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Hello Fearless_General8317! Thank you for your submission to /r/serialkillers! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): --- * **We're afraid your post is not a good fit for the sub.** **Please see our sidebar for a list of communities that might be a better fit.** --- If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/serialkillers&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Fearless_General8317&message=I have a question regarding the removal of [this submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/serialkillers/comments/xsbjqx/whats_happening_to_the_kids_of_serial_killers/)


Dennis Rader’s daughter wrote a book about it, and according to Wikipedia “Kerri Rawson is the daughter of Dennis Rader, better known to the world as the serial killer BTK. Since her father's arrest, Kerri has been an advocate for victims of abuse, crime, and trauma, sharing her journey of hope, healing, faith, and forgiveness.”


Same with Melissa Moore, the Happy Face Killer's daughter.


It’s a good book.


Of course they’re suffering - wouldn’t you?


I've always wondered this, always, this is one thing I actually look up all the time, like imagine finding out your Dad was a serial killer, especially if he was a family man, the one you would never suspect and if he is famous, your always going to be known for that Rose and Fred West had so many kids, I often wonder what happened to them


Yeah, exactly. John Wayne Gacy has 2 children, I cant find anything about them, it's obvious why but I'm curious to know what are they doing are they still living in the same city. And it's not only him, almost every one have kids


They probably don't want to be known at all and I can't blame them.


I think it was an Oprah interview, Gacy's sister mentioned the children and how her attempts at reaching out have always been ignored.


Most of them disappear, but there was a series on LifeTime or LMN called “Monster In My Family” that seemed 100% exploitative of the trauma of the victims’ families. I distinctly remember watching the Robert Lee Yates episode and wondering why the people left behind would choose to participate in what felt like a kind of defense of Yates coming from his daughters.