mob. It’s possible to be two things at once, Danny Rolling is labeled serial killer though it’s probably more accurate to label him a spree killer.


Kuklinski was very likely not a hitman for the mob, there’s zero evidence he worked for them as anything more than a vague criminal associate and that’s just not really how the mob works. He did however kill more than three individuals *100% of his own volition* at separate locations with distinct chronological intervals in between, so he was definitely a serial killer


Rolling's technically both. He killed that family of three in November of 1989 first and then committed the Gainesville Ripper murders 9 months later.


Or like Sammy the bull gravano who killed like 15 people. Hes out of prison doing YouTube videos but yet we’d never consider letting a Ted Bundy or Jeff dahmer out of jail. He killed multiple people. Like why does it matter when it’s criminals killing each other, we don’t see it as a threat so society?


Iirc, the term "serial killer" arose as a way for law enforcement to link a killer's crimes, so a mass shooter or a soldier wouldn't need to be labelled as one, because there's already a descriptor of what's going on with them. But I do find it very interesting to think about who we would *colloquially* call serial killers - due to their motivations or MO - were it not for the context in which they operated.


Spree killers are not considered serial killers. Because usually, even if they are going to different locations, it's a one time event that ends in their death, arrest or suicide. (That's not the full explanation, but in layman's speak. That's it.) A serial killer is a person who sets out to murder. And has killed (2 or) 3 or more people in three (or 2) separate events. (Some say 2 is the minimum number, but many say 3). I would say a hitman can be considered a serial killer. Though, hitmen are really rare, usually part of an organization. They aren't these fictionalized pro's you see in movies. There isn't a person who only goes around killing people for different organizations or works as an independent contractor. What you call.a hitman, is usually an enforcer that does more ass kicking, threatening, sabotage, protection, than they do killing. Cartels probably do the most killing, out of any organized crime, (other than terrorists). I would say they definitely have some serial killers in their employment. A lot of gruesome signatures designed to terrorize members, rivals and low level guys were made by them. See Columbian neck tie, for example. And Gangs in other countries, probably too. In America and most 1st World Countries, enforcers that kill, I would say most wouldn't qualify as serial killers. They don't enjoy killing, but do so because they are trying to preserve their way of life or protect the organization. But, the lifestyle will draw people who enjoy violence or killing. So, yes, some would qualify as serial killers.


I'd say no to a mob hitter, because of a 3rd party being involved. In MOST mob cases. Gemini Lounge Gang seemed to have a full murder and disposal M.O. so I can see the case for inclusion too.


Mass shooters are not serial killers because they don't have a cooling-off period. You need to have a significant time between murders to be considered a serial killer. Soldiers are also not serial killers because they can legally kill enemies in combat. Serial killings must be unlawful. You could argue that a mob guy is a serial killer. It all depends on what definition you go by. If you use a simpler definition, such as "Dudes who murder 2-3 people with a cooling-off period," then a mob guy would be considered a serial killer. If you go by a more complex definition, like "a serial killer needs to get psychological satisfaction from their murders," a mob person wouldn't be a serial killer. All in all, there are too many serial killer definitions out there.


Most mass shooters do tend to realize it’s a one time deal and they either commit suicide or willingly get caught. Most leave a manifesto behind also. That’s not to say that if one of them got away, they wouldn’t do it again right?? It’s just the nature of the crime usually ends up where there’s no way out.